K perrett a day in the life


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Life as a Westside High School

StudentKimberly Perrett

Digital MediaPeriod 7

Early in the morning, I arrive at school around 7:30am through the student parking lot doors.

Then I call my friends to meet up with them before school starts and talk a little about last night.

Once the bell rings, on Monday, Tuesday and Friday we go to periods 1-4.

If it’s Wednesday we go to 1 and 3 and if it’s Thursday we go to 2nd.

After that, Juniors and Seniors are allowed to go off campus during lunch. Freshmen and Sophomores

must stay on campus for lunch.

You also have the choice of eating/buying snacks from “vendoland” which is where all our vending

machines are.

After lunch, on Monday, Tuesday and Friday we go to periods 5-7.

If it’s Wednesday we go to 5 and 7and if it’s Thursday we go to 4 and 6.

When the bell finally rings at 3:15 you are, once again, able to meet and greet with your friends.

After school you are able to participate in many of the after school activities that Westside offers. In my case,

that’s tennis.

Then after finishing your after school activities you can gather with some of your friends and work on your homework together

at a bench or some other place like Starbucks.

After your daily schedule is over, you can finally go home and relax or watch TV.