Language Learning Strategies


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Language Learning Strategies

Name: Neha Mehta Roll No: 15 Semester: 3 Subject: ELT PAPER NO 12 Submitted To: Dr.Dilip Barad Department of English M.K. Bhavnagar University Bhavnagar


Language learning strategies and provides implications for teaching and future research.

Common Features Proximal Sub goals: Reading& understanding article Good comprehension Main ideas Nothing key vocabulary Guessing From the context

Language learning strategies




Affective and social

Cognitive strategies help learners make and associations between new and already- known information

Cognitive Strategies

Tapestry approach: reflects work of Vygotsky (1978,1986).

Which is gradually pulled away when the learner no longer needs it.

Mnemonic Strategies

Theoretical and empirical justification exists for separating Mnemonic strategies.

Metacognitive Strategies

The learning process in general and includes identifying available resources , task etc

Compensatory Strategies

Affective Strategies

Affective Strategies include identifying one’s feeling and becoming aware of the learning the circumstances or tasks that evoke them.

Social strategies Social strategies

facilitate learning with other and help learners understand the culture of the language they are learning.

Learning about social

Current and future trends and directions Deal with a number of key issues.

Learn how to help language teachers become aware of the importance of language learning strategies.

Discover.. How to teach strategies effectively..
