Mandaic lexicon المعجم المندائي



Mandaic lexicon المعجم المندائي معجم اللغة المندائية ، يحتوي على بعض كلمات لغة الصابئة المندائية وما يقابلها بالمعنى باللغة اللانكليزية تم تحميل هذا الكتاب من موقع مكتبة موسوعة العيون المعرفية

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Mandaic lexicon

English - Mandaic C.G. Häberl Mandaic and Neo-Mandaic Texts and Resources

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A - a

-a nom. A morpheme which indicates the emphatic state of the noun.

-ptc. The absolute form of the feminine singular morpheme on the participle.

aba nm. male parent; ancestor.Pl: abuia. ia ab ṣaida ṭaba Oh father of the good fisherman! [MBJ36.021] uailẖ

labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair is in the reeds.

[MBJ38.061] hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father, trapped in the

black waters! [MBJ38.073] šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me about me.


abara nm. 1 • a bluish-white soft, malleable, and heavy metal. In the Periodic Table of the Elements, lead has

the symbol Pb and the atomic number 82.

2 • a fishing weight made from the same metal.Pl: abaria. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana ramia She will distribute rocks and throw the lead weights into the netting. [MBJ38.024]

abatur pn. Abatur, third of the four emanations from the Great Life, who serves as the judge of the dead.

abda nm. servant or slave; a person in the service of another.Pl: abdia. anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan

We are your servants, may you be lenient with us! [MBJ39.037] abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak

bkušṭa dakria We will be the servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth. [MBJ39.039]

abid aptc. G-stem active participle of ʔ-b-d (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-b-d.

abihdia prep. with; together with; next to. ṭaibilun mn qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will sink under the

surface and be restrained with the circlet. [MBJ38.030]

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ad conj. while; so far as; until.

alma until, till. Etym: ad l- ma. alma ḏengirta uiadata mn tibil lqudam hiia salqa until a letter bearing

information from Earth rises to the Life. [MBJ55.058]

Adam pn. the proper name Adam.

Adatan pn. Adatan a spirit of light. See: Iadatan.

agaiia nm. leaders? qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the ?,

whom you do not mention fairly. [MBJ36.037]

agm nm. a low-lying wetland with grassy vegetation, occupying a transition zone between land and water.

From: agammu. usaiarna agma bhabara I traverse the marsh in darkness. [MBJ36.006] eqria bagma

qala ueiatra lnunia I will make a sound in the marsh and awaken the fish. [MBJ36.039] asartinun

bagmia ḏzipa I tied them up in the marsh of deceit. [MBJ36.064] laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia

ḏagma They will neither approach a "meal" of unripe dates nor the "necklaces" of marsh nets.

[MBJ37.007] ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma laṣidlak You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the

fish of the marsh! [MBJ38.004] bagma umia krikta etikrik The whirlpool whirled in the marsh water.

[MBJ38.046] haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o

fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels?

[MBJ39.010] qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia hdadia utabria etbun palta ḏrugza The families of our

marsh are the type that conspire and fragment. [MBJ39.017]

aha nm. male sibling; fellow member of a social or religious group. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun

bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will

undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light.

[MBJ37.023] ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My fishermen brethren and fishermen sons,

get out of my sight! [MBJ39.027]

ahib aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-h-b (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-h-b.

ahid aptc. G-stem active particpiple of the verb ʔ-h-d (q.v.) See main entry: ʔ-h-d.

-ai poss. 1st singular possessive pronoun (common gender).

aiar nm. the upper atmosphere, air, ether, wind. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia They will

guide them with a crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on their heads. [MBJ36.086] arbak

gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and sublime banners are

unfurled on it. [MBJ39.015]

aiil aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-l-l (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-l-l.

aina nf. the eye, or organ of sight. uailẖ lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ nhura lahazia Woe to the fish who perceives

them, (and) whose eyes do not see the light! [MBJ38.035]

ainana nf. Possibly "knot," a back formation from the plural form ainanata "eyes; knots". Variant: eniana.

hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured the barbel tied the knot and fixed

it to the spit. [MBJ36.063] See: aina.

aitia pfv. D-stem / C-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-t-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-y.

-ak poss. 2nd person masculine singular possessive suffix.

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akandit conj. while as yet, as yet, while still. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia

ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that

other fishers were starting to hatch plots. [MBJ36.047]

akaṣ pfv. G-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-k-ṣ (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-k-ṣ.

akil aptc. G-stem active participle form of the verb ʔ-k-l (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-k-l.

alihda adj. toward; near; close to. alihdai alihdai anpai iatib udariš anuš Close to my face, Anosh sits and

teaches. [MBJ36.020] alihdai alihdia arbai šamana higma ḏṣaidia Close to my vessel, I hear the

commotion of fishers. [MBJ36.023]

alma nm. 1 • the world; usually used in reference to the material world. šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia

ḏalma Your towline and your cords are so beautiful that you do not look like the fishermen of this

world. [MBJ36.073] ezdahar balma Be on your guard in this world! [MBJ37.021] etana etana ḏkadir

minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world! [MBJ38.025] lamqaira arbak

bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not

resemble the fishermen of this world. [MBJ39.011]

2 • (pl.) mankind; the people (of this world).Pl: almia. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a

bell that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. [MBJ38.039]

alpa quant. one-thousand. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin

alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a

thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. [MBJ38.038]

alua nm. spirit? umpasqilun umahilun kauaria brundia ualuai and they cut off and beat the cauves of fish

and my spirits (?) [MBJ36.058] laramin silita ukauaria ualuai lalagṭia They will neither cast nets nor

take my fish and spirits (or cauves of large fish?) [MBJ36.060]

amta nf. a woman servant or slave, in the service of another person. atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia

ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and tie cords of every sort for you. [MBJ38.023]

šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me. [MBJ39.030]

amar aptc. G-stem active participle form of ʔ-m-r (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-m-r.

amar ipfv. G-stem imperfective form of ʔ-m-r (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-m-r.

aminṭul conj. because. Gram: Generally takes ḏ- lgauaiak azil aminṭul ḏqala ḏṣaida Head out to your blind for

the sound of a fisherman. [MBJ36.045] aminṭul ḏatat ruha maṣṭanita ḏmaṣṭialun el kulhun alma Because the seductress Ruha has come to seduce the whole world. [MB55.063]

-an -ptc. Feminine plural absolute morpheme.

-an poss. First plural possessive pronoun (common gender).

ana pers. First singular independent personal pronoun (common gender). ṣaida ana ḏhiia rbia A fisher am I,

of the Great Life. [MBJ37.002] ṣaida ana ḏhiia rurbia A fisher am I, of the Mighty Life. [MBJ37.003] lau

saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisher, and I was

not called forth to be someone who eats scum! [MBJ36.080] ṣaida ana ḏnišmata ḏbhiia sahdan I am a

fisher of the souls who bear witness to the Life. [MBJ36.081] ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun

umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope.

[MBJ36.082] ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends, raise

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them up, and set them in my vessel. [MBJ36.085] ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my

disciples shall ascend, and we will see the place of light. [MBJ36.090] la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia

dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish, and my fish are discerning. [MBJ38.053] ana

alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set

them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector. [MBJ38.075] ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta

ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be ensconced in the abode of life. [MBJ38.078]

anaša nm. person; human being.Pl: anašia. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you

confront the people and the ?, whom you do not mention fairly. [MBJ36.037]

anat pers. Second singular independent personal pronoun (common gender). ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia

ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh! [MBJ38.004] anat simaka You

are the pillar. [MBJ38.006] anat ahbalan mnata Give us a share. [MBJ38.012]

anatun pers. Second masculine plural independent personal pronoun. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma

uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here is the faith of garbage, and garbage will be your

fate. [MBJ36.088] hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head of you all, so be his

kingdom! [MBJ38.072] mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them

away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings. [MBJ38.077]

anhia ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb n-h-y (q.v.). Gram: The complement of this verb is marked with

the preposition el. See main entry: n-h-y.

ania adj. poor, indigent, destitute, lacking in material wealth or possessions.

ania 1 • aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-n-y (q.v.).

2 • adj. responsive, attentive.

3 • nm. helper, attendant. See main entry: ʔ-n-y.

anin pers. First plural independent personal pronoun (common gender). anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin

lqudamak We will bake and make honey cake, and bring them before you. [MBJ36.077] akul unitra

ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel falls from your hand, and

we will be satisified. [MBJ36.078] anin malpinalak bṣaidia We shall enroll you among the fishers.

[MBJ38.007] mnata anin naitilak mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share of what we have. [MBJ38.013]

anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us! anin

mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your fish so that not a single one

will be taken from them. [MBJ39.038]

anpia nf. 1 • face; the front of the head. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let

the fish rise up, nor turn around to face the embankment. [MBJ38.029]

2 • presence; immediate vicinity or proximity. alihdai alihdai anpai iatib udariš anuš Close to me,

Anuš sits and preaches. [MBJ36.020]

3 • surface; surface; outer or the topmost boundary of an object. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia

ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your

strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). [MBJ39.003]

anqia nm. This word only appears in its plural form, and only appears in the Mandaean Book of John. It

appears to mean "necklaces," which possibly refers to gillnets, which surround the gills of fish that

enter them. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a bait of unripe

dates nor the necklaces of the seine nets of the marsh. [MBJ37.007] azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun

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marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the necklaces, and the

seine nets there are (like) a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two

thousand see twice. [MBJ38.038] lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to

submerged necklaces or deceptive lanterns. [MBJ38.055]

Anuš pn. Anuš, an outstanding uthra; one of the triad of spirits Hibil, Šitil, and Anuš.

apia aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-p-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-p-y.

apria ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb p-r-y (q.v.). See main entry: p-r-y.

aqim pfv. C-stem perfective form of q-y-m (q.v.). See main entry: q-y-m.

arba nf. a craft for traveling on water; a ship or boat; a vessel.Pl: arbia. See: šabaita; markabta. iatibna

barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel and come to the mortal world. [MBJ36.013]

lanaidia mia barbai uqala ḏarbai lamištma The water is not choppy by my vessel, and the sound of

my vessel is not heard. [MBJ36.017] alihdai alihdia arbai šamana higma ḏṣaidia Near my vessel, I

hear the commotion of fishers. [MBJ36.023] šrinan mn rgalan ḏnunak larban lasalqia Release us

from our fetters so that your fish do not leap into our vessels! [MBJ36.050] abrikit ṣaida ubrika arbak

umarkabtak May you be blessed, Fisher, and may your ship be blessed as well. [MBJ36.070] ana

ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends, raise them up, and set

them in my vessel. [MBJ36.085] hiia gṭarlia esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla arba ḏganpiẖ ḏziua uṭaisa

uradia ulamšamṭa The Life tied a cord for me, and built an indestructable vessel for me, the radiant

sail of which flutters and flaps, but is not pulled off. [MBJ37.008] arba he mazruta uradia bilbab

ešumia The vessel is a seed, and travels through the heart of the heavens. [MBJ37.009] kulhun arbia

ḏhazilia kabšan uldilia sagdan All the vessels that see me bow down and worship me. [MBJ37.015]

ahbalan mnata barbak mnata barban nasbit Give us a share in your vessel, and you will take a

share in ours! [MBJ38.009] nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You should take a share from us

and give us a share in your vessel! [MBJ38.011] ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit

ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your

lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish.

[MBJ38.013] eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw

them in your boat, and do business. [MBJ38.014] larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai

mitatna Neither wil your boat will join with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal. [MBJ38.071]

haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose

voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessel? [MBJ39.010]

lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and

you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. [MBJ39.011] arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia

šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and sublime banners are unfurled on it. [MBJ39.015] arban azla

bmia uarbak azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but your vessel goes between the waters.

[MBJ39.016] lahazilan ṣaidia ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you,

whose vessel the wind carries along. [MBJ39.021] amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell

her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. [MBJ39.031]

arada nm. A pole used for punting small boats through the marshes. In Iraq, such poles are traditionally made

from reeds, and never from wood. They are always capped with a bitumen knob." habšaba lagiṭ

arada ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of Life took the rudder.


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arba quant. the number four. amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in

the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. [MBJ39.031]

arbana nf. crows, large passerine birds that form the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Variant: rbana.

arbana pasa The Mesopotamian Crow, also known as the Iraqi Pied Crow. This distinctive bird is found

in Iraq and southwestern Iran. It has very pale grey plumage, which looks almost white from a

distance. Corvus cornix capellanus. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you,

Pied Crow, who snatches fish from the depths. [MBJ38.065]

arib aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-r-b (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-r-b.

arqa nf. 1 • Land or territory over which a power exercises control. naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa

ḏeurašlam His free-flying axe (?) and his exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem. [MBJ39.033]

2 • Earth or soil.

arqa bigar nm. A humble servant. Lit: earth on foot. Etym: arqa bligra. Variant: baigar; rabigar; rabaigar.

hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will

take a third of what we have. [MBJ38.020]

asar pfv. G-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-s-r (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-s-r.

asgia pfv. C-stem perfective form of s-g-y (q.v.). See main entry: s-g-y.

ašla nm. A strong, heavy rope. See: qabura. asartinun bspinatun ušdilun ašlai I have trapped them in their

ships and tossed my cable to the good ones. [MBJ36.066] šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma

Your cables are so beautiful that you do not seem like the fishers of the world. [MBJ36.073] ašlẖ ašlia

ḏziua usukana ḏkušṭa etbẖ Its cables are radiant, and its rudder is one in which there is truth.


asr quant. the number ten. ulasra bhamša nasbatlẖ You take ten for the price of five. [MBJ36.035]

-at -pfv. The third feminine singular personal morpheme on the perfective form of the verb.

-at nom. The feminine plural morpheme on the noun.

ata pfv. Gram: G G-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-t-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-y.

atra nm. Place, position, or region. ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my disciples shall ascend,

and we will see the place of light. [MBJ36.090] eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid

eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper

for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. [MBJ37.023]

abatar prep. after; behind in place or position; following behind. Variant: batar. šdibun maspuṭiata

utlaitun abatar kutlai I put baskets (?) on them and dragged them behind my stern. [MBJ36.056]

laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them,

so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets. [MBJ39.005]

aṭara nf. Crown, circlet; also: the ring found at the center of a circular cast-net through which the drawstring

passes. darilun bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ mn aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and beaten back

from the crown. [38.031]

atia aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-t-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-y.

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aṭuna nm. A strong, heavy rope.Pl: aṭunia. apkartinun baṭunia kaprun uspinatun tibrit lmia I tied them up

in palm-fiber cords and ruined their boats for the water. [MBJ36.054]

atutia prep. Beneath. dalinun bkarsauata atutia adrabšia taqnia I shall put them up on thrones beneath

stainless banners. [MBJ38.079]

auda nm. Mortal things; transitory, perishable things; things which cause others to perish.Pl: audia. iatibna

barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel and come to the mortal world. [MBJ36.013]

aumia pfv. C-stem perfective form of the verb y-m-y (q.v.) See main entry: y-m-y.

autib pfv. C-stem perfective form of the verb y-t-b (q.v.). See main entry: y-t-b.

azil aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb \lx ʔ-z-l (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-z-l.

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B - b

b- prep. in. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, el

mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia ladaikia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not

extinguished by blowing winds. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither

approach a "meal" of unripe dates nor the "necklaces" of marsh nets. šragia ḏlaradia aptiliata

bargapa luatẖ Near him are lanterns, the wicks of which do not move around in a commotion.

ezdahar balma Be on your guard in the world! lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia bgauaihun kanpia ekilta

You do not see the food of the fish within its receptacles. anin malpinalak bṣaidia We shall enroll

you among the fishers. ahbalan mnata barbak mnata barban nasbit Give us a share in your vessel,

and you will take a share in ours! nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You will take a share

from us and give us a share in your vessel! eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you

listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana

She will divvy up the rocks and the lead (weights) in the netting. darilun bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ mn

aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and beaten back from the crown. bagma umia krikta etikrik

The whirlpool whirled in the marsh water. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will

not turn to submerged gillnets or deceptive lanterns. uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia

Woe to your father the heron, whose lair will be in the reeds. hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia

estakar This is your savage father, trapped in the black waters! ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun

bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them

over every tax collector. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be

ensconced in the abode of life. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the

voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes. haka

huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice

we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? spintak ladamia

lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright light like the sun in the

night. arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and sublime

banners are unfurled on it. arban azla bmia uarbak azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but

your vessel goes between the waters. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta

unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your

cord has taken in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe. amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba

diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. etbẖ sukana

uqaiim bgauẖ usqiria It has a rudder and standing within it is a sailyard. abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak

ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth.

ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes, gathering

together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and not getting up. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun

ṣaidia There will never be a day on Earth in which fish fish fishers. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna

mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow. uailak sapna

kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher, whose wing will never dry on land!

emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As

for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split

her head down the middle. dalinun bkarsauata atutia adrabšia taqnia I shall put them up on

thrones beneath stainless banners. arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect

in the air, and sublime banners are unfurled on it. atina bšabaita bsigia niha umqaima I come in a

šabaita with a calm and steady motion. uespintak eurbẖ bspintan and combine your boat with ours.

