LO1 - photography surreal


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Brandon Wood

AO1 – understanding photographers –surreal

Robert jahns

as you an see this is based on a surreal photo as it has been highly edited the photographer I am focusing on is Robert Johns. Surreal photos are when you have an image that is unreal and edited o do this a range of techniques are use to make it look surreal such as using software to edit it ne software may be adobe Photoshop.

The photographer I’m using is called Robert jahns he specialises in making surreal images as he has had loads of experience with editing programs. He uses a range of images taken by him and others then puts his own twist to them.

There has been a use of rule of third in this image as the girl is n line with the rule of third line there is also a bird that is on the point where the rule of third lines meet this makes the image more interesting as the focus is not directly in the centre of the image.

This shows that the main focus is the girl on the swing as he makes her brighter than the background to make her stand out. This image also suggests that it was edited, as there is a swing on the side of a mounting.

Brandon Wood

You can tell that the main focus is the girl on the swing as she is in high detail and the rest of the background is in less focus.

You can see that the image has been cropped as the bars for the swings have been cropped out of the photo and the image has been cropped so the girl is bang on in the middle of the image.

The photographer I am focusing on is Robert jahns he specialises in making surreal photos this means that he takes time to edit the image and use a range of software to change how the image looks and make them unreal. he uses a range of techniques from rule of third that means that you make sure the main focus is on the dog. You also use a leading line that means that you follow to lines that lead to a person or a building.

The photographer that I am using for this piece of work is Robert jahns he uses a range of pictures taken by him ad others then he uses software to edit the image and make it surreal such as adobe photoshop.

He uses rule of third in this image to show that the main focus is the dog as the dog is on the rule of third line.

Brandon Wood

The lighting is very important on this image as it is very bright due to the bright balloons and the sky in the background s it is a light blue. This is because they use the editing programs to change the contrast.

You can easily see the focus on this picture that is the dog as they make him stand out from the background as the dog is in focus and less focus on the background such as the buildings and the sky..