Irlen Syndrome Cairns


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The disorder is more common than autism, heart

disease and asthma, it often go goes undiagnosed,

or gets misdiagnosed as other disorders such as

dyslexia, behavioral or psychiatric problems, and

ADHD. Failure to treat Irlen syndrome leads to

academic and workplace failure, ongoing physical

and emotional symptoms and increased likelihood to

enter the criminal justice system. The syndrome is

easy to identify and treat, and treatment through the

use of non-invasive spectral filters warn as glasses

leads to immediate and dramatic improvement.

Irlen Syndrome

Dyslexia Irlen syndrome

Dyslexia is derived from the Greek word, dys, meaning poor or inadequate, and the word lexis, meaning words or language.

Dyslexia Irlen syndrome

Dyslexia is derived from the Greek word, dys, meaning poor or inadequate, and the word lexis, meaning words or language.

Irlen Syndrome




However it is not quite as simple as that…..

And there is more to dyslexia than just words and language.

Imagine trying to read words that moveImagine trying to read words that move


Imagine trying to read words that move



Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome/Irlen Syndrome (SSS/IS):

Is the specific reactivity of the visual system to certain frequencies within the white light spectrum.

How does it work?Brain

What has research found?

• Some readers see the printed word very


• Brain reacts differently

• Stress and discomfort

ResearchThe Irlen Method and the efficacy of coloured overlays and coloured lenses has been the subject of over 200 research studies encompassing the disciplines of education, psychology, and medicine. To date, more than 100 of these studies supporting the use of coloured overlays and lenses to treat the perceptual processing difficulties associated with Irlen Syndrome are published in peer-reviewed academic and scientific journals,

including the:

•Journal of Learning Disabilities

•Australian Journal of Special Education

•Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities

•Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology

•Journal of Research in Reading, and Behavioral Optometry among others.

A Six Year Follow-up Study

Irlen Coloured Filters for Reading: A Six Year Follow-up by Whiting, Robinson, and Parrott in Australian Journal of Remedial Education, 1994.

– 94% of 267 subjects reported continued improvement

– 58% reported large improvements

• file://localhost/Users/billspooner/Desktop/NB/IrlenBackgroundandResearch copy.pdf

Coloured paper.

What is the process?Two appointments

1. Initial assessment – determines the symptoms

2. Tint assessment – determines what will relieve the symptoms

For more information:

Link to Educator Tool Kit