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emaian brabitak iatba ulihia gaṭra Our mother will sit down with your handmaiden and tie

dragnets. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the water with the cord

when the fish come and they will be caught. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that

was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. malil uṣnapbẖ bqalẖ He spoke,

shrieking at the top of his voice. malil bqalẖ šania He spoke with his sublime voice. mia bqira

larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with

darkness. larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither wil your boat will join

with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia

ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it.

emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As

for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split

her head down the middle. lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not

waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. lahazilan ṣaidia

ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries

along. anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us! atina

briš mia I come by way of the fountainhead. masgina briša ḏmia umasgina briša ḏedia I go

through the fountainhead and the beginning of the course. atina bšabaita bsigia niha umqaima I

come in a šabaita with a calm and steady motion. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a

lightworld vessel and come to the mortal world. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun

umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the

fishermen, and we will make you the head of every one of us. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba

laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or deceitful lanterns. sqiria mala lṣaida usukana

ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light to the marshes.

acc. Gram: Indicates object after HWA. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda

usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for

you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun

mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the crafty? birds that are upon you!

hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder, and you will take a

share (of our profits) as your own. šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven were

defeated, and the alien man remained victorious. anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda

We will take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them. qaiminin

umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention

your name.

bab nm. gate.

babta nf. entrance. nagẖ algiṭa uzanga tlilẖ el babta They seized it, appropriated it, and hung a bell over its


bahit aptc. Gram: G being.ashamed. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the

fishermen blush and become ashamed, and stand in their places.

baiia aptc. Gram: G seeking. lapalgia mia ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not share the water that seeks to

fall upon the good.

baiir aptc. Gram: G shining.forth. iatbia el karsauata ubairia bnhura iaqra They will sit in thrones and shine

forth with precious light.

baita nm. house. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Go, planets, go be part of your houses!

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bakia aptc. Gram: G weeping. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with

bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it.

balia aptc. Gram: G swallowing.

baṣar aptc. Gram: G being.removed. anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of

your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them.

basima adj. pleasant. basim šumẖ His name is pleasant (to hear).

bašqar pfv. Gram: G recognized. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and

recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him:

baṭil aptc. perishable. hiia gṭarlia esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla The Life tied a cord for me, and built an

indestructable vessel for me.

bazira nm. seed.

baznaqita nf. weir. Note: Hapax. Etym: Lidzbarski suggests a compound along the lines of bit znaqita "house

of bondage". Note: Is this equivalent to the ḥāḍra (p. ḥḍūr), a gargūr (pl. garāgir), a beehive-shaped fish trap, a

qufaṣ (pl. qfāṣa), which is similar, or a ḥīza (pl. ḥyaz), the larger version of the same? I suspect the ḥāḍra, which

is a traditional, semi-permanent, fish trap erected in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones. During high tide

fish and other marine animals move inshore, as the tide recedes the marine animals are directed along a wall

placed perpendicular to the shore into an approximately circular enclosure with a funnelled mouth. The entrapped

animals remain alive within the enclosure until the fishermen collect them at low tide. The gargūr, on the other

hand, has been compared to a small house (Clive Holes, Dialect, culture, and society in eastern Arabia, Part 1,

Volume 51, p. 422). etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing

weir, which the fish enter and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. lašaplia

mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend from the surface of the water and go

into the deceptive weir,

bhir pptc. chosen. Gram: bhira mn "better than; proof against" palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The

spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, ṣaida ḏmn ṣaidia bhir A fisher who is chosen out of

the other fishers. ṣaida ana ḏbhir mn ṣaidia A fisher am I, who is the elect of the fishers. gabra bhir

zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness was victorious, and he led his

entire nation to victory.

binia prep. between. mitriṣ rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set up a lattice between the two

compartments. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban ulatalak abinia

he They say to him, "Where were you, o fisher, whose voice we do not hear in the marsh, and whose

vessel does not resemble our vessels, which you have not come among?" arban azla bmia uarbak

azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but your vessel goes between the waters.

biša adj. evil. ṭaba lau mn ṭabia ubiša mn bišia lauia A good man keeps good company, and a bad man

keeps bad company.

bišut nf. wickedness.

bit nm. house.

biṭušta nf. stamping. Note: B has buṭišta, which resembles Syriac bwṭštā "kicking" kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta

lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard this, he stamped upon the prow. biṭušta bṭaš ṣaida el

spinata ḏṣaidia The fisherman stamped upon the boats of the fishers.

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bliq pptc. Gram: G perceive. Note: Costaz notes blīq hwā ʻal: "to perceive." It is parallel to iadilun in 38.035 uailẖ

lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ nhura lahazia Woe to the fish who perceives them, (and) whose eyes do not

see the light!

bna pfv. Gram: G built. hiia gṭarlia esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla The Life tied a cord for me, and built an

indestructable vessel for me.

br nm. son. habšaba lagiṭ arada ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of Life took the

rudder. ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My fishermen brethren and fishermen sons, get

out of my sight!

brik pptc. Gram: G blessed. abrikit ṣaida ubrika arbak umarkabtak May you be blessed, Fisher, and may

your ship be blessed as well.

brund nm. fish. Note: According to Drower and Macuch, another type of fish. Lidzbarski translates it as "bayleaf"

which, on the authority of P. Anastase, was used by the lower classes to preserve fish. umpasquilun

umahilun kauaria brundia and they cut off and beat the baskets of fish.

bṭaš pfv. Gram: G kicked. kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard this, he

stamped upon the prow. biṭušta bṭaš ṣaida el spinata ḏṣaidia The fisherman stamped upon the boats

of the fishers.

bunna nm. barbel. Barbus sharpeyi. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured the

barbel tied the knot and fixed it to the spit.

bura adj. uncultivated. Note: The word means uncultivated in every possible sense, and can be applied to human beings

as well as territories. hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father, trapped in

the black waters!

buria nm. reed.mat. ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes,

gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and not getting up.

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D - d

dabar aptc. Gram: G leading. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector.

daiana nm. judge.

daiik aptc. Gram: G dying.out. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns,

which are not extinguished by blowing winds.

dair aptc. Gram: G-stem dwelling.

dakia adj. pure. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ gauaza ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia

umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a rod of pure water at the sight of

which fishers tremble. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of

the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes.

dakir aptc. mentioning. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and

the leaders, whom you do not mention fairly. laṣaidinin ḏel šumak dilak dakria We will not catch

those who mention your name! abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the

servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth. qaiminin umizdahrinin bkulhun

ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention your name.

dalia aptc. Gram: G lift.up. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak

nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the

fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish. dalinun bkarsauata atutia adrabšia

taqnia I shall put them up on thrones beneath stainless banners.

damia aptc. Gram: G resembling. laqalẖ damia lṣaida ulasqubrẖ lsqubran Neither does his voice resemble a

fisher's, nor does his whistle resemble our whistle. šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your

towline and your cords are so beautiful that you do not look like the fishers of the world. haka huit

ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we

have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? lamqaira arbak

bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not

resemble the fishermen of this world. spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is

not like our ships; it is a bright light like the sun in the night. lahazilan ṣaidia ḏdamilak ḏziqa

barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries along. amarulẖ

ḏhda ṣaida barba arba damia Tell her that the fisher has led four like him in the vessel (39.031 B).

dara aptc. Gram: G bearing. daranun uzaqipna I will take them and rise up. darilun bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ

mn aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and beaten back from the crown. lahazilan ṣaidia

ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries


dariš aptc. teaching. alihdai alihdai anpai iatib udariš anuš Close to me Anuš sits and preaches. el mhara

qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching subline doctrines.

daura nm. dwelling.

dgura nm. heap. darilun bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ mn aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and beaten

back from the crown.

dib nm. wolf.

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dil prep. emph. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers

were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other fishers were starting to hatch plots.

laṣaidinin ḏel šumak dilak dakria We will not catch those who mention your name! kulhun arbia

ḏhazilia kabšan uldilia sagdan All the vessels that see me bow down and worship me. kabšan

usagdlia uatin ldilia midinan They bow down, and worship me, and they come to me submissively.

hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder, and you will take a

share (of our profits) as your own. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan and dress in black like us. eu abdit

ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and syrup. la

ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish, and my fish

are discerning. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours is not going to

be called an associate of the righteous. qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia hdadia utabria etbun palta

ḏrugza The families of our marsh are the type that conspire and fragment. zakaita dilak ṣaida

ḏhazilẖ nunia umitrahqia Your blameless family, fisher, is the type that fish see and flee far away.

anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us! qaiminin

umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention

your name.

din nm. judgment.

diqa nm. cauldron? Note: Apparently a unit of measure of some sort. Possibly Pahl. dēg (DYKˈ) "cauldron"? Drower and

Macuch identify it as another fish. amrilun ḏaklia diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would

eat cauldrons? of the fish called "girita." amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that

there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it].

dirdq nm. youth. Gram: singular not attested in manuscripts

dirka nm. way.

diu nm. demon. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the wicked Magus

and there is no rust upon the axe.

dmia nm. price. Note: Attested in plural. umzabnit bidmia kadiria You sell for a great price.

dinba nm. end. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get down, leave your group, and

go to the end of the line.

drabša nm. banner. dalinun bkarsauata atutia adrabšia taqnia I shall put them up on thrones beneath

stainless banners. arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and

sublime banners are unfurled on it.

draš nm. doctrine. el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching subline


dria pptc. carried. Gram: G; the passive participle often has active meaning kulman ḏadria engirta nihlip Whoever

carries a letter will pass by.

dubš nm. date.syrup. Anth: Date syrup (locally known as dibs) is the local equivalent to honey in southern Iraq. eu

abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and syrup.

dud nf. cauldron.

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dukta nf. place. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its

place, etibrẖ lganpẖ lduktẖ I will break its wing on the spot. iuma ḏnhura nisaq nitkamar hšuka

lduktẖ The day of light shall rise, and darkness shall return to its place. mahlipinun marba ḏeula

dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught.

nunia laiṭia ṣahua el duktaihun The fish curse thirst upon their spot. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia

uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the fishermen blush and become ashamed, and stand in their


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E - e

e- ipfv-. 1sg.

ebad pfv. G-stem perfective. See main entry: ʔ-b-d.

ebid nf. deed. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil

and syrup.

eda nf. hand. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place,

kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of good quality

will join you. aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and catch the spider

crab that gets up on its hands. akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat

whatever morsel falls from your hand, and we will be satisified. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun

bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will

undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light.

edia nm. line. masgina briša ḏmia umasgina briša ḏedia I go through the fountainhead and the beginning of

the course. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get down, leave your group,

and go to the end of the line.

egir pptc. Gram: G hired. amarlan ḏnihuia egirak Tell us, so that we may work for you.

eka ext. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its

place, ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the wicked Magus

and there is no rust upon the axe.

ekilta nf. food. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a "meal" of unripe

dates nor the "necklaces" of marsh nets. lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia bgauaihun kanpia ekilta You do not

see the food of the fish within its receptacles.

ekul nm. bait? Note: This noun belongs to a passive actant noun pattern "that which is eaten." In Syriac, CPA, Samaritan,

and Galilean Aramaic, though, ˀākōlā means "eater." Seemingly parallel to ekilta. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia

mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates,

the bait that offers a meal of death. halpilun lukulia kulhun They pass by all the baits.

ekum nm. black. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia

maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do

not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish.

el prep. upon. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not

extinguished by blowing winds. el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the

fisher, teaching subline doctrines. aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra for the demons and

the evil chaos (or Magus?), and there is no rust on the axe. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria

el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against the

bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. nagẖ algiṭa uzanga tlilẖ el babta They seized it, appropriated

it, and hung a bell over its entrance. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was

forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. biṭušta bṭaš ṣaida el spinata

ḏṣaidia The fisherman stamped upon the boats of the fishers. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia

šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering

fishermen. amarlun el ṣaidia nunia He said to the fishermen, lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita

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ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, eu

ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break

through the net and escape. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai

and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets. nunia laiṭia ṣahua el

duktaihun The fish curse thirst upon their spot. lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world.

hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the fishermen blush and become

ashamed, and stand in their places. šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me

about me. šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me. hus

elan utub utraham Pity us, have mercy and be compassionate! anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut

elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us!

elau prep. to. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured his barbel tied the knot and

fixed it to the spit. ualuai umitinun ḏlaqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna I made them swear to me

that they would not stay and dip their nets and spear in the Jordan. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar

ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the crafty? birds that are upon you!

ema nf. mother. emaian brabitak iatba ulihia gaṭra Our mother will sit down with your handmaiden and tie

dragnets. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ

plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of

water, and split her head down the middle. šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is

my maidservant about me.

emr nm. speech.

emṣandar pptc. intoxicated. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the

waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.

engirta nf. letter.

esiqta nf. seal.ring. larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither wil your boat will join

with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal.

esqa nm. cord. šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your cable and your cords are so beautiful that

you do not look like the fishers of the world. hiia gṭarlia esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla The Life tied a

cord for me, and built an indestructable vessel for me.

estakar pfv. Gram: tD was.obstructed. hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father,

trapped in the black waters!

estamar pfv. Gram: Dt heeded. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other fishers were

starting to hatch plots.

eṣṭarar pfv. Gram: Dt was.formed.3s: eṣṭararat.

eṣṭla nm. robe. Note: The plural can refer to a suit of clothes or outfit. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura

iaqra I will dress them in lightworld clothing, and cover them in precious light. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia

ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder.

ešumia nm. heaven. arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The ship is a seed, and travels through the

heart of the heavens.

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et ext. akma šapir atana ḏetbẖ How beautiful is the mesh that is in it! ašlẖ ašlia ḏziua usukana

ḏkušṭa etbẖ Its cables are cables of radiance, and its rudder is one in which there is truth. hauilak

arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will take a third of

what we have. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir,

which the fish enter and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. etbun palta

ḏrugza They have a spear of wrath. amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there

is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. etbẖ sukana uqaiim bgauẖ usqiria It has a

rudder and standing within it is a sailyard.

etana nm. mesh. Note: From Akkadian itannu "mesh; interstices" akma šapir atana ḏetbẖ How beautiful is the

mesh that is in it! latanak litbẖ humria There are no weights in your mesh. mpalgalun lšuhia

uabaria batana ramia She will divvy up the rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. etana

etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world!

etana pfv. sighed. etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world!

etikrik pfv. Gram: tG whirled. bagma umia krikta etikrik The whirlpool whirled in the marsh water.

etiqria pfv. Gram: tG be.called. lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-

catching type of fisher, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats scum!

etparaq ipfv. Gram: tD be.saved. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved

from the talons that seize fish! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is

saved from the men who watch the Earth!

etpariq ipfv. Gram: tD be.saved. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you

will be saved from crafty? birds.

etqinis pfv. Gram: Gt was.doomed.3s: etqinsat.

etradap ipfv. be.persecuted. Gram: Dt

etriṣ pfv. Gram: Gt set.up. Note: Also used with regard to wearing hats and crowns. etriṣlia qudaha brišai A cover

is set on my prow.

eu conj. if. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from

crafty? birds. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you---a helper and support

from the place of darkness to the place of light. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If

you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. eu šutapan lašamit mihla

aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša

aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and date syrup. eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita

pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break through the net and


euhra nm. road. ana qadmit beuhra bsahrana I start on my way early in a crescent skiff. ana šanitinun

lqapaiia ḏeuhra ḏhiia sakria I cleared out the duckweeds (?) that were blocking the way of life.

lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the Karun, nor do

they know the way to the Kšaš. laiadin euhra ḏsairia ulaiadia lmihduria leuhraihun They won't

know the way that they're going, and they won't know how to return back to their way.

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euira adj. blind. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no

rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you

have neither cudgel nor axe.

eula nm. evil. umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa ḏlazuanak ḏeula lgiṭatlẖ usamkatlẖ biaṣilak and you do

business with your trick scale, which you take and support with your elbow for your crooked

transaction. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka

bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the

wicked Magus and there is no rust upon the axe. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell

that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. mahlipinun marba ḏeula

dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught.

Eulai nm. Karun. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the

Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš.

eulana nm. evildoer. ezil ezil eulana ḏlazabnit minaian Scram! Get lost, crook who doesn't buy from us.

eumqa nm. depth. eiatra lnunia ḏeumqia I will wake up the fish of the depths. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn

eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you, Pied Crow, who snatches fish from the depths.

eura nm. rope? Note: Hapax, parallel to bgiṭria in the next line. Possible error for beudia "with rods?" karkil šdinun

beuria He surrounded them with ropes.

eurašlam pn. Jerusalem. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the

ruin of Jerusalem! naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his exorcisms

will desecrate the land of Jerusalem.

eurba nm. crow. Corvus corone. Note: Possibly Corvus corone (Carrion crow) or Corvus cornix (Hooded crow). 10

species of Corvidae exist in Iraq. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a day

on Earth in which the dove loves the crow.

eušn nm. stallion.

eutra nm. Uthra. radibun liškinata umpalgia nhura beutria They travel in them to the celestial dwellings,

and they divide the light with the Uthras.

ezil ipfv. Gram: G leave. ezil ezil eulana ḏlazabnit minaian Scram! Get lost, crook who doesn't buy from us.

ezil ezil ṣud nunia ḏzuhmita ḏnapšaikun Go, go and catch your own stinking fish. nṭur špul ezil

lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get down, leave your group, and go to the end of the line.

ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Go, planets, go be part of your houses! zhun ezil sluq

lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the ruin of Jerusalem!

ezla nm. cord. atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and

tie cords of every sort for you. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the

water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun

marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The cords, the gillnets, and the seines

there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice.

ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks

that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have

neither cudgel nor axe. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the

water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.

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G - g

gabra nm. man. mištaiin hiia uzakin uzakia gabra ḏasgia lka Life speaks and is victorious, and victorious

is the man who went there. šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven were defeated, and

the alien man remained victorious. gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ šurubtẖ The man of proven

righteousness was victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory.

gadaia adj. lucky. ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of

the marsh!

gaiar nm. adulterer.

gaiid pfv. Gram: D overtook. gaidinun ligal ṣaida The fisher overtook them swiftly.

gamb prep. beside. el agambai hzaiia šitil At my side is seen Šitil,

ganab nm. thief.

ganib aptc. Gram: G stealing. la ganbilun minai They will not steal them from me.

ganpa nm. wing. etibrẖ lganpẖ lduktẖ I will break its wing on the spot. arba ḏganpiẖ ḏziua uṭaisa uradia

ulamšamṭa a vessel whose radiant sail flutters and flaps, but is not pulled off.

garpa adj. marauding. Note: Possibly from root GRB to plunder. rgaltẖ ltangarun girpa ḏlarašia ḏahbilẖ I tied

up their thieving merchant, who doesn't claim what they bring him.

gaṣuṣa nm. draw.string? Note: This pattern typically refers to actant nouns, particularly adjectives, and perhaps even

diminutives. Loew identifies it as "green beans" (ˁāṣṣōṣā) used as a decoy to trap fish, but Lidzbarski, Drower,

and Macuch disagree. It is parallel to ašla "cable" in 39.023. In Syriac, g-ṣ-ṣ means "to be marked with chalk" in

the tG. Drower and Macuch suggest "draw-string." Could it be related to JBA qṣuwṣā "cut metal, strip, wire"?

gaṭar aptc. Gram: G-stem (v.t.) To fasten or secure with or as if with a cord, rope, or strap. qlaitẖ el lihun kulẖ

ulgupta ḏlihia gaṭra I burnt their entire dragnet, and the snare? that ties dragnets together. emaian

brabitak iatba ulihia gaṭra Our mother will sit down with your handmaiden and tie dragnets. atia

uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and tie cords

of every sort for you. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ

uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her

with a staff of water, and split her head down the middle.

gau prep. inside. enisbẖ minẖ unpabẖ bgauẖ ḏesqubrai I will take it from him and blow into my horn.

lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia bgauaihun kanpia ekilta You do not see the food of the fish within its

receptacles. etbẖ sukana uqaiim bgauẖ usqiria It has a rudder and standing within it is a sailyard.

gauaia adj. inner.

nm. blind. lgauaiak azil Go to your blind! akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia

ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that

other fishers were starting to hatch plots.

gauaza nm. staff.

gauaza ḏmia A reed pole used to punt small craft through the marshes. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira

mn duktẖ gauaza ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff

chosen in its place, a rod of pure water at the sight of which fishers tremble.

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gazia aptc. Gram: G from GZZ or GUZ uspintai lagazia ulamistakarna and neither does my ship

cut through them nor do I get caught.

ginz nm. treasure.

girita nf. catfish. Silurus triostegus jirri. Note: This is likely the Mesopotamian catfish, known locally as the jirrī. The

term can also mean "eel", and this is indeed how Lidzbarski identifies the fish (Jim Turner, 2006/1/17: "We also

have some darn ugly Catfish. These fish have a catfish head and an eel tail."). These catfish are not eaten in Iraq,

although recently they have been exported to Lebanon. amrilun ḏaklia diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told

them that they would eat cauldrons of the fish called "the eel." aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ

ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and catch the spider crab that gets up on its hands.

giṣia nm. marsh.path. Gram: Attested only in plural form. Note: According to MD, prob. a corruption from an earlier

text of gihnia or gahnia i.e. pl. of gahn a local word of Lower 'Iraq for a path trodden by water-buffaloes in their

passage through the reeds, which are pressed back by their feet and bodies. lgiṣia gauaiia utalilia

mbašqarnun I am familiar with their inner trails and mounds.

giš pptc. Gram: G bundled. Note: Lidzbarski suggests that this word is related to Syriac geššā "bottom" but in the context

(where it is plural) this does not make much sense. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia

ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against the bundles/upon

the bottom of the weir.

giṭr nm. knot. pkarinun bgiṭria He bound them with knots.

gmir pptc. Gram: G perfect. arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and

sublime banners are unfurled on it.

gṭar pfv. put.together. Note: Takes el(au) hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured

the barbel tied the knot and fixed it to the spit. hiia gṭarlia esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla The Life tied

a cord for me, and built an indestructable vessel for me.

gauna nm. sort. Note: From Pahlavi gōn(ag) "color, complexion; sort, kind, form" atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak

ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and tie cords of every sort for you.

gubr nm. men. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved from the men who

watch the Earth!

gupta nf. snare. Note: Ochsenschlager notes that circular cast nets are threaded with a cord which, when pulled, draws

the weighted edges of the cast net together under the water, trapping the fish inside. qlaitẖ el lihun kulẖ

ulgupta ḏlihia gaṭra I burnt their entire dragnet, and the snare? that ties dragnets together. ašhia

litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that

will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither

cudgel nor axe.

g-z-r vt. to cut; pass judgment.

nagzir ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb g-z-r meaning to condemn or pass judgment. kma

emihiiẖ lšamiš ukma eiagzirẖ bhazin alma How long am I to strike Šamiš and pass judgment

upon him in this world? [MBJ55.021]

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H - h

habar nm. darkness. usaiarna agma bhabara I traverse the marsh in darkness.

habiṣ aptc. Gram: G compressing. anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin lqudamak We will bake and make

porridge, and bring it before you. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš

kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will

make you the head of every one of us.

habra nm. associate. qabil had mn habrẖ One confronts his partner. had lhabrẖ mqarilẖ uamarlẖ One cries

to his associate, saying:

habšaba nm. Sunday. habšaba lagiṭ arada ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of

Life took the rudder.

hadia aptc. Gram: G-stem rejoicing.1s: hadina.

haia aptc. living. ṣaida ana ḏhiia rbia A fisher am I, of the Great Life. ṣaida ana ḏhiia rurbia A fisher am I,

of the Mighty Life. ṣaida ana ḏnišmata ḏbhiia sahdan I am a fisher of the souls who bear witness to

the Life. mištaiin hiia uzakin uzakia gabra ḏasgia lka Life speaks and is victorious, and victorious

is the man who went there. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the Great

Life, may the distant light be exalted! šliha ḏhiia šadrun A messenger that Life has sent. hiia gṭarlia

esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla The Life tied a cord for me, and built an indestructable vessel for me.

habšaba lagiṭ arada ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of Life took the

rudder. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be ensconced in the

abode of life.

haiaba adj. guilty. šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven were defeated, and the alien man

remained victorious.

hail nm. strength. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight,

rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one).

haiuta nf. life.

haka adv. here. haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade bustles here, but it will be as if

it never existed. haka truṣ makutaikun ḏlatihuia braksa "Put your raft here so that it is not on the

embankment." anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven,

here is the faith of shit, and shit will be your fate. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma

ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and

whose vessel does not resemble our vessels?

hakima adj. wise. hakimia nunia ḏiadilun Wise are the fish who recognize them.

halip aptc. Gram: G halpilun lukulia kulhun They pass by all the baits.

hambaga nm. enemy.

hamš quant. 5. ulasra bhamša nasbatlẖ you take ten for the price of five.

hapiqia nm. stream. Gram: plurale tantum

hašik aptc. Gram: G darkening.

haṭaia nm. sin. haṭaian uhauban tišbuqlan May you forgive our sins and debts!

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hatam adv. yonder. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia

hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a

thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra

usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar

overwhelm those who imbibe.

Haua pn. Eve.

haub nm. debt. haṭaian uhauban tišbuqlan May you forgive our sins and debts!

hauia aptc. Gram: G being. haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade bustles here, but it

will be as if it never existed. hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major

shareholder, and you will take a share (of our profits) as your own. hauilak arqa bigar unasbit

atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will take a third of what we have. atia

uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and tie cords

of every sort for you. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin

alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a

thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia

hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair will be in the reeds. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia

mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that

your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria

ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for

the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe. abdia hauinin

ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the servants of your disciples, who mention your

name in truth.

hauria nm. marsh. Gram: Not attested in the singular. Note: Perhaps related to Aramaic ḥôrā "hole" or Arabic ḫawr-

"marsh"Pl: hauria. lhauria mia iadanun I know the water-marshes. lnašbia ulhauria uel kiliata

kulhun aiilna I enter the nets, pools, and dragnets. ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia

ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes, gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and

not getting up. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the

pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes. sqiria mala

lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light

to the marshes.

haus nm. basin? Note: The word is also found in GR 216,14, where it is translated "ovens." Lidzbarski doubts that it

could mean both "oven" and "cistern." hausia uriuia litbẖ It has no cisterns or fountains.

hazia aptc. Gram: G seeing. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ gauaza ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia

umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a rod of pure water at the sight of

which fishers tremble. kulhun arbia ḏhazilia kabšan uldilia sagdan All the vessels that see me bow

down and worship me. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak

uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover

that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish. uailẖ lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ

nhura lahazia Woe to the fish who perceives them, (and) whose eyes do not see the light! azlia

uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The

snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one)

out of two thousand will see twice. uailak sagia saria ḏhazia nunia umitana Woe to you, stinking

pelican, who will see the fish and sigh. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing

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him, the fishermen blush and become ashamed, and stand in their places. zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ

nunia umitrahqia Your blameless family, fisher, is the type that fish see and flee far away. lahazilan

ṣaidia ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind

carries along.

hazin dem. this. kḏ hazin amarlia ṣaidia When the fishers said this to me, kma naia silitak hazin How

beautiful is this throw net of yours! kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman

heard this, he stamped upon the prow. hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head

of you all, so be his kingdom! hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage

father, trapped in the black waters! kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As

the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil

ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said this, the fisher spoke, saying to them: kḏ hazin šimuia

ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they

say to him:

hda quant. one. qabil had mn habrẖ One confronts his partner. had lhabrẖ mqarilẖ uamarlẖ One cries to his

associate, saying: azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin

alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a

thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia

ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your

strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ]

Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. anin mizdahrinin bnunak

ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from


hdadia recip. each.other. mganin ahdadia They blame one another. qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia hdadia

utabria etbun palta ḏrugza The families of our marsh are the type that conspire and fragment.

hdar pfv. Gram: G turn.around.

he pers. 3sg.f. arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The ship is a seed, and travels through the heart of the

heavens. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban ulatalak abinia he Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not

resemble our vessels, and whose hook? is between? šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother

who is my maidservant about me.

Hibil pn. Hibil.

higma nm. commotion. šamana higma ḏṣaidia I hear the commotion of fishermen.

hinun pers. 3pl.m.

hiuara adj. white. esruta litlẖ ḏzipa umania hiuaria lbiš He has no stench of deceit, and he is clothed in

white garments.

hiur nm. white. ušabin šibia bhiuria and they take captives in the marshes.

hšal pfv. Gram: G forged.1s: hišlit.

hšil pptc. Gram: G forged. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged with evil,

which will captivate all the people of the world.

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hšuka nm. darkness. iuma ḏnhura nisaq nitkamar hšuka lduktẖ The day of light shall rise, and darkness

shall return to its place. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar

hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and

support from the place of darkness to the place of light. mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness.

hu pers. 3sg.m. squbra hu taqna ḏmia bqira larbia The horn is so durable that water does not compromise its

seal (lit. mingle with its pitch).

hua pfv. Gram: G was. haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade bustles here, but it will be

as if it never existed. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you

seven, here is the faith of shit, and shit will be your fate. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Depart,

Planets, depart from where your houses are! šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven

were defeated, and the alien man remained victorious. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma

ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and

whose vessel does not resemble our vessels?

humra nm. weight. latanak litbẖ humria There are no weights in your mesh.

-hun poss. 3mpl.

hurb nm. ruin. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the ruin of


hus ipfv. Gram: G pity. hus elan utub utraham Pity us, have mercy and be compassionate!

husrana nm. loss. husrana maṭia lzabnẖ The loss falls upon its buyer.

hza pfv. Gram: G saw. kḏ hzaitẖ lzuhara dakia When I saw the pure warning. The fisher put on clothes of

radiance and set an axe on his shoulder. ṣaidia ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia Whenever the

(other) fishers saw the fisher, they would come and gather around him.

hzia pptc. Gram: G seen. Note: With the enclitic, has an active (ergative?) meaning? el agambai hzaiia šitil To my

side is seen Shithil. lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia bgauaihun kanpia ekilta You do not see the food of the

fish within its receptacles.

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I - i

ia part. hey. ia ab ṣaida ṭaba O father of the good fisherman! ia lala ṣaida ḏbasim šumẖ O master of the

fisherman, whose name is pleasant to hear! amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say, "Oh

fishers who swallow filth."

-ia nom. pl.m.

iabiš aptc. Gram: G drying. uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher,

whose wings will never dry on land!

iadata nf. information.

iada aptc. Gram: G knowing. lhauria mia iadanun Knowing the water-marshes. šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me about me.

Iadatan pn. Iadatan.

iadia aptc. Gram: G knowing. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the

waters of the Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš. laiadin euhra ḏsairia ulaiadia lmihduria

leuhraihun They won't know the way that they're going, and they won't know how to return back to

their way. hakimia nunia ḏiadilun Wise are the fish who recognize them.

iahib aptc. Gram: G Giving.Sg: iahib.

iahuṭaiia adj. Jewish.Pl: iahuṭaiia.

iam nm. sea.Pl: iamamia. algiṭtẖ biama rba You caught it in the great ocean. [MBJ36.029] qarilun lnunia iama.

He summons the fish of the sea. [MBJ37.020] qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia

raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen.

[MBJ38.045] qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure

fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and teaches them in the marshes. [MBJ39.002]

iaqra adj. honored. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in lightworld

garments, and cover them in precious light. iatbia el karsauata ubairia bnhura iaqra They will sit

in thrones and shine forth with precious light.

Iardna pn. Jordan.

nm. stream. laqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna They will not stay and dip their nets and spear in

the Jordan. ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the

fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan.

iaṣila nf. elbow. lgiṭatlẖ usamkatlẖ biaṣilak you take it and support it with your elbow.

iatib aptc. Gram: G sitting. nunia bṭulẖ iatbia The fish rest in its shade. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil

ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel and come to the mortal world. alihdai alihdai anpai iatib udariš

anuš Close to me Anuš sits and preaches. iatbia el karsauata ubairia bnhura iaqra They will sit in

thrones and shine forth with precious light. emaian brabitak iatba ulihia gaṭra Our mother will sit

down with your handmaiden and tie dragnets.

iauna nm. dove. Streptopelia decaocto. Note: Possibly the Columba oenas (Stock Dove), Columba livia (Rock

Dove/Pigeon), Columba palumbus (Common Wood Pigeon), Streptopelia decaocto (Eurasian Collared Dove),

Streptopelia orientalis (Oriental Turtledove), Streptopelia turtur (European Turtledove), Streptopelia senegalensis

(Laughing Dove), or Namaqua Dove (Oena capensis). 8 species of Columbidae exist in Iraq. Streptopelia

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decaocto is the lightest of them in color, witih grey-buff to pinkish-grey plumage. lanihuia iuma btibil

ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow.

igal nm. hurry. gaidinun ligal ṣaida The fisher overtook them swiftly.

-ik poss. 2sg.f.

-in -ptc. -pl.m.

-inan acc. 1pl.

-inin acc. 3pl.f.

-inun acc. 3pl.m.

-it -pfv. 1sg.

-it -ptc. 2sg.

-itun -ptc. -2pl.

ium nm. day. iuma ḏnhura nisaq nitkamar hšuka lduktẖ The day of light shall rise, and darkness shall

return to its place. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia There will never be a day on the

Earth in which fish fish fishers. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a

day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow.

-iun pl. -ipfv.

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K - k

kabiš aptc. Gram: G pressing.down. kulhun arbia ḏhazilia kabšan uldilia sagdan All the vessels that see me

bow down and worship me. kabšan usagdlia uatin ldilia midinan They bow down, and worship me,

and they come to me submissively.

kadaba nm. liar.

kadb nm. lie. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or

deceptive lanterns.

kadira adj. heavy. Note: Can also mean weak and inauspicious (from an astrological perspective). bidmia kadiria at a

great price. etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world!

emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As

for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split

her head down the middle.

kadpa nf. shoulder. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set

an axe on his shoulder.

kaiata nf. band. Note: Perhaps related to JBA katt/kitta? nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep

back, get down, leave your group, and go to the end of the line. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia

ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your

strength may double (lit. may be two for every one).

kaiub adj. aching. Gram: Noeldeke identifies as a faa3uul form; Macuch and Drower identify as an aptc with "labialized


kalia aptc. trapping. Note: Possibly from KLA 2 "to hold back, restrain." Parallel with ṣaidia "fishers." MG suggests

Arabic kallāʼ- "harbor, riverbank." bhir mn ṣaidia uriša ḏkulhun kalia The elect of the fishers, and head

of all trappers. rab ṣaidia riša ḏšurbta haita rišaia ḏkulhun kalia The lord of the fishers, chief of

the living generation, and prince of all trappers. ṭaibilun mn qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will

sink under the surface and be restrained with the circlet.

kanip aptc. Gram: G gather. qarilun uamarlun ḏatin aluatai kanpia He calls them and tells them to 'come

and gather by my side.'. The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder.

