Jose Gervasio Artigas



An overview of the historical contributions of Bolivar, San Martin, and OHiggins sets the stage to explore the struggles of Latin American independence from Spain.Of all heroes, Jose Gervasio Artigas is the least known. He is. however, the one who personified not only military genius, but a vision of democracy parallel to the greatest thinkers of his time, combined with unwavering courage of his convictions.

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Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Palacios y Blanco was born in Caracas (Venezuela) July 24, 1783 and died in Santa Marta (Colombia) December 17, 1830.

José Francisco de San Martín Matorras was born February 25, 1778 in Yapeyu, Corrientes (Argentina) and died August 17, 1850 in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France.

Facts (Cont.)

Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme was born in Chillan, Chile, either in 1776 or 78 and died in Lima, Perú in 1842.

José Gervasio Artigas Arnal, was born June 19, 1764 in Montevideo (Uruguay), also, like the other three, from a well to do family, and died in Paraguay after a long exile, in 1850.

South America

Simón Bolívar

José de San Martín

Bernardo O’Higgins

José Gervasio Artigas

Cuerpo de Blandengues

El Exodo

Instrucciones del Año Trece

Instructions to the five deputies dated April 13, 1813: twenty in total:

Complete independence from Spain. System of government will be confederation. Civil and Religious Liberty. Goal of Government to conserve equality, liberty,

and security of its citizens; each province will establish its Government on these basis.

Establishment of three separate powers: Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary.

The Central Government will only have power over general state business; the rest belong to each province.


David and Goliath

The Great Conspiracy

Treinta Años de Exilio

El Mausoleo de Artigas


No venderé el rico patrimonio de los Orientales al bajo precio de la necesidad.

Mi autoridad emana de vosotros, y ella cesa ante vuestra presencia soberana.

Sean los Orientales tan ilustrados como valientes.


José Gervasio Artigas: Gaucho y Confederado (1988) by Manuel Lucerna Salmoral

