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How to Make Movies

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ActorsProduction Assistants WritersArtistsSet DesignersLocation ManagersPropsCostumesCameraSound


BrainstormingScript DevelopmentStoryboards AuditionsPre-ProductionRehearsalTapingEditing

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Brainstorming (#1)

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Brainstorming is probably the most difficult and crucial aspect of your production. If the story is dull, then people will not be interested in watching it. Use your imagination and make sure that your story has interesting characters and that there are some good surprises that the audience might not suspect. If you are making a ‘fashion’ show for example. What would be different about ‘your’ fashion

program? Would it be ‘lunch box’ fashion? Fashion from the future? Don’t just copy the things you see on television, make them original, by making them relate in a fun way to the kids in the classroom. I always say, the best ‘special

effects’ are the imagination.

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Brainstorming (#2)

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Brainstorming (#3)

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Brainstorming (#4)

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Brainstorming (#5)

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Brainstorming (#6)

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Brainstorming (#1)

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Script DevelopmentOnce you have a good idea, try to expand on the idea. In

movie ‘lingo’ we call this ‘script development’. Try to sketch out on a piece of paper what the first scene will be, and then the second and third. Before you get lost in the

details however, it is important in the beginning to develop the overall story by adding ‘subplots’. A subplot is a

secondary story, or a third story, that somehow connects to the main story.

As an exercise, describe your current favorite Hollywood movie. Usually you can describe the idea in a few

sentences. Often the ‘dramatic conflict’ in the story has to do with an obstacle (often a subplot) that threatens the story from being completed. If you cannot describe the

main idea of your story in one or two sentences than your idea needs more work. Even complicated stories must be

able to be expressed as simple stories.Examples of Subplots

Kids T.V. Movies

AtlantisThe ‘B’ Files Vaudeville DaysOlympia Witch ProjectSet DesignersLocation ManagersPropsCostumesCameraSound

Hollywood Movies

It’s a Mad,Mad, WorldThe Day the Earth Stood Still ETPre-ProductionRehearsalTapingEditing

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It’s a Mad, Mad, World

I remember as a kid laughing a lot at this movie. What was it about? Well, in one sentence. A criminal is killed in a car

accident on the highway and in his dying words all the witnesses hear him describe the place where his loot is buried. What makes this an interesting story? All of the

witnesses come from different walks of life, but under the circumstances find themsleves united by a common goal. They all secretly search for the buried treasure. One of the subplots is that the police chief is secretly monitering them to see which one figures out where the treasure is buried.

Examples of Subplots

Don’t Eat Me Im Human

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The Day The Earth Stood Still

This was another of my favorites. It still remains one of the ‘classic’ science fiction movies of all time because the story was so good. It’s about an alien who arrives on earth and offers to share his superior intelligence with the world.

Instead of benifitting from the alien who would have put an end to all wars, they mistrust him and try to harm him. In

the end the alien leaves, because the world wasn’t ready for him. As a subplot, the alien slips away from his ship and rents a room in a rooming house under the name of Mr.

Carpenter. He becomes friendly with a youn g boy and his single mother. The boy takes him for a tour of Washington,

and Mr. Carpenter learns about earthlings and all of their conflicts.

Examples of Subplots

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The story of the friendship of a boy and a shipwrecked alien. As a subplot, the authorities are tracking the alien and

seeeking to capture it in order to examine it. The boy helps the homesick alien to return home.

Examples of Subplots

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The story of a researcher who discovers what he always suspected -Atlantis really exists. The sub-plot is that Big Tuna from the Bad Fish Company follows our explorer in

order to capture the treasure from Atlantis.

Examples of Subplots

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The B-Files

People on picnics are dissapearing. Moldy and Skeleton are sent on a mission to investigate. Moldy suspects who is behind the crimes but as a sub-plot the chief takes Moldy off the case for jumping to conclusions, leaving Skeleton vulnerable to the

Bee keeper.

Examples of Subplots

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Once you have sketched out your story you need to make a storyboard. A storyboard is a like a sketch of each scene, with pictures and dialogue. ‘Dialogue’ means the actual words that

people will say. In a story you can say..’and then Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water’. But in a movie you must tell the

story with pictures and words.

For example: (Scene #32) (Close up of Jack) Jack: Say Jill would you like to go up the hill with me to fetch a pail of water? Jill: Ok, lets go (Scene #33) (Medium Shot) Jill: Wow the well is so deep. Jack: Here Ill throw the pail down and pull it up with this rope. Next

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However, there are many scenes that may not be necessary. Don’t bore the audience with details that aren’t important to the story. For example Scene 32, and Scene 33, may be discarded

and simply added to Scene 34 with a few lines.

For example: (Scene #34) (Close up of Joe) Joe: Hi guys, what do have there? Jill: A pail of water.(Medium Shot) Jack: Me and Jill went up the hill to fetch it.Joe: Well put it down for a second cause I want to show you something...

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Remember every part in a movie is important, and a good movie is made with a good team. Its often very difficult to decide who gets what part, but it helps to have lots of intersting characters in your video so there are lots of parts to choose from. Besides acting out scenes in the video, another fun way to audition your actors is to

play some theatre games. Here’s a few .

Talk Show Poets Corner The Hypnotist

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Once you have finished making the storyboard the production assistants should go through each scene and make notes.

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Talk Show

Have the students take turns being a talk show host. Each is paired with a guest. The guests must talk about the movie that they are about to release, what it is about, and what it was like making the movie. The host should ask the guest if they would

demonstrate one of their favorite lines from the movie.

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Poets Corner

Put the students in pairs. One student introduces the other as being a poet from another planet. The poet speaks in his or her

alien language, while the introducer translates the poem.

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The Hypnotist

Put the students in pairs. One is the hypnotist, while the other is hypnotised. The hypnotist desribes emotions, like fear,

excitement, etc and the subject must act them out.

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Wrap up

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Wrap up 2

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Writers #1

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Writers #1

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After the class brainstorms together the writers and storyboard artists meet to develop the script. We determine who the

characters are, what they will say, and what the scenes will look like.

More writing

Writers continue to work on the plot of the story.

Writers #2 Developing Plot

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Writers continue to work on the plot of the story. The plot is the ‘main idea’ of the story.