ṣaidia ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia Whenever the (other) fishers saw the fisher, they would

come and gather around him. atin aluatẖ kanpin They come and gather near him.

kanpa nm. wing. uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher, whose wing

will never dry on land! lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia bgauaihun kanpia ekilta You do not see the food of

the fish within its receptacles.

kapin aptc. Gram: G hungry. uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher,

whose wing will never dry on land!

kaprun nm. fiber. Note: According to P. Anastase, kafrūn ropes are made from the fibers of coconut palms, or kunbār

(pronounced in the local dialect kunfār). When coconut-palm fibers are rare, they are replaced with date-palm

fibers (līf), but the name remains the same. apkartinun baṭunia kaprun I tied them up in palm-fiber


karia aptc. Gram: G distressing.3s: karialia.

karkil pfv. Gram: Q-stem derived from KRK with enclitic l-? encompass. karkil šdinun beuria He bound them to

his staves.

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kasa nm. cup. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make

porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the head of

every one of us.

kauar nm. cauf. Note: Originally refered to a type of ventilated basket used to keep fish alive while transporting them in

the water, it came by extension to mean fish in general. Cf. JBA kawrā, kawəwrā. umpasquilun umahilun

kauaria brundia and they cut off and beat the baskets of fish. laramin silita ukauaria ualuai

lalagṭia They will neither cast nets nor take my fish and spirits (or baskets of large fish?)

kbaš pfv. pressed. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are

commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.

kḏ conj. when. kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of good

quality will join you. kḏ hazin šuma rab ṣaidia [...] amarlẖ When the Fisher Lord heard this, he

said, kḏ hazin amarlia ṣaidia When the fishers said this to me, mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia

nunia umistakria She will divide the water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught.

kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard this, he stamped upon the

prow. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness

when they strike at the fish but do not catch it. kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia

ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. kḏ hazin

amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said this, the fisher spoke, saying to them:

kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher

who went there, they say to him: haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade

bustles here, but it will be as if it never existed. hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You

will be our major shareholder, and you will take a share (of our profits) as your own. ulbuš ekuma kḏ

dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like

us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and

your boat will bring in fish. kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin unaplia lṭabia Like walls that fall apart, they

come and fall upon the good. ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated

on the marshes, gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and not getting up. spintak

ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright light like the

sun in the night.

kili nf. Gram: Possibly from KLA 1 "to restrain, withhold" lnašbia ulhauria uel kiliata kulhun aiilna I enter the netting spots, pools, and traps.

klil nm. wreath. Note: Can also refer to the metal ring at the center of a throw net. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia

brišaihun tarṣia They will guide them with a crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on

their heads. ṭaibilun mn qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will sink under the surface and be restrained

with the circlet.

kma interrog. how. kma naia silitak hazin How beautiful is this throw net of yours! akma šapir atana ḏetbẖ How beautiful is the mesh that is in it!

krakta nf. whirlpool. bagma umia krikta etikrik The whirlpool whirled in the marsh water.

Kšaša pn. Kšaš. Anth: name of a river between this world and the other which the dead are obliged to cross lašatin mia

ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the Karun, nor do they know

the way to the Kšaš.

kšiṭa pptc. Gram: G true.

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kudka nm. boundary.marker.

kul quant. all. qlaitẖ el lihun kulẖ ulgupta ḏlihia gaṭra I burnt their entire dragnet, and the snare? that ties

dragnets together. kulhun arbia ḏhazilia kabšan uldilia sagdan All the vessels that see me bow

down and worship me. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You

will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the

head of every one of us. halpilun lukulia kulhun They pass by all the baits. zanga ḏhšil beula

ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the

world. hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head of you all, so be his kingdom!

ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends,

set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector. gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ

šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness was victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory. kḏ

hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all

the fishers who heard his voice. qaiminin umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall

stand by and take care of all who mention your name.

kulab nm. axe.

-kun poss. 2pl.m.

kursia nf. seat. iatbia el karsauata ubairia bnhura iaqra They will sit in thrones and shine forth with

precious light. dalinun bkarsauata atutia adrabšia taqnia I shall put them up on thrones beneath

stainless banners.

kušṭa nm. truth. ašlẖ ašlia ḏziua usukana ḏkušṭa etbẖ Its cables are cables of radiance, and its rudder is one

in which there is truth. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be

ensconced in the abode of life. abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the

servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth.

kutla nm. stern. šdibun maspuṭiata utlaitun abatar kutlai I put baskets? on them and dragged them behind

my stern.

kutlaia nm. helmsman. Gram: Composed of kutla "rudder" and the suffix -aia on the model of zangaia "bell-ringer,"

ginaia "gardener," maṭaraia "ruler of a purgatory," etc. kḏ hazin šuma rab ṣaidia riša ḏšurbta haita

rišaia ḏkulhun kalia amarlẖ lkutlai When the lord of the fishers, chief of the living generation, and

prince of all trawlers heard this, he said to his helmsman,

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M - m

ma rel. which.

mabarta nf. ferry.boat.

mabar aptc. Gram: C She is carrying over.Sg: mabra.

maguša nm. Magus. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka

bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the

wicked Magus and there is no rust upon the axe.

mahia aptc. Gram: G hitting. umpasquilun umahilun kauaria brundia and they cut off and beat the baskets

of fish. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness

when they strike at the fish but do not catch it.

mahlip aptc. Gram: C making.pass. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun

maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector.

mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place

where fish are caught.

mahu interrog. what.

mahuna nm. pit. Note: Lidzbarski identifies as a Greek loanword "machine." Drower and Macuch suggest "pit" on the

basis of other texts. This could refer to the two parts of the ḥāḍra, the ḥūš (pl. aḥwāš) or "courtyard" and the ser,

which is the smaller (and deeper) inner chamber. mitriṣ rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set

up a lattice between the two compartments. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria

bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin

unfortunate pits, I struck her with a punt and split her head down the middle.

mai nm. water. atina briš mia I come through the fountainhead. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ

gauaza ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a

rod of pure water at the sight of which fishers tremble. uspinatun tibrit lmia I spoiled their ships for

the water. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the

Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She

will divide the water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught. hatam mia mzigia

ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock

and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe. bagma umia krikta etikrik The whirlpool whirled

in the marsh water. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin ulapalgia mia ḏbaiin

ḏniplun lṭabia They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir,

and they will not share the water that seeks to fall upon the good. mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka

lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness. hazin

abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father, trapped in the black waters!

emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As

for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split

her head down the middle. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your

group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for

every one). arban azla bmia uarbak azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but your vessel goes

between the waters. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water,

and it is not submerged to snatch fish.

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maiil aptc. Gram: D/C bringing. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak

uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover

that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish.

mak pfv. Gram: G levelled.1s: makit.

maks nm. tax. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my

friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector.

makuta nf. raft. Note: From MKK "to spread out"; in Syriac also refers to a stone lid, a float, and a floating bladder.

haka truṣ makutaikun ḏlatihuia braksa "Put your raft here so that it is not on the embankment."

mala nm. property. uliṭa arbak ḏlamalia and damn your worthless vessel! liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa

šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind!

mala pfv. Gram: D steered. Note: Mandaic also has a noun malaha "steersman." sqiria mala lṣaida usukana

ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light to the marshes.

malbiš aptc. Gram: C dressing. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in

lightworld garments, and cover them in precious light.

malia aptc. Gram: G filling. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You

will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the

head of every one of us.

malil pfv. spoke. Gram: D malil uṣnapbẖ bqalẖ He spoke, shrieking at the top of his voice. malil bqalẖ šania

He spoke with his sublime voice. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen

said this, the fisher spoke, saying to them:

malkuta nf. kingdom. hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head of you all, so be his


malpia aptc. Gram: C joining. anin malpinalak bṣaidia We shall enroll you among the fishers.

man interrog. who.

rel. who. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons

that seize fish! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved from the

men who watch the Earth!

mana nm. garment. esruta litlẖ ḏzipa umania hiuaria lbiš He has no stench of deceit, and he is clothed in

white garments.

mand nm. knowledge.

mapiqta nf. death.

mapriš aptc. Gram: C explaining. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice

of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes.

marba nm. lair. Note: Lidzbarski assumes that this is some kind of "Durchgang," although admits it could be from the

root RBA, meaning "Lagerstätte." Drower and Macuch identify it as another form of marbihta. mahlipinun

marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish

are caught.

marbihta nf. lair. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia

hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a

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thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia

hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair is in the reeds.

mard adj. rebellious.

mardia aptc. Gram: C flowing. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns,

which are not extinguished by blowing winds.

margna nm. staff. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its


margna ḏmia A reed pole for punting small craft through the marshes. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia

taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets

and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a punt pole, and split her head down the middle.

marganita nf. pearl.

marha aptc. Gram: C smelling. ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish

that do not eat shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock.

markabta nf. vehicle. Note: "arbak u markabtak" = your ship. abrikit ṣaida ubrika arbak umarkabtak May you

be blessed, Fisher, and may your ship be blessed as well.

marula nm. trouble.

masbar aptc. Gram: C making.hope. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher

attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope.

masgia aptc. Gram: C going. masgina briša ḏmia umasgina briša ḏedia I go through the fountainhead and

the beginning of the course.

masiq aptc. Gram: C raising. ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends,

raise them up, and set them in my vessel.

maška aptc. finding. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak

nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the

fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia

nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch

it. amrilẖ ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say to him, "For what possible reason do you

fish but never catch?"

mašma aptc. Gram: C make.hear. ṣaida amar umašma umašmalẖ lgabra The fisher said, and made the man


maspuṭi nf. Note: Generally found in the plural; related to sapṭā "basket" basket. šdibun maspuṭiata utlaitun

abatar kutlai I put baskets? on them and hung them behind my stern.

masṭia aptc. Gram: C seducing.

masṭiana nm. seducer.

mata nf. town. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the leaders,

whom you do not mention fairly. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to

your town, the ruin of Jerusalem!

maṭarta nf. garrison.

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maṭia aptc. Gram: G arriving. husrana maṭia lzabnẖ The loss falls upon its buyer.

matia aptc. Gram: D bringing. anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin lqudamak We will bake and make honey

cake, and bring them before you.

matna aptc. Gram: C putting.

pptc. being.put. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which

are not extinguished by blowing winds.

maṭu nf. clemency. anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us!

maukil aptc. Gram: C feeding. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up

seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.

mauqir aptc. Gram: C extracting. mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull

them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings.

mazrut nf. seed. arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The ship is a seed, and travels through the heart of

the heavens.

mbašqar aptc. Gram: Q recognizing. lgiṣia gauaiia utalilia mbašqarnun I am familiar with their inner trails

and mounds. la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches

fish, and my fish are discerning.

mdalia aptc. Gram: D lift.up. raipilun bqaina umdalilun They tie them to a cane and hoist them up.

mgania aptc. Gram: D blaming. qal ṣaidia uqal tangarun ḏmganin ahdadia ulaiṭia The sound of fishers and

the sound of their traders who reproach one another and curse.

mha pfv. Gram: G beat. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ

brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff

of water, and split her head down the middle.

mhaiman aptc. Gram: Q faithful.

mhara nm. prow. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia ladaikia Upon the prow are placed lanterns,

which are not extinguished by blowing winds. el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the

prow stands the fisher, teaching subline doctrines. kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When

the fisherman heard this, he stamped upon the prow.

midnia aptc. Gram: tG self.abasing. kabšan usagdlia uatin ldilia midinan They bow down, and worship me,

and they come to me submissively.

mihdar inf. Gram: G encircle. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish

rise up, nor turn around to face the embankment.

mihdia inf. to.rejoice. Gram: G-stem

mihduria inf. Gram: tG turning.back. laiadin euhra ḏsairia ulaiadia lmihduria leuhraihun They won't

know the way that they're going, and they won't know how to return back to their way.

mihla nm. salt. ulaitit mihla ṣatria and you did not bring curing (?) salt. eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt.

miqma inf. Gram: G standing.

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miša nm. oil. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil

and syrup.

miṣr nm. boundary.

mištaia aptc. Gram: tD speaking? Note: Drower and Macuch translate as "is glorified" on the basis of Syriac šaʻ "to

smooth;" it seems to be related to JBA šʿy "to talk; narrate (a story)." mištaiin hiia uzakin uzakia gabra

ḏasgia lka Life speaks and is victorious, and victorious is the man who went there.

mistakar aptc. Gram: Dt obstructed. uspintai lagazia ulamistakarna and neither does my ship cut through

them nor do I get caught. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the

water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia

umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against

the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir.

mištarhiz aptc. Gram: Qt (originally shafel) trembling. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ gauaza

ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a rod of

pure water at the sight of which fishers tremble.

miṣṭba aptc. Gram: Gt baptized.Pl: miṣṭiban.

mištma aptc. Gram: Gt heard. qala ḏarbai lamištma The sound of my vessel is not heard.

mitana aptc. Gram: tC sighing. Note: Either tC of *ʾ-n-ḥ or tD of *ʾ-n-n. uailak sagia saria ḏhazia nunia

umitana Woe to you, stinking pelican, who will see the fish and sigh.

mitangar aptc. Gram: G dealing. umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa and you do business with your trick scales. eu

šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your

boat, and do business.

mitatna aptc. Gram: tC being.set. larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither wil your

boat will join with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal.

mithašib aptc. Gram: tD plotting. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia

umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other

fishers were starting to hatch plots.

mitilgiṭ aptc. Gram: tG caught. mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the

den of inquity, the place where fish are caught.

mitimnia aptc. Gram: tG be.counted. mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water will not mix with

pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness.

mitiqria aptc. Gram: tG being.called. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours

is not going to be called an associate of the righteous.

mitkarak aptc. Gram: Dt surrounding.

mitrahaq aptc. distancing. zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ nunia umitrahqia Your blameless family, fisher, is

the type that fish see and flee far away.

mitrigil aptc. Gram: tG be.fettered.

mitriṣ aptc. Gram: tG set.up. mitriṣ rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set up a lattice between the

two compartments.

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mizdahar aptc. anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your

fish so that not a single one will be taken from them. qaiminin umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak

dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention your name.

mkanip aptc. Gram: D gathering. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending

to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope.

mkasia aptc. Gram: D covering. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in

lightworld garments, and cover them in precious light.

mleia pptc. Gram: G full. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines

and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.

mn prep. from. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place,

akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel falls from your

hand, and we will be satisified. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o

wanderers, you will be saved from crafty? birds. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia

They will guide them with a crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on their heads. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the

crafty? birds that are upon you! eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda

usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for

you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. nasbit minaian uhbalan

mnata barbak You will take a share from us and give us a share in your vessel! mnata anin naitilak

mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share of what we have. hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn

ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will take a third of what we have. ṭaibilun mn

qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will sink under the surface and be restrained with the circlet. darilun

bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ mn aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and beaten back from the

crown. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ

atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see,

and (one) out of two thousand see twice. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They

will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, atun mn qudamai

ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making

fishermen. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the

talons of the fishsnatchers! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is

saved from the men who watch the Earth! mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun

bškinatkun I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings.

ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers

who strike the Jordan. ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My fishermen brethren and

fishermen sons, get out of my sight! anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will

take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them. etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn

alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world!

mna interrog. whence. amna atit Where have you come from?

mnata nf. portion. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here

is the faith of shit, and shit will be your fate. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia

bmnatkun As for you seven, here is the faith of shit, and shit will be your fate. hauit bšutapan rba

umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder, and you will take a share (of our profits)

as your own. ahbalan mnata barbak mnata barban nasbit Give us a share in your vessel, and you

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will take a share in ours! nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You will take a share from us and

give us a share in your vessel! anat ahbalan mnata Give us a share. mnata anin naitilak mn ḏetlan

We will bring you a share of what we have. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Go, planets, go be

part of your houses!

mpalig aptc. Gram: D distribute. radibun liškinata umpalgia nhura beutria They travel in them to the

celestial dwellings, and they divide the light with the Uthras. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia

kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all

the fishermen, and we will make you the head of every one of us. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana

ramia She will divvy up the rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. mpalgalun lmia

bezlia kḏ ailia nunia She will divide the water with the cord when the fish come.

mpaqad pptc. Gram: D commanded.Sg: mpaqdlun.

mpariq aptc. Gram: D saving. ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my

friends, raise them up, and set them in my vessel.

mpasiq aptc. Gram: D umpasquilun umahilun kauaria brundia and they cut off and beat the

baskets of fish.

mqabil aptc. Gram: D-stem accept.3s: mqabla.

mqaiam pptc. Gram: D steady. bsigia niha umqaima in a calm and steady gate.

mqaiar pptc. tarred. lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with

pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world.

mqaria aptc. crying. had lhabrẖ mqarilẖ uamarlẖ One cries to his associate, saying:

mradap pptc. persecuted. Gram: D-stem3p: mradpia.

mrahma aptc. Gram: D loving. Note: Lidzbarski notes that the meaning "love" for the D of RHM is "dubious," but it

has been attested in this sense in JBA. Potentially this root can also mean "to nurse" in the D, although this makes

no sense for avians. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in

which the dove loves the crow.

mrara nm. bitterness. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with

bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it.

mraurab pptc. Gram: R-stem RBB exalted. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the

Great Life, may the distant light be exalted!

mṣabit aptc. Gram: D associating. Note: To be a pair, associate, join together ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ

aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes, gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps

mice), and not getting up.

mšaiil aptc. Gram: D question.

msakia aptc. Gram: D anticipate.1s: msakinalẖ.

mšamaṭ pptc. arba ḏganpiẖ ḏziua uṭaisa uradia ulamšamṭa a vessel whose radiant sail flutters

and flaps, but is not pulled off.

mšauia aptc. Gram: D making. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You

will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the

head of every one of us.

