Jenkins Empowering Interactions TASA 2013 Conference Presentation



Presentation given at the 2013 TASA conference held in Houston, TX. The ekphrastic response on slide 29 is available to view in full on my SlideShare profile. My apologies for the missing sound on slide 31. It seems SlideShare does not support PPT embedded audio.

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2. An Evolving Teaching Practice Phase 1 (first 1-1 years) No text, but strictly lecture Quizzes, tests, papers, minor art projects Extension of mentors methodology Phase 3 Text and publisher online content required Publisher-created interactives and quizzes No tests Dialogues Facilitate Phase 2 (years 2-5) Text required Instructor-created online interactives Quizzes, tests, papers, minor projects (phased out) Socratic discussion Phase 4 (current) No text No quizzes 3. Users create profiles and post ideas, comment on others posts, check messages, and control privacy like they do on other popular social media sites. Blackboard CourseSites 4. Social spaces can be created for entire classes and groups within classes. Students can also create their own social spaces. They can search for friends and classmates within the system. 5. Simple and familiar Blackboard course navigation. Course design can be tailored to fit a teaching style. I have used a modification of the Web 2.0 style. Inside the Course Shell 6. Library research instruction course Students create the class textbook Groups construct an online class bibliography and repository from OER content and the library databases. Wiki 7. Wiki 8. Modified VTS in individual private journal Artwork information removed 3 responses: beginning, middle, and end of semester 3x Journal 9. Topics range from the personal (create a still-life and analyze significance of personal objects) to broader philosophical considerations (cross-cultural influences of various beauty/body enhancement techniques). Discussion Boards 10. With the video everywhere concept, instructor and student threads and comments can be media-rich by embedding from the internet or by recording from a webcam. Discussion Boards 11. Video presentation of museum paper with written transcript and captioning Questions adapted from Dr. Terry Barretts articles on museum interpretation techniques On-site process based on his practice as well Critical Reviews 12. Report on what was learned from resources on the wiki Brief reflective posts about weeks activities, concepts, discussions Blog 13. Written on-site at museum Written during class time if online museum visit (Responses are uploaded as PPT or YouTube.) Personal Responses 14. Book with Wings Anselm Kiefer 2000. The Modern Art Museum. July 20 2013 15. Personal Response 2 Art Appreciation SU2013 with Professor Jenkins 16. As I round the corner there is an oval viewing room with lighting that is specifically meant to place emphasis on this work. Book with Wings appears with an open book that is centered on the wings, sitting on a pedestal. 17. There is a majestic, almost heavenly presence to this piece. I first think of an angels wings. I wonder if the artist was in a spiritual frame of mind when he created this piece, perhaps seeking spiritual renewal or awakening. 18. The wings are worn, as if they have been on many journeys. I wondered if the book could be a recording of those who have been, or will be, guided through the spiritual journey in some way. 19. I have always known about God. As a very young child, when my parents were together, my Dad was Episcopalian, and my Mother was Lutheran. We attended both churches periodically and never really learned much about either religion, but I remember always 20. feeling His presence. When I was a young girl, 8 or 9, I remember I used to bargain with God, and ask him for things foolishly. I did not realize the full impact of who God was and exactly what that meant. Throughout my young adult life, I mostly attended 21. church on holidays, when the spirit moved me. I had good intentions to start attending regularly, but something always came up. When my children were young, my husband and I joined a Lutheran church. We were very involved, we taught 22. Sunday School, helped with the landscaping, and taught adult literacy classes. We reached a point where the church kept asking for more time and money. The final straw was when we received a statement in the mail for our tithe. I rebelled and quit going. 23. As I have gotten older, I think about God often and know where my life is eventually headed. This journey we make at the end is in my mind. I am not afraid of death, but I fear that I will not be ready. I have a very strong faith in God, but it is easy for me to get 24. distracted. When I struggle in life, oftentimes I try to work it out myself, instead of turning to HimI forget. Once I realize that I cannot do it on my own, after I am exhausted with worry, I turn it over to Him, and feel immediately relieved. 25. The weight is off my shoulders, and I have a feeling of calm that is beyond words. I can think of so many times I know He is present, when only Divine Intervention can explain. I often question myself as to whether my faith is strong enough, and will it be 26. strong enough at the end. I have been listening to a radio series about the Rapture. I am reminded of the sacrifices He made and how Jesus was tormented, yet still died for us. I pray that my faith will be strong enough. Am I strong enough? 27. Tailored to individual students self-determined creative talent Get students to reconsider their ideas about creativity One-on-one consultation to help student realize possibilities Ekphrastic Response 28. Ekphrastic Response Art Appreciation, July 2013. Pendants: Two Deer Heads. Twin Warriors. Panama, Conte style. Late Classic to Postclassical period, 600-1521. Gold. Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas. 29. Ekphrastic Response Earth Spirit China, probably Shaanxi province Tang dynasty (618907) first half of the 8th century Gray earthenware with painted polychrome decoration 31 1/8 x 7 9/16 x 11 1/4 in. (79.1 x 19.2 x 28.5 cm) Michael (SU2013) 30. Piece composed at 90 beats per minute in a 4/4 time signature. I chose this beat to show the driving nature of the struggle and the danger that is at hand. I imagined the two figures to be scaled down from two colossal beasts. The music was inspired from their ensuing battle. (1:30) 31. Special Thanks to the Kimbell Art Museum. Image courtesy of the Kimbell Art Museum. object/earth-spirit Thanks also to Linux MultiMedia Studio (LMMS) for their excellent free and open source software that made this piece possible. 32. More museum/gallery/studio field trips! 33. Actively engage students Collaboration and communication Critical and creative thinking Practical and technological skill development Address more competencies for District initiatives THECB 2014 Core Curriculum SACS Achieving the Dream TM Initiative
