James buchanan powerpoint



A powerpoint on James Buchanan, the greatest, most sadly underrated president we've ever had.

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Usually only glorified as being our

15th chief executive, few take the time

to examine that Buchanan was an

uncannily sharp dresser.

Graduate of Dickinson College, gifted in debate and well-versed in law

Elected to H.O.R. 5 TIMES!!!

Ambassador to Russia

Served in Senate for 10 years (the best 10 years they ever had)

Secretary of State to James K. Polk

Pierce’s Minister to Great Brtitain



Was appointed by Andrew Jackson in 1832 (good move!)

His God-like negotiating skills scored us a Maritime Trade

Treaty with Russia while Buchanan toured in St. Petersburg.

Still think he didn’t do anything, Mr. Graeme?

Secretary of State to James K. Polk Buchanan ran for president against Polk, but because

America was intimidated, and not yet ready for so much handsome-ness to be in charge, Polk won, and appointed Buchanan as Sec. of State in 1844

During a time when U.S. was acquiring new territory

Sec. Of State Under Polk (cont.)

Buchanan’s facilitated the acquisition of Texas, and brokered the Oregon Treaty of 1846, which averted the threat of war with Britain and resulted in the Northwest boundary between U.S. and Canada



Big ears and caveman-ish



Clearly the more handsome

of the two

Devil-may-care hairstyle

Strong, Presidential chin

Sympathetic eyes

But you can only

keep a hero down for

so long…

Strategy: Buchanan’s Brilliance

Appointed Minister to Britain under Pierce

This allowed Buchanan to stay clear of political controversies regarding slavery (Kansans-Nebraska Act) and return with an untarnished reputation.

While politicians at home were engrossed in such reputation-compromising controversies, Buchanan came home with his in pristine form


• Untarnished Political reputation

• Sense of Style

• Awesome Hair

• Dashing good looks

• Courage

• Devilishly handsome bachelor

• Sterling Political and educational background

Ran against the far less competent Republican candidate John C. Fremont, and the Whig-American candidate Millard Fillmore.

Due to his political reputation, history of compromise, spectacular oratory skills, and respect for Southern states’ position on slavery (another excellent move strategically)

He was the obvious choice for president, and was elected in 1857

The Golden Age: The

Presidency of James


James Buchanan’s Presidential Strategy:

Stay out of it

Wanted America to draw on its internal strengths, believed that the nation would benefit and become stronger by dealing with its problems with as little Presidential interference or help as possible

Wanted to deal with the issue by balancing sectionalism and having the law interpreted as the Constitution and Supreme Court dictated it

But of course, the nation was becoming increasingly divided over the issue of slavery, and James had to get involved…or did he?

Buchanan was forced to deal with the issue of Kansas

being entered as either a slave or free state

Buchanan took a pro-slavery stance, thinking only for the

good of the nation

This drew hatred and criticism from Abolitionists, namely

Stephen Douglas

This was a minor blunder in a large history of excellent


After Kansas entered the union as a free state in 1861,

Buchanan changed his views to support popular

sovereignty, wanting the states to solve this issue

themselves, but this did little to calm the nation after the

Raid on Harper’s ferry, and Buchanan’s reputation was

rendered unfairly ruined politically

“I like the noise of Democracy”-James Buchanan

“To avoid entangling alliances has been a maxim of our policy ever since the days of Washington, and its wisdom no one will attempt to dispute.” –James Buchanan

“What is right and what is practicable are two different things.” –James Buchanan

“Buchanan acknowledges an intellectual debt” -Thomas J. DiLorenzo

“I‟m glad he‟s not single, „cause I‟m gonna climb that like a tree.” –Megan from Bridesmaids









