LIS 458 Teaching Demo - Children's Literature Comprehensive Database


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LIS 458 Teaching DemoChildren’s Literature Comprehensive Database

Lauren Wojcik July 11, 2011

What is it?Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

Item records and reviews of children’s literature, videos, and audio books from 1993 to date.

Reviews sourced from publications such as BookHive, Booklist, The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, and The Lion and the Unicorn.

Database entries include reviews, awards won by the book (if any) and information on reading level

Why use it?

Educators, parents, librarians, and researchers may find this database helpful in identifying books for youth.

Use it to…Locate books on a specific topicLocate books by a particular author or illustratorLocate books appropriate for children at specific reading levels or grade levels

Accessing the database

From the University of Illinois Library website, navigate to the Online Research Resources Page.

Search for "Children's Literature Comprehensive Database" and click on the resulting link.

If you are off campus, you may access the database by logging in with your NetID and password when prompted.

Browse ModeBest for finding books about a certain topic, or written by a particular author

Browse Mode: Finding books by a given author

Browse Mode: Finding books by a given author

Browse Mode: Finding books by a given author

TIP: Green dots indicate that the entry contains at least one review

Search ModeBest for full-text searches of bibliographic data and book reviews

Search Mode: Qualifiers

Search Mode: Qualifiers Word Search

Narrow search by limiting to exact word or phrase Broaden by allowing database to search word stems and synonyms

Specific Fields Search for a particular author, series, etc.

Special Search Qualifiers Awards/Honors

Selecting “Award Winners Only” will limit results to books that won awards. Additional Search Qualifiers

Age Grade Category (Fiction/Non-fiction) Country of Publication

Reading Metrics Interest Level & Reading Level

These can be used to locate Hi-Lo or “leveled reading” books.

Search Mode: Finding award-winning books by topic and grade level

Search Mode: Finding award-winning books by topic and grade level

Search Mode: Finding award-winning books by topic and grade level

Search Mode: Finding books by award-winning books by topic and grade level

Search Tip

Remember to select “New Search” or clear the search screen before beginning a new search. If you use the “Back” button, the limits you set in the previous search will still apply.

Practice• 1. Choose an animal and find one fiction book

and one non-fiction book about that animal for second graders.

•2. Find one fantasy book about dragons that was published in the United Kingdom.

•3. Pick a season or holiday and find three book entries on your chosen topic that include reviews (you might find it helpful to use the browse mode for this one.)