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mštamana adj. obedient.

mušpita nf. skewer. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured the barbel tied the

knot and fixed it to the spit.

muta nm. death. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set

lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš

mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly

vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.

muzani nm. scales. Gram: originally dual umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa and you do business with your trick


mzabin aptc. Gram: D selling. umzabnit bidmia kadiria and you sell it for a great price.

mzig pptc. Gram: G mingled. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the

waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.

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N - n

nagzir ipfv. C-stem imperfective of the verb g-z-r (q.v.). See main entry: g-z-r.

naiil ipfv. D-stem or C-stem imperfective form of the verb ʔ-l-l (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-l-l.

naitia ipfv. Gram: D/C D-stem / C-stem imperfective form of the verb ʔ-t-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-y.

nalbiš ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb l-b-š (q.v.). See main entry: l-b-š.

nanhar ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb n-h-r (q.v.). Variant: nanhir. See main entry: n-h-r.

nasgia ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb s-g-y (q.v.). See main entry: s-g-y.

nasiq ipfv. D-stem imperfective form of the verb s-l-q (q.v.). See main entry: s-l-q.

natir ipfv. D-stem imperfective form of the verb ʔ-t-r (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-r.

natlia pfv. C-stem perfective form of the verb t-l-y (q.v.). See main entry: t-l-y.

nazil ipfv. G-stem imperfective form of the verb ʔ-z-l (q.v.). Variant: nazal. See main entry: ʔ-z-l.

nibašil ipfv. Gram: D boil.1s: ebašal.

nibṭul ipfv. be.useless. Gram: G3s: tibṭul.

nidan ipfv. Gram: G judge.3s: nidan.

nidir ipfv. dwell. Gram: G3p: nidirun.

nidra ipfv. Gram: G carry. Note: Gy 156:14

nihab ipfv. Gram: G give. aitia ahbalia squbra ḏeqria bagma qala Come, give me a whistle so that I may

make a sound in the marsh. ahbalan mnata barbak mnata barban nasbit Give us a share in your

vessel, and you will take a share in ours! nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You will take a

share from us and give us a share in your vessel! anat ahbalan mnata Give us a share.

nikul ipfv. Gram: G eat. akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel

falls from your hand, and we will be satisified.

nimar ipfv. say. Gram: G kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said this, the

fisher spoke, saying to them:

nirab ipfv. mix. uespintak eurbẖ bspintan and combine your boat with ours.

nisba ipfv. be.satisfied. akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel

falls from your hand, and we will be satisified.

ništkin ipfv. Gram: tG be.ensconced. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall

be ensconced in the abode of life.

nitia ipfv. come. atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me, shameful

fishermen, poison-making fishermen.

nitkamar ipfv. Gram: tD turn.around. iuma ḏnhura nisaq nitkamar hšuka lduktẖ The day of light shall rise,

and darkness shall return to its place.

nitpiriq ipfv. Gram: tG fall.apart. kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin unaplia lṭabia Like walls that collapse, they will

come and fall upon the good.

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nitqria ipfv. be.called.

nitraham ipfv. Gram: tD be.compassionate. hus elan utub utraham Pity us, have mercy and be


nizal ipfv. Gram: G leave. amarlia ezal ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia He said to me, "Go, catch fish that do not

eat shit!" laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse

them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets. ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn

qudamai My fishermen brethren and fishermen sons, get out of my sight!

nizdahar ipfv. Gram: tD beware. Note: Takes objects with mn. ezdahar balma Be on your guard in the world!

ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the

crafty? birds that are upon you! eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda

usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for

you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia

ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan.

nigṭal ipfv. Gram: G kill.3p: nigiṭlun.

nihlip ipfv. Gram: G pass.over. kulman ḏadria engirta nihlip Whoever carries a letter will pass by.

nihṣad ipfv. Gram: G reap.1s: ehṣad.

nihšuk ipfv. Gram: G be.dark.3s: tihšuk.

nihuia ipfv. Gram: G be. haka truṣ makutaikun ḏlatihuia braksa "Put your raft here so that it is not on the

embankment." amarlan ḏnihuia egirak Tell us so that we may hired by you. anatun šuba haka hun

mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here is the faith of filth, and filth will be

your fate. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you

take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from

the place of darkness to the place of light. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia There will

never be a day on Earth in which fish fish fishers. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There

will never be a day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun

Go, planets, go be part of your houses! hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head

of you all, so be his kingdom! anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you

be lenient with us!

nihzia ipfv. Gram: G see. ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my disciples shall ascend, and we

will see the place of light.

nikal ipfv. Gram: G measure.1s: ekal.

nikbar ipfv. Gram: G be.great. Gram: with el/l- means "dominate, control, overpower"1s: ekbar.

nikbuš ipfv. Gram: G press.down.1s: ekbuš.

nikrab ipfv. Gram: G plow.1s: ekrab.

niksia ipfv. conceal. Gram: G1s: ekisẖ.

nilbuš ipfv. dress. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia

maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do

not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish.

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nilguṭ ipfv. take. eligṭẖ lsidma rba I will take the great Sidma-bird.

nimhia ipfv. Gram: G strike.1s: emihia. 1s: emihiiẖ.

-na -ptc. 1sg.

nag pfv. Gram: G seized. nagẖ algiṭa uzanga tlilẖ el babta They seized it, appropriated it, and hung a bell

over its entrance.

nagr nm. bolt? Note: Pere Anastase offers the following definitions for nagra: "the control stick to which is attached a

bell (Lidzbarski had asked him on which nagra a bell might be attached);" "a type of fish which enters the Shatt

el-Arab in the spring;" and "a kind of mat you put on the boats during the rainy season or high temperatures to

ensure fishermen are protected against the weather." ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia

umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his

shoulder for demons and the wicked Magus and there is no rust upon the axe.

nagša nm. cudgel? Note: Lidzbarski identifies it as coming from the root n-q-š, related to knocking. ašhia litbẖ

ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be

an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel

nor axe.

nahra pn. river.

naia adj. beautiful. kma naia silitak hazin How beautiful is this throw net of yours!

naiid aptc. Gram: G shaking. bsigia niha umqaima lanaidia in a calm and steady gate it doesn't shake.

lanaidia mia barbai The water is not choppy by my vessel.

napil aptc. Gram: G falling. kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin unaplia lṭabia Like walls that collapse, they will come

and fall upon the good.

napiq aptc. Gram: G leaving. eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net

upon them, they will break through the net and escape.

napša nm. self. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from

the crafty? birds that are upon you! ezil ezil ṣud nunia ḏzuhmita ḏnapšaikun Go, go and catch

your own stinking fish.

naqiš aptc. Gram: D shaking. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes

and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen.

narga nm. axe. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an

axe on his shoulder. aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra Iniquity's chaos is upon the

demons, and upon the axe is no rust. naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts

and his exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem.

naṣar aptc. Gram: G squealing.

nasib aptc. Gram: D taking. ulasra bhamša nasbatlẖ You take ten for the price of five. hauit bšutapan rba

umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder, and you will take a share (of our profits)

as your own. ahbalan mnata barbak mnata barban nasbit Give us a share in your vessel, and you

will take a share in ours! nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You will take a share from us and

give us a share in your vessel! hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your

humble servant, and you will take a third of what we have. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn eumqia nunia

nasba Woe to you, Pied Crow, who takes fish from the depths.

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našib aptc. Gram: G netting. lnašbia ulhauria uel kiliata kulhun aiilna I enter the netting places, marsh

pools, and fixed nets.

naṣuraia nm. Nazorean.

natar aptc. Gram: G akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever

morsel falls from your hand, and we will be satisified.

naṭar aptc. Gram: G watching. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved

from the men who watch the Earth!

ninga ipfv. Gram: G dawn.3s: tinga.

ngaš pfv. struck. mgaštinun bqulpa ḏparzla I struck them with an iron club.

ngid pptc. Gram: G outstretched. arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air,

and sublime banners are unfurled on it.

nahra nm. river. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the

Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš.

n-h-r vi. to give off light, shine.

anhar ipfv. C-stem imperfective. sqiria mala lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the

sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light to the marshes. [MBJ39.022]

nhura nm. light. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in lightworld garments,

and cover them in precious light. iatbia el karsauata ubairia bnhura iaqra They will sit in thrones

and shine forth with precious light. iuma ḏnhura nisaq nitkamar hšuka lduktẖ The day of light

shall rise, and darkness shall return to its place. ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my

disciples shall ascend, and we will see the place of light. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura

šania In the name of the Great Life, may the distant light be exalted! radibun liškinata umpalgia

nhura beutria They travel in them to the celestial dwellings, and they divide the light with the

Uthras. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you

take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from

the place of darkness to the place of light. uailẖ lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ nhura lahazia Woe to the fish

who perceives them, (and) whose eyes do not see the light! mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka

lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness.

n-h-y vi. to be calm, at ease, at rest.

anhia ipfv. C-stem imperfective form. Gram: The complement of this verb is marked with the preposition el.

ni- ipfv-. 3sg.m.


nidbai pn. Nidbai. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse

them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets.

nih adj. gentle. sigia niha umqaima a calm and steady gait.

-nin -ptc. 1pl.

nir nm. yoke.

nišim nf. soul. ṣaida ana ḏnišmata ḏbhiia sahdan I am a fisher of the souls who bear witness to the Life.

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nitra nm. morsel. akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel falls

from your hand, and we will be satisified.

nikla nm. artifice. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has

no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you

have neither cudgel nor axe.

ninpa ipfv. Gram: G blow. enisbẖ minẖ unpabẖ bgauẖ ḏesqubrai I will take it from him and blow into my


npal pfv. Gram: G fell. ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqala libaiun npal mn samkẖ As for the fishers who heard the sound,

their legs turned to jelly (lit. their hearts fell from its support).

npaṣ pfv. Gram: G sprang.3s: enpaṣ.

npil ipfv. Gram: G fall. lapalgia mia ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not share the water that seeks to fall

upon the good.

ninsab ipfv. Gram: G take. enisbẖ minẖ unpabẖ bgauẖ ḏesqubrai I will take it from him and blow into my


nsab pfv. Gram: G took. nisbit razaiun ḏnunia ṭabia lalagṭia I took their secrets so that they would.

nṣab pfv. Gram: G established.

nṭur ipfv. Gram: G watch. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get down, leave your

group, and go to the end of the line.

nukrai adj. alien. šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven were defeated, and the alien man

remained victorious.

nun nm. fish.Pl: nunia. nunia bṭulẖ iatbia The fish rest in its shade. eiatra lnunia ḏeumqia I will wake up

the fish of the depths. ṣaida ḏnunia laklia A fisher of fish who do not eat. nisbit razaiun ḏnunia

ṭabia lalagṭia I took their secrets so that they would not take the good fish. amrilun ḏaklia diqia

nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would eat cauldrons of the fish called "girita." lau saida ana

ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisher, and I was not called

forth to be someone who eats shit! amarlia ezal ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia He said to me, "Go, catch

fish that do not eat shit!" ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish

that do not eat shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock. qarilun lnunia iama uamarlun

He summons the fish of the sea and tells them, ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma You are a lucky

fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh! lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia bgauaihun kanpia ekilta

You do not see the food of the fish within its receptacles. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak

maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you

raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in

fish. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in

your boat, and do business. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the

water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar

anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor turn around to face the embankment. etlẖ

baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter

and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. uailẖ lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ nhura

lahazia Woe to the fish who perceives them, (and) whose eyes do not see the light! hakimia nunia

ḏiadilun Wise are the fish who recognize them. uailinun alnunia ḏailinun Woe to the fish who enter

them. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and

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the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen. amarlun el ṣaidia nunia He said to the

fishermen, la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish,

and my fish are discerning. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia There will never be a day on

Earth in which fish fish fishers. uailak sagia saria ḏhazia nunia umitana Woe to you, stinking

pelican, who will see the fish and sigh. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry

out and weep with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn

eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you, Pied Crow, who snatches fish from the depths. ṭubẖ lman

ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons that seize fish!

mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place

where fish are caught. mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them

away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria

umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the

seas and instructs them in the marshes. ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my

sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan. nunia laiṭia ṣahua el duktaihun The

fish curse thirst upon their spot. zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ nunia umitrahqia Your blameless

family, fisher, is the type that fish see and flee far away. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria

ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for

the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe. ezlak lašalib mia ula

ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.

anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your fish so that not a single

one will be taken from them.

nipalig ipfv. Gram: D divide.1s: epalag.

nipaqid ipfv. Gram: D order.1s: epaqdẖ.

nipariq ipfv. Gram: D save.

niqal ipfv. be.light. Gram: G3s: niqal.

nirdup ipfv. Gram: D persecute.1s: eridpẖ.

nisbul ipfv. Gram: G endure.3p: nisiblun.

nišdia ipfv. Gram: G-stem put.

nišduk ipfv. Gram: G settle.down.

nišpul ipfv. Gram: G sink. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get down, leave your

group, and go to the end of the line.

ništaial ipfv. Gram: Dt be.interrogated.3p: ništailun.

ništria ipfv. be free. Gram: Gt

nitakšal ipfv. stumble. Gram: Ct2s: titakšal.

nitapa ipfv. be.healed. Gram: Dt3s: nitapa.

nitbar ipfv. break. etibrẖ lganpẖ lduktẖ I will break its wing on the spot.

nitia ipfv. Gram: G come.

nitiksia ipfv. Gram: Gt be.hidden. udla dria engirta aluatak dilak nitiksia but whoever does not carry a letter

will be hidden from you.

nizqup ipfv. Gram: G raise.3p: niziqpun.

nizra ipfv. Gram: G sow.1s: ezra.

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P - p

pahir aptc. Gram: G flying. haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade bustles here, but it

will be as if it never existed.

paiis aptc. Gram: G destroying. naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his

exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem.

palta nf. spear. Anth: The Marsh Arabs use a pitchforked iron fālah (mounted on a reed staff) to fish. palta ḏeka bedai

margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, laqaimia ulihia ṣabia

upalta biardna They will not stay and dip their nets and spear in the Jordan. upaltak nunia lalagṭa

and your spear does not catch fish. etbun palta ḏrugza They have a spear of wrath.

palig pfv. Gram: D distributed. palgẖ lsilita upraslun He "distributed" (tossed out) his net, and it extended

over them.

palig aptc. Gram: G sharing. lapalgia mia ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not share the water that seeks to

fall upon the good.

paria aptc. Gram: G blooming.Pl: parian.

parid aptc. Gram: G breaking.through. eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw

a net upon them, they will break through the net and escape.

pars nm. parasang. Note: Persian unit of measure equivalent to the distance traveled by an army in a period of time (five

per day). It is roughly equivalent to a league. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa

uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets.

parzla nm. iron. ana qadmit beuhra bsahrana ḏlahua mn parzla I start on my way early in a crescent skiff

that is not made of iron.

phat pfv. Gram: G opened.3s: pihtẖ.

pilq nm. hatchet. Note: From Sum. BA.LAG via Akkadian pilaqqu. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak

lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the

blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe.

pira nm. fruit.

pisa adj. mottled. Note: Possibly from Pahlavi pēs (NP -) meaning mottled or leprous. Persian pēsa can mean piebald,

dapppled, variegated; it is also another word for crow. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you, Pied Crow, who snatches fish from the depths.

pitila nm. wick. šragia ḏlaradia aptiliata bargapa luatẖ Near him are lanterns, the wicks of which do not

move around in a commotion.

pkar pfv. Gram: G-stem bound. pkarinun bgiṭria He tied them in knots. apkartinun baṭunia kaprun I tied

them up in palm-fiber cords.

plag pfv. Gram: G divide. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ

brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff

of water, and split her head down the middle.

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plug nf. division. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ

plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of

water, and split her head down the middle.

pras pfv. Gram: G-stem; + l- "over" extended. palgẖ lsilita upraslun He "distributed" (tossed out) his net, and it

extended over them.

p-r-y vi. to fly, travel through the air, be airborn.

apria ipfv. C-stem imperfective form. eiapra lṣipar ṣanta I will set the bird of prey to flight. [MBJ36.039]

puma nm. mouth.

