Law of independent assortment_TRISHA


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Law of

Independent Assortment

Trisha M. Salanatin

Presented by: John Doe

The separation of gene pairs in a given pair of chromosomes and the

distribution of the genes to gametes during meiosis is entirely independent of

the distribution of other gene pairs in other pairs of chromosomes.

The law applies to factors (genes) that are found on separate chromosomes.

Each gamete will contain only one seed-height and only one color gene. A gamete

might contain the genes S and G, or S and g, or s and G, or s and g. all four combinations

will therefore occur with roughly equal frequency.

Trivia Overshadowing the creative brilliance of Mendel's work is the fact that it was virtually ignored for 34 years. Only after the dramatic rediscovery of Mendel's work in 1900 (16 years after Mendel's death) was he rightfully recognized as the founder of genetics.
