JISC TechDis Presents, Did You Know



JISC TechDis Presents, Did You Know

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JISC TechDis Presents

Did you know...?

Essential facts and figures

There are around 11 million disabled people in the UK.

21% of school age learners have a learning disability.

There are over half a million learners in further education who

have declared a learning difficulty, disability or health problem.

There are nearly 200,000 students in higher education who have declared a disability.

24% of working age disabled people do not hold any formal qualifications,

compared to 10% of working age non-disabled people.

Between six and eight percent of all web users use an assistive technology.

57% of all web users aged between 18 and 64 are likely to benefit from

using assistive technology.

Amongst working age Americans, 62% have some sort

of difficulty or disability.

There are estimated to be 2.5 million people in the UK with speech,

language and communication needs.

The total number of deaf and hard of hearing people is

estimated to be 8,945,000.

Almost two million people in the UK are living with sight loss.

That's approximately one in thirty.

As many as ¾ of people with learning disabilities are estimated to have visual impairments - either refractive error or

blind or partially sighted.

There are approximately 210,000 people with moderate to profound

learning difficulties in the UK.

1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health

problem in the course of a year.

Mobility impairments are the second most common type of disability among

students enrolled at post-secondary educational institutions.

There are some 10 million children in the UK school system. On average more than one child in each class -

400,000 in the UK - is severely dyslexic.

Working extensively with partners to support the educational sectors

JISC TechDis provides advice on technologies for inclusion and accessibility.

Did you know that?
