Location analysis and ideas


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Location Analysis and Ideas

Locations of Slasher films

• The main location for slasherfilms are placed in isolated places. For example a forest or an isolated house. This is done to scare the audience as their house is somewhere which they see as safe and not a crime scene. On the other hand the fact that most slasher films takes place in dark, frosty forest make it unrealistic for the audience because not many people live or find them self hanging out in scary forests.

Locations for Possession films

• Many base for possession films are set in big, semi-dethatched or detached houses. This is done to make the narrative more realistic for the audience. As their homes is place which they associate with being safe, instead in possession films they make it out to be the setting for a horror film. This might terrify the audience, which is the aim of the horror film.

Our location ideas

• As our character are teenagers and our narrative is all about bullying. The location is in a school. As our target audience are teenagers they might be able to relate to the location and fid it realistic.

• We have a scene on a bridge to show where the character Genner who gets bullied, this location is where she decided to commit suicide.

• We have many scenes in a common room to show where the teenagers at school normally hang out this will relate to the audience and help them understand the narrative and connect with it more.

• A toilet scene to show the extreme measure the girls in the elite group will go to, to terrorise Genner. The toilet for some people is a place where they can get piece and quite and would not be disturbed but for poor Genner this just another place for her to become the victim.