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Q - q

qabil aptc. Gram: G accusing. qabil had mn habrẖ One confronts his partner. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia

ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the leaders, whom you do not mention fairly.

qabil pfv. Gram: D accepted. qabil had mn habrẖ uamarlẖ One accepted from his partner, and said.

qabur nm. coil.of.rope.

qadim pfv. Gram: D; Often used inchoatively as an adverb be.early.1s: qadmit. ana qadmit beuhra I start on my

way early.

qadmai adj. first. qadmaiia atin hauin mn abatrak The principals will come to be behind you.

qahid aptc. Gram: G crying.out. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep

with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it.

qahma nm. flour. tum qahma utumria laitit On top of that, you haven't brought any flour or dates!

qaiim aptc. Gram: G standing. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other fishers were

starting to hatch plots. laqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna They will not stay and dip their nets and

spear in the Jordan. lašabqia ulaqaimia bripia They will neither leave nor stay on dry land. el

mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching subline doctrines.

hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the fishermen blush and become

ashamed, and stand in their places. etbẖ sukana uqaiim bgauẖ usqiria It has a rudder and standing

within it is a sailyard. qaiminin umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and

take care of all who mention your name.

qain nm. reed. raipilun bqaina umdalilun They tie them to a pole and hoist them up. qaina naqiš uazla

ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the fish of the sea land

upon the muttering fishermen.

qal nm. sound. qala ḏarbai lamištma The sound of my vessel is not heard. qal ṣaidia uqal tangarun

ḏmganin ahdadia ulaiṭia The sound of fishers and the sound of their traders who reproach one

another and curse. eqria bagma qala ueiatra lnunia I will make a sound in the marsh and awaken

the fish. ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqala libaiun npal mn samkẖ As for the fishers who heard the sound, their

legs turned to jelly (lit. their hearts fell from its support). lgauaiak azil aminṭul ḏqala ḏṣaida Head

out to your blind for the sound of a fisherman. laqalẖ damia lṣaida ulasqubrẖ lsqubran Neither

does his voice resemble a fisher's, nor does his whistle resemble our whistle. malil uṣnapbẖ bqalẖ He

spoke, shrieking at the top of his voice. malil bqalẖ šania He spoke with his sublime voice. qala

ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that

summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes. kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun

lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his

voice. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher

whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels?

qalmia nm. reeds. uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair

is in the reeds.

qam pfv. Gram: G rose.3s: qam.

qam prep. before. aqamai qaiim hibil Before me is standing Hibil.

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qapaiia nm. water.lettuce. Lit: swimmers. Note: Only attested in plural; seems to mean loose leaves (as in sheets of

paper or weeds). Likely indicates water lettuce: "This floating plant commonly forms large infestations which

prevent boating, fishing and other uses of lakes and rivers. Water lettuce occurs in lakes, rivers and canals,

occasionally forming large dense mats. As its name implies, water lettuce resembles a floating open head of

lettuce. Water lettuce has very thick leaves. The leaves are light dull green, are hairy, and are ridged. There are no

leaf stalks. Water lettuce roots are light-colored and feathery. Its flowers are inconspicuous." Center for Aquatic

and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, IFAS (2010/12/4). Pistia stratiotes. ana šanitinun lqapaiia

ḏeuhra ḏhiia sakria I cleared out the water lettuce that was blocking the way of life.

qaria aptc. Gram: G calling. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to

those whom he summons, gathers together, and gives hope. qarilun uamarlun ḏatin aluatai kanpia

He summons them and tells them to 'come and gather by my side.'. qarilun lnunia iama uamarlun

He summons the fish of the sea and tells them, qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia

iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in

the marshes.

qarib aptc. Gram: G approach. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a

"meal" of unripe dates nor the "necklaces" of marsh nets.

qina nf. nest. Note: From Akk. qinnu. By extension it can also mean "family" or "brood." It would appear to be masculine

in the plural. qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia hdadia utabria etbun palta ḏrugza The families of our

marsh are the type that conspire and fragment.

qipia nm. water.surface. ṭaibilun mn qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will sink under the surface and be

restrained with the circlet. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend

from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir,

qira nm. pitch. mia bqira larbia Water does not mix with pitch. mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness.

qla pfv. Gram: G-stem burnt. qlaitẖ el lihun kulẖ ulgupta ḏlihia gaṭra I burnt their entire dragnet, and the

snare? that ties dragnets together.

qpa pfv. Gram: G floated. ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated on the

marshes, gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and not getting up.

qra pfv. Gram: G Anth: Also has the meaning of calling, calling into being, creating, and casting a spell. read.1s: qrit.

1s: qraitẖ.

qram pfv. Gram: G cover.1s: qramtẖ. ana qramtẖ lsqupana I covered the squpana.

qria ipfv. Gram: G call. eqria bagma qala ueiatra lnunia I will make a sound in the marsh and awaken the


qudam prep. before. anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin lqudamak We will bake and make honey cakes, and

bring them before you. atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me,

shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen. ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My

fishermen brethren and fishermen sons, get out of my sight!

qulp nm. mace. mgaštinun bqulpa ḏparzla I struck them with an iron mace.

qum ipfv. Gram: G stand. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support

from the place of darkness to the place of light. qum šatip Come on, join us!

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qupr nm. pitch. lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with

pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world.

quraha nm. cap. etriṣlia qudaha brišai A cover was set on my prow.

qus adj. little. nm. spider.crab? Elamenopsis kempi. Note: The hymenosomatid Elamenopsis kempi exists in the same region

as the Mesopotamian catfish. aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and

catch the spider crab that gets up on its hands.

q-y-m vi. to stand, rise, be erect; to stand by, be faithful to, aid, assist, abide by, rally to; to rise against, go

counter to; to understand; often as an inchoative verb: to begin, start, betake oneself to (with b-).

aqim pfv. C-stem perfective form. bmaṭarta ḏabatur aqmibẖ sahdia I have raised witnesses in Abatur's

garrison. [MBJ55.046]

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R - r

rba nm. master. kḏ hazin šuma rab ṣaidia [...] amarlẖ When the lord of the fishers heard this, he said,

adj. great. hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder, and you

will take a share (of our profits) as your own.

rabia aptc. adolescent. emaian brabitak iatba ulihia gaṭra Our mother will sit down with your handmaiden

and tie dragnets.

radai nm. wanderer. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved

from crafty? birds.

radia aptc. Gram: G flowing. radibun liškinata umpalgia nhura beutria They travel in them to the celestial

dwellings, and they divide the light with the Uthras. arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The

ship is a seed, and travels through the heart of the heavens. šragia ḏlaradia aptiliata bargapa luatẖ

Near him are lanterns, the wicks of which do not move around in a commotion. naiga ḏradia uširiata

paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem.

rahim aptc. Gram: G loving. ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends,

raise them up, and set them in my vessel. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun

kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax

collector. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be ensconced in

the abode of life.

rahit aptc. Gram: G-stem gloss.

raiip aptc. Gram: G fastening. raipilun bqaina umdalilun They tie them to a cane and hoist them up.

raksa nm. embankment. Note: According to Lidzbarski, a platform in water of mud and reeds pressed in layers, or a

pile. Cognate with JBA raksā. blilia hazinalẖ braksa By night, I observe it on an embankment. haka

truṣ makutaikun ḏlatihuia braksa "Put your raft here so that it is not on the embankment." lašabqia

nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor turn around to face

the embankment.

rama adj. lofty.

ramia aptc. casting. laramin silita They will not cast nets. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit

If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria

batana ramia She will divvy up the rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. eu ṣaidia

ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break

through the net and escape.

rašia aptc. Gram: G-stem claiming. Note: Cf. Akkadian rašû(m) "to acquire, get, come to have, claim (credit)" rgaltẖ

ltangarun girpa ḏlarašia ḏahbilẖ I tied up their thieving merchant, who doesn't claim what they

bring him.

raṭin aptc. Gram: G murmuring. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes

and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen. qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia

hdadia utabria etbun palta ḏrugza The families of our marsh are the type that conspire and


raza nm. secret. nisbit razaiun ḏnunia ṭabia lalagṭia I took their secrets so that they would.

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rba adj. great. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia They will guide them with a crown of air

and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on their heads. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura

šania In the name of the Great Life, may the distant light be exalted!

rgal nm. fetter. šrinan mn rgalan Release us from our fetters.

rgal pfv. Gram: G-stem fetter. rgaltẖ ltangarun girpa ḏlarašia ḏahbilẖ I tied up their thieving merchant, who

doesn't claim what they bring him.

rgapa nm. commotion. Note: Lidzbarski left untranslated; Drower and Macuch suggest "stagnant water" on the basis of

Persian barġāb. Plainly parallel to ziqia, and much more likely related to RGP "to shake" šragia ḏlaradia

aptiliata bargapa luatẖ Near him are lanterns, the wicks of which do not move around in a


rugza nm. wrath. etbun palta ḏrugza They have a spear of wrath.

ridpa nm. persecution.

riha nm. smell.

ripa nm. lašabqia ulaqaimia bripia They will neither leave nor stay on dry land.

riša nm. head. atina briš mia bhir mn ṣaidia uriša ḏkulhun kalia The elect of the fishers, and chief of all

trawlers. atina briš mia I come through the fountainhead. masgina briša ḏmia umasgina briša

ḏedia I go through the fountainhead and the beginning of the course. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn

ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia They will guide them with a crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great

(Life) on their heads. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You

will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the

head of every one of us. hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head of you all, so

be his kingdom! emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ

brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff

of water, and split her head down the middle.

rišaia nm. first. rišaia ḏkulhun kalia prince of all trawlers.

riuia nm. fountain? Note: This word is also found in GR 216, 14 paired with hausia. hausia uriuia litbẖ It has no

cisterns or fountains.

rma pfv. Gram: G threw. mitriṣ rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set up a lattice between the two

compartments. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines

and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.

ruh pn. Ruha.

rurb adj. great. Gram: reduplicated form of rb? ṣaida ana ḏhiia rurbia A fisher am I, of the Mighty Life.

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S - s

sa part. end. Note: Apparently an abbreviation of saka "end"

sagia nm. pelican. Pelecanus onocrotalus. Note: Drower and Macuch identify this bird as a cormorant or pelican on

the basis of Arabic saqqāʼ "pelican." The Great White Pelican is native to Iraq. uailak sagia saria ḏhazia

nunia umitana Woe to you, stinking pelican, who will see the fish and sigh.

sagid aptc. Gram: G bowing. kulhun arbia ḏhazilia kabšan uldilia sagdan All the vessels that see me bow

down and worship me. kabšan usagdlia uatin ldilia midinan They bow down, and worship me, and

they come to me submissively.

sahid aptc. Gram: G witnessing. ṣaida ana ḏnišmata ḏbhiia sahdan I am a fisher of the souls who bear

witness to the Life.

sahr nm. demon. Anth: according to Noeldeke, possibly metathysis of sar7a "corruptor, destroyer?"

sahrana nm. crescent.skiff? ana qadmit beuhra bsahrana ḏlahua mn parzla I start on my way early in a

crescent skiff that is not made of iron.

saiir aptc. Gram: G travel. usaiarna agma bhabara I traverse the marsh in darkness. laiadin euhra ḏsairia

ulaiadia lmihduria leuhraihun They don't know the way that they're going, and they don't know how

to return back to their way.

saip aptc. Gram: C perishing. mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them

away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings.

sakra aptc. Gram: G blocking. euhra ḏhiia sakria They are stopping up the way of life.

sakl nm. fool.

saliq aptc. Gram: G ascending.Sg: salqa. šrinan mn rgalan ḏnunak larban lasalqia Release us from our

fetters so that your fish do not leap into our vessels! ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia

ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes, gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and

not getting up.

sama nm. drug. atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me, shameful

fishermen, poison-making fishermen.

samik aptc. Gram: G supporting. lgiṭatlẖ usamkatlẖ biaṣilak You take it and support it with your elbow.

samik pfv. Gram: D supported. lgiṭatlẖ usamkatlẖ biaṣilak It held and supported it with your elbow.

samka nm. support. ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqala libaiun npal mn samkẖ As for the fishers who heard the sound,

their legs turned to jelly (lit. their hearts fell from its support).

sapna nm. kingfisher. Ceryle rudis. Note: Drower and Macuch suggest a bird of prey, perhaps "kingfisher," without

explanation. The root is apparently shared with JBA sappānā "sailor" and perhaps Mandaic spinta "boat." If we

assume it is a kingfisher, there are two types in Iraq: the Pied Kingfisher, which is a water kingfisher and does not

migrate, and the White-Throated Kingfisher, which is a tree kingfisher and can range far from water. Therefore,

the former is a better candidate. uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving

kingfisher, whose wing will never dry on land!

sapra nm. scribe.Pl: sapria.

saq ipfv. Gram: G rise. iuma ḏnhura nisaq nitkamar hšuka lduktẖ The day of light shall rise, and darkness

shall return to its place. ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my disciples shall ascend, and

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we will see the place of light. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to

your town, the ruin of Jerusalem!

saria aptc. Gram: G stinking. sariia hun ulaiit ḏminai zabnin They have gone rotten, and nobody is buying

from me! uailak sagia saria ḏhazia nunia umitana Woe to you, stinking pelican, who will see the

fish and sigh.

sarik pfv. fastened. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured the barbel tied the

knot and fixed it to the spit.

sarip aptc. Gram: G swallowing. amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say, "You shit-eating


satir aptc. Gram: G covering. ulaitit mihla ṣatria and you did not bring curing (?) salt.

s-g-y vi. to go.

asgia pfv. C-stem perfective form. mištaiin hiia uzakin uzakia gabra ḏasgia lka Life speaks and is

victorious, and victorious is the man who went there. [MBJ36.091] kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia

lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they say to

him: [MBJ39.034]

nasgia ipfv. C-stem imperfective form. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get

down, leave your group, and go to the end of the line. [MBJ38.052]

siau adj. black. hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father, trapped in the black


sidma nm. heron. Note: A large bird that eats fish; a likely candidate is the Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) 80-90 cm tall

with a 120-150 cm wingspan, but other possible candidates include the Pygmy Comorant (Phalacrocorax

pygmeus), 45–55 cm long with a 75–90 cm wingspan, the Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides) 44–47 cm long

with a 80–92 cm wingspan, and the Slender-billed Gull (Chroicocephalus genei) 37-40 cm long with a 90-102 cm

wingspan. Most of the other birds commonly found in the marshes are too small to be dignified by the epithet rba

and do not feed on fish. Ardea purpurea purpurea. eligṭẖ lsidma rba I will take the mighty heron. uailẖ

labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair is in the reeds.

sigia nm. Gram: G gait. sigia niha umqaima a calm and steady gait.

sika nm. vinegar. Note: Persian sek "vinegar" hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that

point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who


simaka nm. support. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support

from the place of darkness to the place of light. anat simaka You are the pillar.

sin pn. Moon.

slit nm. palgẖ lsilita upraslun He "distributed" (tossed out) his net, and it extended over them.

laramin silita They will not cast nets. kma naia silitak hazin How beautiful is this throw net of

yours! eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they

will break through the net and escape. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa

uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets.

s-l-q vi. to rise, go up, or ascend.

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nasiq ipfv. Gram: D D-stem imperfective form.

spinta nf. ship. uspintai lagazia ulamistakarna and neither does my ship cut through them nor do I get

caught. uspinatun tibrit lmia I spoiled their ships for the water. asartinun bspinatun ušdilun ašlai

I have trapped them in their ships and tossed my towline to the good ones. uespintak eurbẖ

bspintan and combine your boat with ours. biṭušta bṭaš ṣaida el spinata ḏṣaidia The fisherman

stamped upon the ships of the fishers. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun

kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax

collector. spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a

bright light like the sun in the night.

sqiria nm. sail-yard. Note: Possibly from Greek ίστοκεράια, a spar on a mast from which the sail is set. To allow the

direction of the vessel to be changed relative to the wind the yard can rotate around the mast. sqiria mala

lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light

to the marshes. etbẖ sukana uqaiim bgauẖ usqiria It has a rudder and standing within it is a


squbra nm. whistle? aitia ahbalia squbra ḏeqria bagma qala Come, bring me a whistle so that I may make

a sound in the marsh. enisbẖ minẖ unpabẖ bgauẖ ḏesqubrai I will take it from him and blow into

my whistle. squbra hu taqna ḏmia bqira larbia The whistle is so durable that water does not

compromise its seal (lit. mingle with its pitch). laqalẖ damia lṣaida ulasqubrẖ lsqubran Neither

does his voice resemble a fisher's, nor does his whistle resemble our whistle.

squpan nm. threshold? Gram: Likely from SQP "to transfer; raise." ana qramtẖ lsqupana ḏel dilan hambaga

hua I covered (?) the lintel (?) of the one who was an enemy to us.

sraqa nm. emptiness.

bisraq eda adv. empty-handed. kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-

handed, no one of good quality will join you.

sruta nf. stink. riha ḏsrutun atia elai the stench of their putridity comes to me. esruta litlẖ ḏzipa umania

hiuaria lbiš He has no stench of deceit, and he is clothed in white garments.

sukan nm. rudder. Note: Possiblly a fixed quarter oar, although true stern rudders (controlled by a system of lashings)

are attested in the Middle East as early as the 10th century. ašlẖ ašlia ḏziua usukana ḏkušṭa etbẖ Its

cables are cables of radiance, and its rudder is one in which there is truth. habšaba lagiṭ arada

ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of Life took the rudder. sqiria mala

lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light

to the marshes. etbẖ sukana uqaiim bgauẖ usqiria It has a rudder and standing within it is a


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T - t

-t -pfv. 2sg.

