Living Life (Mastering Good Habits)


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Living Life

Mastering Good Habits

Coach: Jean Noel Macaque

Be Good to Your Self is Living a Fulfillment


Be Good to Your Self is Mastering Good Habits

Be Good to Your Self is Breaking Bad Habits

Living Life

Have a Balanced Living Life

What is your Good Habits in daily life


We all have habits

What is your Bad Habits in daily life


We all have habits

Anything we do automatically without

consciously thinking is a Bad Habit

Bad Habits

How many times have you tried to quit a bad


How many times you found yourself powerless to get rid of your bad habits?

How many times you tried to exert your will power against your bad habits?

Bad Habits

What most people do not realize is that a bad

habit is a vice

A bad habit is a deep-rooted reaction

When you have a certain weakness and you entertain and give in to it for a prolonged

period of time, your bad habits tried to keep you addicted

A bad habit is a VICE

We knit a thread of our habits. We cord it

every dayAt last we cannot break it

The chains of our bad habits in daily life are very strong to be broken

Habit is like a cable

Vice definition is an immoral habits

The establishing of vices in one’s life is the corruption of the virtues

 The opposite of virtue is vice

 The meanings of vice


Vice stands for practical bad habits of a person

Vice stands for immoral behavior of a person

Vice stands for immoral thoughts of a person

Vice is a habitual, repeated practice of wrongdoing


What is vice?

Vice are learned. Vice are assimilated,

adapted and developed during experience of life

A person becomes wicked due to his/her cultivated values and these make him/her a deviant in his/her proper story, family and

in the society

Vice are acquired

Rage is a strong anger, often with a desire for revenge

Avarice is an irresistible desire to have more of something such as money Sloth is physical laziness; dislike of work or any kind of physical exertion

Pride is shown by someone who believes that he /she is better than others

Lust is the strong desire for money, food, fame , power and sex

Envy is an insatiable desire of wanting someone success, good fortune  Gluttony is an excessive desire for food , eating and drinking to excess

Capital Vices

Cruelty, brutality, violence, anger, unkindness, greed, vindictiveness, malice, eating, drinking, sex drive, gambling, prostitution, crime, pornography, sexual assault, abduction, holdup, robbery, aggravated assault against children…. etc.

Other examples of vices

They corresponds to the virtues




Each vices has an opposite

Practical Exercise

Virtue and vice explains the two faces of humans behavior

Difference virtue and vice

Virtue stands for the good conducts, feelings and


Vices indicated the bad conducts, feelings and thoughts

Virtue and Vice

How in or out of shape you are is a result of

your habits

How happy or unhappy you are is a result of your habits

How successful or unsuccessful you are is a result of your habits

Your life is the sum of your habits

What you devote thinking about

What you repeatedly do each day

The things you believe

The personality that you portray

Your Habits forms the person you are!

Selfless, love, joy, peace,

forgiveness, kindness, benevolence, faithfulness,

gentleness, self-control……….

There is absolutely no law against such values

Excellent fruits of virtues

I am Diligent I am HelpfulI am Perseverant I am GentleI am Content I am AttentiveI am Honest I am AssertiveI am Kind I am PatientI am Obedient I am ForgivingI am Lovable I am TruthfulI am Generous I am CalmI am Positive I am Tolerant

Choosing Virtues in Living Life

What is your principal

virtues ?


Choosing Virtues in Living Life

Choose To Make a Difference

Live the Life You’ve always Dreamed of!

Living Life to the Max Every


Living Life to the Fullest

Living Life
