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Francisco De Goya

Father Of Modern Art

Francisco was born on May 30, 1746 in Fuendetodos Spain. His mothers name wasJosé Benito de Goya y Franque and Gracia de Lucientes y Salvador

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Shortly after his birth his parents moved to a nearby city called Zaragoza

It wasn’t until he began attending his school called Escuelas Pias that he took a slight interest in art especially“painting”

At the age of 14 he lefthome and joined forceswith Anton Raphael Mengs

He worked on several projects With Mengs but their enternship soon cameto a halt.

It has been stated that upon his completion of his work with Mengs.He applied to the Academy of Fine Arts but was rejected.

He later joined forces with another painter named Jose Luzan. He worked several years for him but that to soon came to a halt. He Decided to move to Madrid Spain in search of new opportunites.

Upon his arrival to Madrid he joined forceswith his two brothers Francisco and Ramon in their art studio. During his time there he became fascinated by their sister Josefa andlater marrying her.

His married made him feel as if he had a purpose in life he created 42 pieces of art within 5 yrs of being married

He became interested in the misfortunes of the war and how the people where being treated

“Over the course of his long career, Goya moved from jolly and lighthearted to deeply pessimistic and searching in his paintings, drawings, etchings, and frescoes.”

This quote has been stated by anUnknown source

Goya praticed art until his death in 1828 some say he will always be the “Father of Modern Art”