-t nom. f.

tabar aptc. Gram: G breaking. qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia hdadia utabria etbun palta ḏrugza The

families of our marsh are the type that conspire and fragment.

tahm adj. stagnant.

tal nf. hook? haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban ulatalak abinia he Where

were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble

our vessels, and whose hook? is between?

talilia nm. mound. Gram: Attested only in plural Note: From Akkadian tillu "tel" lgiṣia gauaiia utalilia

mbašqarnun I am familiar with their inner trails and mounds.

tangara nm. merchants. qal ṣaidia uqal tangarun ḏmganin ahdadia ulaiṭia The sound of fishers and the

sound of their traders who reproach one another and curse. rgaltẖ ltangarun girpa ḏlarašia ḏahbilẖ I tied up their thieving merchant, who doesn't claim what they bring him.

taqin pfv. Gram: D established.1s: taqnit.

taqna adj. permanent. Gram: Also assumes the role of aptc for G-stem of TQN. squbra hu taqna ḏmia bqira

larbia The horn so durable that water does not compromise its seal (lit. mingle with its pitch).

dalinun bkarsauata atutia adrabšia taqnia I shall put them up on thrones beneath stainless banners.

tariṣ aptc. Gram: G setting.up. ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my

friends, raise them up, and set them in my vessel. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia

They will guide them with a crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on their heads. ana

alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set

them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector.

tarmid nm. disciple. ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my disciples shall ascend, and we will see

the place of light. abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the servants of your

disciples, who mention your name in truth.

tartin quant. both.f.

tauma adj. twin. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ

plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of

water, and split her head down the middle.

tbar pfv. Gram: G-stem broke. uspinatun tibrit lmia I spoiled their ships for the water.

ti- ipfv-. 3f.


Tibil pn. Earth. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a radiant vessel and come to the mortal

world. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia There will never be a day on the Earth in which

fish fish fishers. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in

which the dove loves the crow. uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving

kingfisher, whose wing will never dry on land! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to

the one who is saved from the men who watch the Earth!

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tigra nm. quarrel.

tiniana adj. second.

tir nf. conscience.

tla pfv. Gram: G hung. šdibun maspuṭiata utlaitun abatar kutlai I put baskets? on them and hung them

behind my stern. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes of radiance

and set an axe on his shoulder. nagẖ algiṭa uzanga tlilẖ el babta They seized it, appropriated it, and

hung a bell over its entrance.

tlat quant. 3. hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will

take a third of what we have.

t-l-y vi. to lift, hang, suspend, drag, draw, pull;

natlia pfv. C-stem perfective form. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes

of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder. [MBJ38.002]

traṣ pfv. Gram: G set.up. traṣbun karsauata ungidia atun iardnia They set up thrones in them, and the

streams of living water arrived, having been drawn forth.

trin quant. 2. mitriṣ rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set up a lattice between the two

compartments. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia

hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a

thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia

ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your

strength may double (lit. may be two for every one).

truṣ ipfv. Gram: G set. haka truṣ makutaikun ḏlatihuia braksa Put your raft here so that it is not on the

embankment. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group

straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every


tub ipfv. Gram: G turn. hus elan utub utraham Pity us, have mercy and be compassionate!

tum conj. then. tum qahma utumria laitit On top of that, you haven't brought any flour or dates!

tumarta nf. date.

-tun -pfv. 2pl.m.

tur nm. line. Note: Compare JBA tūrā "row, line, order; twisted band, border" rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia

ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that

offers a meal of death.

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U - u

u- conj. and.

uai part. woe. uailẖ lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ nhura lahazia Woe to the fish who perceives them, (and) whose

eyes do not see the light! uailinun alnunia ḏailinun Woe to the fish who enter them! uailẖ labukun

sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair will be in the reeds!

uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher, whose wing will never

dry on land! uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher, whose

wings will never dry on land! uailak sagia saria ḏhazia nunia umitana Woe to you, stinking

pelican, who will see the fish and sigh. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you,

Pied Crow, who snatches fish from the depths.

-un -ipfv. pl.m.

-pfv. pl.m.

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Y - y

y-m-y vi. To swear, take an oath.

aumia pfv. C-stem perfective form. aumitinun unisbit razaiun ḏnunia ṭabia lalagṭia I made them swear

oaths and took their secrets so that they would not take the good fish. [MBJ36.057] ualuai umitinun

ḏlaqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna I made them swear to me that they would not stay and dip

their nets and spear in the Jordan. [MBJ36.058]

y-t-b vi. To sit or stay in one place; to assume a seated position.

autib pfv. C-stem perfective form. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have

set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.


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Z - z

zabin ipfv. Gram: D sell. uamarlẖ el ṣaida zabna el nunak and he said to the fisher, "Sell your own fish!"

umašmalẖ lgabra zabnẖ And he made the man listen: "You sell it!"

zabin aptc. Gram: G buying. sariia hun ulaiit ḏminai zabnin They stink and nobody is buying from me!

zabin pfv. Gram: D sold.

zabuna nm. selling. haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade bustles here, but it will be

as if it never existed.

zahar pfv. Gram: D warned. kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said

this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. ana zahrit elẖ I warned her.

zakaia adj. pure. zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ nunia umitrahqia Your blameless family, fisher, is the type

that fish see and flee far away.

zakia pfv. Gram: D gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness

was victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory.

zakia aptc. Gram: G victorious. mištaiin hiia uzakin uzakia gabra ḏasgia lka Life speaks and is victorious,

and victorious is the man who went there.

zakuta nf. victory.

zala aptc. Gram: G splattering. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes

and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen.

zanga nm. bell. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the wicked Magus

and there is no rust upon the axe. nagẖ algiṭa uzanga tlilẖ el babta They seized it, appropriated it,

and hung a bell over its entrance. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged

with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world.

zaqip aptc. rise.up. aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and catch the spider

crab that gets up on its hands. daranun uzaqipna I will take them and rise up. lašabqia nunia

ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor turn around to face the


zarga nm. lattice? Note: Hapax. Lidzbarski suggests from SRG "to interlace," which would mean something like

"latticework" (cf. JBA sa/irgā). Alternatively from ZRQ "to throw." B suggests zanga "bell" instead. mitriṣ

rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set up a lattice between the two compartments.

zaua nm. spouse.

zbana nm. transaction. Note: Lidzbarski suggests lizbanak "purchase"; Widengren suggests a derivation from Parthian

zuvansk, which Macuch and Drower consider doubtful. umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa ḏlazuanak ḏeula

lgiṭatlẖ usamkatlẖ biaṣilak and you do business with your trick scale, which you take and support

with your elbow for your crooked transaction.

zha ipfv. Gram: G flee. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the ruin

of Jerusalem!

zibna nm. buying. haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade bustles here, but it will be as

if it never existed.

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zidq nm. righteousness. gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness was

victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory.

zip nm. deceit. asartinun bagmia ḏzipa I tied them up in the marsh of deceit. esruta litlẖ ḏzipa umania

hiuaria lbiš He has no stench of deceit, and he is clothed in white garments. lašaplia mn qipia mia

uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the

deceptive weir,

ziqa nm. wind. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not

extinguished by blowing winds. lahazilan ṣaidia ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers

that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries along.

ziua nm. radiance. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel and come to the

mortal world. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in lustrous

garments, and cover them in precious light. arba ḏganpiẖ ḏziua uṭaisa uradia ulamšamṭa a vessel

whose radiant sail flutters and flaps, but is not pulled off. ašlẖ ašlia ḏziua usukana ḏkušṭa etbẖ Its

cables are radiant cables, and its rudder is one in which there is truth. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga

tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on radiant garments and set an axe on his shoulder.

zka pfv. Gram: G won. šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven were defeated, and the alien man

remained victorious. gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness

was victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory.

zqup ipfv. Gram: G raise. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group

straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every


zuhara nm. warning.

zuhma nm. filth. amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say, "You scum-sucking fishermen!" lau

saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisher, and I was

not called forth to be someone who eats scum! anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita

tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here is the faith of scum, and scum will be your fate. amarlia

ezal ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia He said to me, "Go, catch fish that do not eat scum!"

zuhmita nf. filth. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here

is the faith of scum, and scum will be your fate. ezil ezil ṣud nunia ḏzuhmita ḏnapšaikun Go, go

and catch your own stinking fish.

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Šitil pn. Šitil.

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šabaita nf. reed.boat? Note: Used as a synonym for arab "coracle." atina bšabaita bsigia niha umqaima I come

in a šabaita with a calm and steady motion.

šabia aptc. Gram: G take.captive. ušabin šibia bhiuria and they take captives in the marshes. zanga ḏhšil

beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people

of the world.

šabiq aptc. Gram: G leave. Note: Also leave in the sense of abandon, forsake, and even let. lašabqia ulaqaimia

bripia They will neither leave nor stay on dry land. ušabqia umitriglia and if they leave they will be

fettered. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor

turn around to face the embankment.

šadar pfv. Gram: D sent. šliha ḏhiia šadrun A messenger that Life has sent.

šahim aptc. Gram: G blushing. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the

fishermen blush and become ashamed, and stand in their places.

šaiil aptc. Gram: G requesting.

šaiil ipfv. Gram: D ask. šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me about me. šailuia el

emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me.

šakib pfv. Gram: D lying. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and

splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen.

šalia aptc. be.still. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is

not submerged to snatch fish.

šaliṭ pfv. Gram: D empowered.

šalmana nm. righteous. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours is not going

to be called an associate of the righteous.

šama aptc. Gram: G hearing. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch

fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to

our shareholders, you will eat salt. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia

larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does

not resemble our vessels?

šamiš pn. Sun. spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright

light like the sun in the night.

šani pfv. Gram: D remove.1s: šanitinun. ana šanitinun lqapaiia I cleared out the duckweeds (?)

šania aptc. Gram: G-stem remote. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the Great Life,

may the distant light be exalted! el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the

fisher, teaching sublime doctrines. malil bqalẖ šania He spoke with his sublime voice. arbak gmira

baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and sublime banners are unfurled on


šapil aptc. Gram: G descending. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend

from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, and they will not share the water that

seeks to fall upon the good.

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šapira adj. beautiful. kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of

good quality will join you. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the

people and the leaders, whom you do not mention fairly. akma šapir atana ḏetbẖ How beautiful is

the mesh that is in it! šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your towline and your cords are so

beautiful that you do not look like the fishers of the world.

šaqip aptc. Gram: G striking. ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the

fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan.

šaria aptc. Gram: G release.3s: šria.

šatia aptc. Gram: G drinking. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters

of the Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš.

šatip ipfv. Gram: D affiliate. qum šatip Come on, join us!

šauia pfv. Gram: D I made.1s: šauit.

šbia pptc. captive. ušabin šibia bhiuria and they take captives in the marshes.

šbuq ipfv. Gram: G forgive. haṭaian uhauban tišbuqlan May you forgive our sins and debts!

šda pfv. Gram: G put. ulašdit bnunak ḏzabnit and I did not put it on your fish that I bought. karkil šdinun

beuria He bound them to his staves. šdibun maspuṭiata utlaitun abatar kutlai I put baskets? on

them and hung them behind my stern. asartinun bspinatun ušdilun ašlai I have trapped them in

their ships and tossed my towline to the good ones.

šibiahia nm. planets. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Go, planets, go be part of your houses!

šidiri nf. chain.

ših pptc. Gram: G worthy.

šilmai pn. Šilmai. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse

them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets.

škinta nf. dwelling. radibun liškinata umpalgia nhura beutria They travel in them to the celestial

dwellings, and they divide the light with the Uthras. mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun

bškinatkun I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be ensconced in the abode of


škun ipfv. settle. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse

them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets.

šliha nm. messenger. šliha ḏhiia šadrun A messenger that Life has sent.

šma pfv. Gram: G heard. ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqala libaiun npal mn samkẖ As for the fishers who heard the

sound, their legs turned to jelly (lit. their hearts fell from its support). kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun

lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his

voice. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the

fisher who went there, they say to him:

šraga nm. lamp. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not

extinguished by blowing winds. šragia ḏlaradia aptiliata bargapa luatẖ Near him are lanterns, the

wicks of which do not move around in a commotion. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak

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maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you

raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in

fish. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or

deceptive lanterns.

šrar nm. truth.


šria ipfv. Gram: G-stem release. šrinan mn rgalan Release us from our fetters.

šrita nf. liberation. naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his exorcisms will

desecrate the land of Jerusalem.

šuba quant. 7. šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven were defeated, and the alien man

remained victorious.

šuha nm. rock. Note: Smooth rock (JBA šūʻā). mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana ramia She will divvy up the

rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak

lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the

blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe.

šuma nm. name. ia lala ṣaida ḏbasim šumẖ O master of the fisherman, whose name is pleasant to hear!

laṣaidinin ḏel šumak dilak dakria We will not catch those who mention your name! amrilun ḏaklia

diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would eat cauldrons of the fish called "girita."

bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the Great Life, may the distant light be

exalted! abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the servants of your

disciples, who mention your name in truth. qaiminin umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention your name.

šuma pfv. Gram: G heard.3s: šuma. kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard

this, he stamped upon the prow.

šunda nm. horsebane. Oenanthe phellandrium. Note: Lidzbarski translates as Wasserfenchel on the authority of Pere

Anastase, who identifies it as "Phellandre aquatique". Horsebane is related to hemlock and has similar poisonous

properties. ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish that do not eat

shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock.

šura nm. wall. kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin unaplia lṭabia Like walls that collapse, they will come and fall upon

the good.

šurbta nf. generation. riša ḏšurbta haita chief of the living race. liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun

ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind! gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ

šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness was victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory.

šuta nf. speech. ulaqalẖ damia lqalan ulašutẖ damia lhazin alma and neither does his voice resemble our

voice, nor does his his speech resemble this world's.

šutapa nm. partner. Note: From šutāpum (OAkk ŠU.TAB) "associate, partner" generally in an commercial or

agricultural context. hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder,

and you will take a share (of our profits) as your own. eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't

listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any

associate of yours is not going to be called an associate of the righteous.

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ʔ-b-d vt. to do, make, or perform.

ebad pfv. G-stem perfective form.

abid aptc. G-stem active participle. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we

ourselves do, you will eat oil and syrup. [MBJ38.016] atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia

samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen. [MBJ38.050]

ʔ-h-b vt. to give; transfer possession of something to another person.

ahib aptc. G-stem active participle. rgaltẖ ltangarun girpa ḏlarašia ḏahbilẖ I tied up their thieving

merchant, who doesn't claim what they bring him. [MBJ36.053]

ʔ-h-d vt. to close, fasten, shut up, hold fast, grasp; to take over, receive.

ahid aptc. G-stem active participle.

ahid eda a helper. Lit: holding the hand (in order to help). eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid

eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake

to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light.


ʔ-k-l vt. to eat or consume something.

akil aptc. G-stem active participle form. ṣaidia ḏaklia nunia uriha ḏsrutun atia elai Fishermen who eat

fish, and their putrid stench comes to me. [MBJ36.024] lgauaiak azil aminṭul ḏqala ḏṣaida ṣaida

ḏnunia laklia Go to your blind because of the sound of the fisherman, the fisherman who does not

eat fish! [MBJ36.045] amrilun ḏaklia diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would eat

cauldrons? of the fish called "girita." [MBJ36.061] aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They

will eat the catfish and catch the spider crab that gets up on its hands. [MBJ36.062] lau saida ana

ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisherman, and I was not

called forth to be someone who eats scum! [MBJ36.080] ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia

šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish that do not eat shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell

hemlock. [MBJ37.006] eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you

will eat salt. [MBJ38.015] eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves

do, you will eat oil and syrup. [MBJ38.016] mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun

bškinatkun [MBJ38.077] I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your


ʔ-k-ṣ vt. to hurt, trouble, or grieve.

akaṣ pfv. G-stem perfective form.

ʔ-l-l vt. to enter, go or come into something.

aiil aptc. G-stem active participle. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the

water with the cord when the fish enter and they will be caught. [MBJ38.026] etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ

nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held

back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. [MBJ38.032] uailinun alnunia ḏailinun Woe

to the fish who enter them. [MBJ38.041]

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nailia ipfv. D-stem or C-stem imperfective form.

