ITAG2013 Passion Driven: Let You Unleash



Here is part of my online handout for my presentation on Passion today at #itag2013 More Info on my blog:

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Tuesday, October 22, 13

Technology is an extension of our capacity to accomplish our will. We are willing to sacrifice long term gain for the sake of littisfaction. 

This is affecting our capacity to focus and be present in the moment.

Linda Stone "continuous partial attention" We are always kind of here and kind of somewhere else.

Passion DrivenLet unleash!

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Passion DrivenLet unleash!YOU

Tuesday, October 22, 13



Tuesday, October 22, 13



Disrespect for activities of the mind

Sympathy lacking for gifted kids

Purpose of education is to develop excellence

Patients in need of care

Society image/stereotype of “gifted”

Tuesday, October 22, 13

What is PASSION?

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

What is passionate teaching?

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Students don’t get the rule of 2 feet for school like we do in conferences


How do we get there?

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Shift #1


12Tuesday, October 22, 13

Nobody is modeling

What is being modeled in your classroom?

Tuesday, October 22, 13

If students had a choice to go to your classroom, would you have an empty


Tuesday, October 22, 13

Teach Like A Pirate reference

Tuesday, October 22, 13

We have to model to show them the way, if we don’t they can become quite frustrated.Schools do not operate like the real world or how we operate.

Tuesday, October 22, 13

We have to model to show them the way, if we don’t they can become quite frustrated.Schools do not operate like the real world or how we operate.

Personal Example

16Tuesday, October 22, 13

Personal Example of modeling: My blog and discussion of how to use this platform

Share my mistakes of grammar and punctuation with Arne

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90% impact for positive

86% impact for negative

Tuesday, October 22, 13

22Tuesday, October 22, 13

•Examples of how you model learning in the classroom.

•What can educators do a better job of modeling to students?

•New ideas & Questions


Discuss and Share

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Provide 5 minutes or until 20 minute mark

Shift #2


Tuesday, October 22, 13

Fear is everywhere in education. Time for teachers to believe in self. Time to act on what we believe in.

How can teachers and students feel like this?

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Why do we fear change? Complaining is easy, changing mindset is hard. Frustrating when we are to be leaders of learning and adapting to life.

Change your PERCEPTION?

Tuesday, October 22, 13


Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Thank you George Couros

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

share story about 7th grade blog issue with para who claimed she was full of anxiety and stress because of technology

Told her to quit using pencil and paper and to please give me her phone.

Asked her to get on computer and learn and she refused.

The longer you wait the more scared

you will be.

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Biggest game changer in education?

NOT technology!It is how we THINK!

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Tuesday, October 22, 13





Tuesday, October 22, 13

35Tuesday, October 22, 13

•Why is there a state of fear in education?

•How have you overcome fear in your teaching?

•New ideas & Questions


Discuss and Share

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Provide 5 minutes or until 20 minute mark

Shift #3Positive

37Tuesday, October 22, 13

It is time to celebrate the positive

“Teen cyberbully pleads guilty”

Tuesday, October 22, 13

It gets worse, thanks to

“17 students suspended in 'sexting' case involving girl”

Tuesday, October 22, 13

“Las Vegas high schooler allegedly attacks classmate,

posts video to Twitter”

Tuesday, October 22, 13

What is your WOW?

Tuesday, October 22, 13

What is your WOW?

Tuesday, October 22, 13

43Tuesday, October 22, 13

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Dennis video - created music and editing schools

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52Tuesday, October 22, 13

•How are you sharing the positives in education?

•What specific examples do you know of about positive moments in education?

•New ideas & Questions


Discuss and Share

Tuesday, October 22, 13

Provide 5 minutes or until 20 minute mark








Tuesday, October 22, 13

55Tuesday, October 22, 13

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Tuesday, October 22, 13

Engagement•Choice•Voice•Authentic Audience•Chance to be Change Agent

58Tuesday, October 22, 13

Engagement•Choice•Voice•Authentic Audience•Chance to be Change Agent


Teachers and Students

Tuesday, October 22, 13

YOU matter......

Tuesday, October 22, 13

YOU matter......

Tuesday, October 22, 13

YOU matter......

Tuesday, October 22, 13

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Tuesday, October 22, 13

Time to chat as a group!