


Locations For My Music Video.

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Ravensthorpe (My House)

Various sections of the music video will be filmed in my house. I want to depict a sort of everyday life feel for my character so this seemed suitable.

Ravensthorpe Village/Reservoir

My Main character will be filmed running through the Village looking for the place in the picture on his bedroom wall (the reservoir).

The Reservoir will be used for the beginning and end of my music video. The scenery is quite fresh and so I thought this was suitable for the theme of “Free Your Mind”

Guilsborough (Jack’s House)

Jack’s lip syncing shots will be filmed in his house. His house is easy for me to get to as it is in the same village as my school, so I decided it would be suitable.

Guilsborough (Park)

The chalk scene will be filmed here where the main character comes across someone writing the words “Free Your Mind” on the pavement by the basketball hoop.

It is difficult to get Ryan (main character) and Sarah (chalk writer) in Ravensthorpe Park at the same time due to factors such as work and school, so I decided to locate it at Guilsborough Park, where it can simply be filmed during a free in school.

Northampton Town

No actor’s will be involved when filming in Northampton Town. I simply want to depict every day lifestyle and performing a few shots in a town is relevant.