ʔ-m-r vt. to say, speak, talk, narrate, discuss, command.

amar pfv. G-stem perfective. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said this,

the fisher spoke, saying to them: [MBJ39.026] amarlia ezal ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia He said to

me, "Go, catch fish that do not eat scum!" [MBJ37.006] amarlun el ṣaidia nunia He said to the

fishermen, [MBJ38.049] kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher

said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. [MBJ39.007]

amar aptc. G-stem active participle. had lhabrẖ mqarilẖ uamarlẖ One cries to his associate, saying:

[MBJ36.044] kḏ hazin amarlia ṣaidia When the fishers said this to me, [MBJ36.052] amrilun ḏaklia

diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would eat cauldrons? of the fish called "girita."

[MBJ36.061] amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say, "You scum-sucking fishermen!"

[MBJ36.079] qarilun uamarlun ḏatin aluatai kanpia He calls them and tells them to 'come and

gather by my side.'. [MBJ36.083] qarilun lnunia iama uamarlun He summons the fish of the sea

and tells them, [MBJ37.020] amrilẖ ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma They say to him, "You are a

lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh!" [MBJ38.004] amrilẖ haka huit They say to

him, "Where were you?" [MBJ39.010] amrilẖ ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say to

him, "For what possible reason do you fish but never catch?" [MBJ39.013] kḏ hazin šimuia

ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there,

they say to him: [MBJ39.034]

amar ipfv. G-stem imperfective. amarlan ḏnihuia egirak Tell us so that we may hired by you. [MBJ36.076]

amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and]

four cauldrons? [in it]. [MBJ39.031]

amar pfv. G-stem perfective form.

ʔ-n-y vt. to answer, reply, respond, or attend to someone.

ania 1 • aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-n-y (q.v.).

2 • adj. responsive, attentive.

3 • nm. helper, attendant. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher

attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope. [MBJ36.082]

ʔ-p-y vt. to cook or bake something, subjecting it to dry heat as in an oven.

apia aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-p-y (q.v.). anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin lqudamak We will bake and make honey cake, and bring them before you. [MBJ36.077]

ʔ-r-b vt. 1 • To combine, mix, or blend two or more things;

2 • To combine or join together with something else.

arib aptc. G-stem active participle. squbra hu taqna ḏmia bqira larbia The whistle is durable because

water does not mix with pitch. [MBJ36.042] mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water

does not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness. [MBJ38.069] larbaikun arba

barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither will your boat join forces with my boat, nor will

your seal be set on my seal. [MBJ38.071]

ʔ-s-r vt. To bind, tie up, tie on, gird on, fasten, secure, fetter, or take captive.

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asar pfv. G-stem perfective form. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured his

barbel tied the knot and fixed it to the spit. [MBJ36.063] asartinun bagmia ḏzipa ušabqia

umitriglia I have trapped them in the marsh of deceit, and if they leave they will be fettered.

[MBJ36.064] asartinun bspinatun ušdilun ašlai lṭabia I have trapped them in their ships and

tossed my towline to the good ones. [MBJ36.066]

ʔ-t-r vi. To wake up from a slumber.

natir ipfv. D-stem imperfective form. eqria bagma qala ueiatra lnunia I will make a sound in the marsh

and awaken the fish. [MBJ36.039]

ʔ-t-y vi. To come or arrive; to move toward the speaker or a particular place.

ata pfv. G-stem perfective form. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers,

you will be saved from birds of prey. [MBJ36.084]

atia aptc. G-stem active participle. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel

and come to the mortal world. [MBJ36.013] atina briš mia I come through the source of the waters.

[MBJ36.014] atina bšabaita bsigia niha umqaima I come by šabaita with a calm and steady

motion. [MBJ36.016] kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no

one of good quality will join you. [MBJ36.034] qarilun uamarlun ḏatin aluatai kanpia He calls

them and tells them to 'come and gather by my side.'. [MBJ36.083] kabšan usagdlia uatin ldilia

midinan They bow down, and worship me, and they come to me submissively. [MBJ37.016] ṣaidia

ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia Whenever the (other) fishers saw the fisher, they would come

and gather around him. [MBJ38.003] qadmaiia atin hauin mn abatrak The principals will come to

be behind you. [MBJ38.019] atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and

be your maidservant, and tie cords of every sort for you. [MBJ38.023] kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin

unaplia lṭabia Like walls that collapse, they will come and fall upon the good. [MBJ38.028] atin

aluatẖ kanpin They come and gather near him. [MBJ39.008]

aitia pfv. D-stem / C-stem perfective form. tum qahma utumria laitit ulaitit mihla ṣatria On top of that,

you haven't brought any flour or dates, and you haven't brought any curing(?) salt! [MBJ36.033]

naitia ipfv. D-stem / C-stem imperfective form. mnata anin naitilak mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share

of what we have. [MBJ38.013]

ʔ-z-l vi. To move in a direction away from the speaker or a particular place.

nazil ipfv. G-stem imperfective form. Variant: nazal. lgauaiak azil aminṭul ḏqala ḏṣaida ṣaida ḏnunia

laklia Go to your inner place because of the sound of the fisher, the fisher who does not eat fish!


azil aptc. G-stem active participle. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not

descend from the surface of the water and move into the deceitful weir. [MBJ38.056] arban azla

bmia uarbak azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but your vessel moves within the waters.


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ḏ- rel. that. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the Great Life, may the distant light

be exalted! laṣaidinin ḏel šumak dilak dakria We will not catch those who mention your name!

rišaia ḏkulhun kalia amarlẖ lkutlai ḏaitia ahbalia squbra The prince of all trappers said to his

helmsman, "Come, bring me a squbra!" amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say, "You

scum-sucking fishermen!" lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-

catching type of fisher, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats garbage! ṣaida ana ania

ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together,

and gives hope. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia They will guide them with a

crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on their heads. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia

ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a "meal" of spoiled dates nor the "necklaces" of

marsh nets. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are

not extinguished by blowing winds. aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the

catfish and catch the spider crab that gets up on its hands. šragia ḏlaradia aptiliata bargapa luatẖ

Near him are lanterns, the wicks of which do not move around in a commotion. ezdahrulia

bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the crafty? birds that

are upon you! etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting groaned that it is heavier than the

world! laiadin euhra ḏsairia ulaiadia lmihduria leuhraihun They won't know the way that they're

going, and they won't know how to return back to their way. kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin unaplia lṭabia

Like walls that collapse, they will come and fall upon the good. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar

anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor turn around to face the embankment. etlẖ

baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter

and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia

ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that

offers a meal of death. uailẖ lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ nhura lahazia Woe to the fish who perceives

them, (and) whose eyes do not see the light! hakimia nunia ḏiadilun Wise are the fish who recognize

them. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ

atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see,

and (one) out of two thousand see twice. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was

forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. uailinun alnunia ḏailinun Woe to

the fish who enter them. la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who

catches fish, and my fish are discerning. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will

not turn to submerged gillnets or deceptive lanterns. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia

There will never be a day on Earth in which fish fish fishers. uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ

bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair is in the reeds. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna

mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow. uailak sapna

kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher, whose wing will never dry on land!

uailak sagia saria ḏhazia nunia umitana Woe to you, stinking pelican, who will see the fish and

sigh. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you, Pied Crow, who snatches fish from

the depths. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the

talons that seize fish! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved

from the men who watch the Earth! emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia

mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I

struck her with a staff of water, and split her head down the middle. mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta

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ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught. qala

ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that

summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes. kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun

lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his

voice. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher

whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? amrilẖ

ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say to him, "For what possible reason do you fish but

never catch?" qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia hdadia utabria etbun palta ḏrugza The families of our

marsh are the type that conspire and fragment. zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ nunia umitrahqia Your

blameless family, fisher, is the type that fish see and flee far away. lahazilan ṣaidia ḏdamilak ḏziqa

barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries along. sqiria

mala lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings

light to the marshes. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa

litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its

snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe. šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows

me about me. šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me.

amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four

cauldrons? [in it]. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and

recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him: abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa

dakria We will be the servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth. qaiminin

umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention

your name. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka

bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the

wicked Magus and there is no rust upon the axe. ṣaidia ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia Whenever

the (other) fishers saw the fisher, they would come and gather around him. ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia

ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh! lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia

bgauaihun kanpia ekilta You do not see the food of the fish within its receptacles. mnata anin

naitilak mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share of what we have. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit

šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when

you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will

bring in fish. hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and

you will take a third of what we have. atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will

come and be your maidservant, and tie cords of every sort for you. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia

umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against

the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At

that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who

imbibe. biṭušta bṭaš ṣaida el spinata ḏṣaidia The fisherman stamped upon the boats of the fishers.

qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the

fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen. ezil ezil ṣud nunia ḏzuhmita ḏnapšaikun Go, go

and catch your own stinking fish. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get

down, leave your group, and go to the end of the line. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria

They will not turn to submerged gillnets or deceitful lanterns. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita

ḏzipa lazlin ulapalgia mia ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not descend from the surface of the

water and go into the deceptive weir, and they will not share the water that seeks to fall upon the good.

liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind!

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šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours is not going to be called an

associate of the righteous. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ

uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her

with a staff of water, and split her head down the middle. mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia

mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught. mauqirinun mn

aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you

will perish in your dwellings. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends

shall be ensconced in the abode of life. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the

marshes. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight,

rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one).

ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers

who strike the Jordan. lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not

waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. etbun palta ḏrugza

They have a spear of wrath. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your

town, the ruin of Jerusalem! naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his

exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem. abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria

We will be the servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth. algiṭtẖ biama rba

ḏhusrana maṭia lzabnẖ You caught it in the deep sea, so that the loss will fall upon its buyer! šrinan

mn rgalan ḏnunak larban lasalqia Release us from our fetters so that your fish do not leap into our

vessels! nisbit razaiun ḏnunia ṭabia lalagṭia I took their secrets so that they would not take the the

good fish. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is

not submerged to snatch fish. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said

this, the fisher spoke, saying to them: anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will

take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them.

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ṣaba aptc. Gram: G immersing. laqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna They will not stay and dip their nets and

spear in the Jordan.

ṣahu nm. thirst? nunia laiṭia ṣahua el duktaihun The fish curse thirst upon their spot.

ṣaida aptc. Gram: G catching. ṣaida ana ḏhiia rbia A fisher am I, of the Great Life. ṣaida ana ḏhiia rurbia A

fisher am I, of the Mighty Life. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ gauaza ḏmia dakia

ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a rod of pure water at

the sight of which fishers tremble. laqalẖ damia lṣaida ulasqubrẖ lsqubran Neither does his voice

resemble a fisher's, nor does his whistle resemble our whistle. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun

lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not

take heed that other fishers were starting to hatch plots. gaidinun ligal ṣaida The fisher overtook

them swiftly. laṣaidinin ḏel šumak dilak dakria We will not catch those who mention your name!

abrikit ṣaida ubrika arbak umarkabtak May you be blessed, Fisher, and may your ship be blessed

as well. šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your towline and your cords are so beautiful

that you do not look like the fishers of the world. amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say,

"You filth-eating fishermen!" lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the

fish-catching type of fisher, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats shit! ṣaida ana

ḏnišmata ḏbhiia sahdan I am a fisher of the souls who bear witness to the Life. ṣaida ana ania

ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together,

and gives hope. el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching

subline doctrines. aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and catch the

spider crab that gets up on its hands. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on

clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder. ṣaidia ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia

Whenever the (other) fishers saw the fisher, they would come and gather around him. ṣaida anat

gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh! anin

malpinalak bṣaidia We shall enroll you among the fishers. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak

umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. habṣit umalit

kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups,

and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the head of every one of us. kḏ hazin

šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard this, he stamped upon the prow. biṭušta

bṭaš ṣaida el spinata ḏṣaidia The fisherman stamped upon the boats of the fishers. ṣaidia qpun

bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes, gathering together like

reed mats (or perhaps mice), and not getting up. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia

raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen.

amarlun el ṣaidia nunia He said to the fishermen, atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia

samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen. la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia

ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish, and my fish are discerning. eu ṣaidia

ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break

through the net and escape. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia There will never be a day on

Earth in which fish fish fishers. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the

voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes.

ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers

who strike the Jordan. kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher

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said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak

bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the

marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia

ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this

world. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the fishermen blush and

become ashamed, and stand in their places. amrilẖ ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say

to him, "For what possible reason do you fish but never catch?" zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ nunia

umitrahqia Your blameless family, fisher, is the type that fish see and flee far away. lahazilan ṣaidia

ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries

along. sqiria mala lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder,

which brings light to the marshes. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen

said this, the fisher spoke, saying to them: ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My fishermen

brethren and fishermen sons, get out of my sight! amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell

her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia

lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him:

ṣalia aptc. Gram: G diverging.

ṣamar aptc. Gram: G turning. Note: The meaning of this verb is unclear. In other contexts it seems to mean "to repress;

hold back; crush" lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged

gillnets or deceptive lanterns.

ṣan nm. Gram: Should originally come from III-weak root, but appears to be II-weak. crafty? eiapra lṣipar ṣanta

ḏlnunai hauilun ridpa I will set to flight the crafty? bird that is a pest to my fish. eu atitun radaiia

mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from crafty? birds.

ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the

crafty? birds that are upon you! liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty?

birds and damn your worthless kind!

ṣaur nm. throat.

ṣbia pptc. Gram: G immersed. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged

gillnets or deceptive lanterns. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in

the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.

ṣhan adj. shameless. Note: Cf. Syriac ṣḥen, ṣaḥnā "shameless" atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia

samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen.

ṣid pptc. caught. Note: Note the strange ergative-like construction with the preposition -l. ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia

ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh!

ṣihma nm. splendor. Note: Product of metathesis; cf. Syriac ṣemḥā ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak

maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you

raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in

fish. spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright

light like the sun in the night.

ṣinda nm. hemlock. Conium maculatum. Note: Although "fennel" is clearly intended, the context demands a

poisonous plant, and the poisonous plant most likely to be confused with fennel is poison hemlock. Wikipedia

notes: "When crushed, the leaves and root emit a rank, unpleasant odour sometimes compared to that of parsnips

or mice." ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish that do not eat

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shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra

usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar

overwhelm those who imbibe.

ṣipra nf. bird. eiapra lṣipar ṣanta ḏlnunai hauilun ridpa I will set to flight the crafty? bird that is a pest to my

fish. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from

crafty? birds. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself

from the crafty? birds that are upon you! liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you

crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind!

ṣiṣ nm. Phoenix dactylifera. Note: الصيص: فيقال هذا صيص أو بلح صيص إذا كان فجا أخضر لم ينضج بعد، وحقيقتها فصيحة

.قحة فالصيص والشيص تمر لم يتم نضجه لسوء تأبيره أو لفساد طرأ عليه، فيقال صاصت النخلة صيصا أي صار ما تحمل من الثمور صيصا Note: Sis (or balaḥ ṣīṣ or šīṣ) refers to dates of a certain type that

is either not yet green or never matures due to a defect in its fertilization or because it has become corrupted

before ripening. The term appears in Akkadian (šīṣūtu or šuṣu [ŠÀ.SUD]) as well as Arabic and JBA. Dates are

used to this date for bait fishing in Iraq (Jim Turner, 2006/1/17). laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia

ḏagma They will neither approach a bait of unripe dates nor the gillnets of marsh seines. rmilẖ lihia

utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with

unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.

ṣlip pptc. bruised. Note: ṣlip means "bruised; wounded;" slipa means "twisted; perverted." umitangrit bmuzaniak

ṣlipa and you do business with your busted scales.

ṣnap pfv. Gram: G shrieked. malil uṣnapbẖ bqalẖ He spoke, shrieking at the top of his voice.

ṣud ipfv. Gram: G catch. amarlia ezal ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia He said to me, "Go, catch fish that do not eat

shit!" ezil ezil ṣud nunia ḏzuhmita ḏnapšaikun Go, go and catch your own stinking fish.

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ṬNP inf. Gram: D-stem pollution.

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ṭaba adj. good. kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of good

quality will join you. ia ab ṣaida ṭaba Oh father of the good fisherman! nisbit razaiun ḏnunia ṭabia

lalagṭia I took their secrets so that they would not catch the good fish. asartinun bspinatun ušdilun

ašlai I have trapped them in their ships and tossed my towline to the good ones. kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun

atin unaplia lṭabia Like walls that collapse, they will come and fall upon the good. lapalgia mia

ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not share the water that seeks to fall upon the good. ṭaba lau mn

ṭabia ubiša mn bišia lauia A good man keeps good company, and a bad man keeps bad company.

ṭaiib aptc. Gram: G submerge. Note: Appears to be from ṬAB "to be good" but more likely from ṬBA "to submerge (G

intransitive)." ṭaibilun mn qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will sink under the surface and be

restrained with the circlet.

ṭaiis aptc. Gram: G flying. arba ḏganpiẖ ḏziua uṭaisa uradia ulamšamṭa a vessel whose radiant sail flutters

and flaps, but is not pulled off.

ṭaria aptc. Gram: G beat. darilun bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ mn aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and

beaten back from the crown.

ṭub nm. goodness. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the

talons that seize fish! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved

from the men who watch the Earth!

ṭula nm. shade. nunia bṭulẖ iatbia The fish rest in its shade.

ṭun nm. produce.

ṭupra nm. claw. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons

of the fishsnatchers!

ṭur nm. mountain.

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-ẖ poss. 3sg.