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Japanese Class for AdvancedLesson 5

17/11/2014 Japan International Society

Ryo Okubo (Jason) Akiko Kojima

Today’s overview

1. Checking Katakana[片仮名]

2. Review the Grammar

3. New Vocabularies& Practice

4. Info on Next Week

5. Presentation by a special guest

Let’s check 片仮名!!

I will give you 10 minutes!

①Finish A and B first

②Then, answer C and D




ru-verb u-verb

verb bases tabe Ik

dictionary forms 食(た)べる(to eat) 行(い)く(to go)


affirmative食(た)べます 行(い)きます

present, negative 食(た)べません 行(い)きません

stems 食(た)べ 行(い)き

Irregular verbs

dictionary forms する(to do) 来る(to come)

present, affirmative

します き

present, negative しません きません

stems し き

These verbs are also used to form compound verbs, e.g. 勉強(べんきょう)する(to study)

‘~る’ verbs If you see the vowels a, u or o right before the

final ‘る,’ the verbs is absolutely u-verb.

E.g.つくる(to make):つくります/つくりません

u-verb u-verb u-verb

verb bases ik hanas tsukurdictionary forms

行(い)く(to go) 話(はな)す(to speak) つくる(to make)

present, affirmative

行(い)きます 話(はな)します つくります

present, negative

行(い)きません 話(はな)しません つくりません

stems 行(い)き 話(はな)し つくり

If you see the vowels i and e right before the final ‘る,’ in most cases, the verbs are ru-verb.

E.g.なげる(to throw): なげます/なげません

ru-verb ru-verb ru-verbverb bases tabe okir nagerdictionary forms

食(た)べる(to eat) 起(お)きる(to go) なげる(to throw)

present, affirmative

食(た)べます 起(お)きます なげます

present, negative

食(た)べません 起(お)きません なげません

stems 食(た)べ 起(お)き なげ

However, some verbs are exceptions, so it is important to remember which verb belongs to which conjugation class.

見(み)る=ru-verb 帰(かえ)る=u-verb

Verb bases mi Kaer

Long form 見ます/見ません 帰ります/帰りません

stems 見 帰り

Habitual and Future action

(1)person will or is planning to perform these activities in the future.

わたしは あした ロンドンへ 行きます。

I will go to London tomorrow.

スーさんは 今日 うちに 帰りません。

Sue will not return home today.




(Review of today’s handout)


(Memorize today’s vocabularies)

Next week

We will study



If you studied 平仮名(ひらがな)or 漢字, we will check for you!

So if you want, stay in the classroom please!