issues in desigining routing protocols



issues in desigining routing protocols

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Issues in Designing Adhoc Wireless routing

ProtocolsT S Pradeep kumar


Issues in routing


Bandwidth constraint

Error prone shared broadcast radio channel

hidden and exposed terminal problems

Resource Constraints


highly dynamic

frequent path breaks

frequent topology changes

Bandwidth constraints

Radio band is limited, hence the data rates are smaller when compared with the wired network

so bandwidth has to be used carefully to avoid overheads

topology changes incur more control overhead in turn consumes more bandwidth

shared broadcast radio channel

wireless links have time varying characteristics

the routing protocols interacts with the MAC layer for finding the routes or alternate routes

so collision of data and control packets

Hidden terminal problem

Assuming B is the intermediate node between A and C.

A and C are sending data to B. A is hidden to C and C is hidden to A. But both are visible to B.

Since A and C are hidden terminals, the packets sent by both the nodes at the same time causes collision at node B.

This can be avoided by using RTS-CTS messages and also using RTS- CTS- Data- ACK.

Exposed Terminal Problem

Node arrangement is A<-->B<-->C<-->D

B is sending to A and at the same time C wants to send to D, but it cannot, because of inability of use of radio spectrum.

when B-> A and C->D to happen simultaneously, then the transmitting frequency of C to be different from the receiving frequency.

Resource Constraints

Battery life

processing power

size and weight constraints

Ideal characteristics of routing protocol

Fully distributed (it is more fault tolerant than centralized)

adaptive to frequent topology changes

route computation and maintenance must involve minimum number of nodes


loop free and free from stale routes

number of broadcasts to be limited to avoid packet collisions

must converge to optimal route in case of path break or path failure

Ideal characteristics of routing protocol

Scarce use of battery, bandwidth, computing power, memory, etc.

store information locally within the nodes (to store only the stable local route, rather than the remote unstable route)

Should support some Quality of service and also to support time sensitive traffic

!!!???Any questions???!!!
