Joy of Drawing - class 1



A basic drawing class UNCA/NCCCR continuing education (non-credit)

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The four classes:

• Today – Introductions, objectives, issues and seeing.

• Class 2 – light and shadow, right side of the brain and chiaroscuro.

• Class 3 – Imagination and perspective. 2D tricks.

• Class 4 – Tone and color, drawing vs producing finished compositions.

Joy of Drawing

• This is not a course on how to swim, but on “enjoying” swimming.

• First, we need to jump in the water (it’s warm and only waist deep.)

• So, let’s draw our first subject…

Just kidding…

Break Art…

How we draw?

Loose or tight.

Erasing mistakes or changing our mind.

Literal or interpretive.

Large or small.

4 Subjects:

Critiques and criticism
