Lectura, verbos continuos


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I.-En el siguiente Texto, complete los espacios en blanco con los verbos que se indican:

Is getting – was working – is standing – is Reading – are waiting – were talking – is

cooking – is laughing- is listening – is helping

- Complete en color Rojo

- Valor: 10 ptos (1 pto c/u)

This is the Mike’s family. They are in the garden. Steve is Reading the newspaper.

Pat is cooking chicken. She is laughing because the smoke is getting in her eyes. Joe is

standing with her mother and is listening to music on her personal stereo; she is helping

Pat with the food. They are waiting for Mike; yesterday they were talking about sharing

some time together while Mike was working.


Esta es la familia de Mike. Ellos están en el jardín. Steve está leyendo el periódico. Pat está

cocinando pollo. Ella está riendo porque el humo está recibiendo en sus ojos. Joe está de

pie con su madre y está escuchando música en su estéreo personal; ella está ayudando a Pat

con la comida. Están esperando a Mike; ayer estaban hablando de compartir un tiempo

juntos mientras que Mike estaba trabajando.