Mẫu CV bằng tiếng anh cho người xin việc dễ dàng hơn



Bước chân ra trường, nhiều sinh viên gặp khó khăn trong việc viết CV bằng tiếng anh. Các bạn tham khảo một số mẫu CV bằng tiếng anh mà mình đã tìm nhé. Tài liệu chỉ mang tính tham khảo. Quan trọng dựa vào khả năng của mình là chính nhé. Goodluck! ^_^

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CV_template 1.........................................................................................................2CV_template 2.........................................................................................................6CV_template 3.........................................................................................................8CV_template 4.......................................................................................................11CV_template 5......................................................................................................14CV_template 6.......................................................................................................17CV_template 7.......................................................................................................19CV_template 8.......................................................................................................21CV_template 9.......................................................................................................24CV_template 10.....................................................................................................26CV_template 11.....................................................................................................28CV_template 12.....................................................................................................30CV_template 13.....................................................................................................32CV_template 14.....................................................................................................34CV_template 15.....................................................................................................37CV_template 16.....................................................................................................40CV_template 17.....................................................................................................43

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

CV_template 1

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

I AM PERFECT RESUMEStreet Address Phone NumberCity, ST Zip Code e-mail Address


This is your 30 second commercial. In 4 or 5 sentences tell what you are, why you are qualified, and what you are good at. Any perspective employer should be able to read this brief summary and be able to decide if they want to meet and interview you. They should have enough information to determine that you have the qualifications they are looking for. A well done summary statement gets read and the rest of resume gets spot checked to make sure you have the background to support your statement.


Optional section that can be used to reinforce the summary or highlight specific qualifications that are either required for the position or are special about you.

When you use bullets, don’t over do it. The general rule of thumb is to use 2 to 4 in a group. Don’t exceed 4 unless they are one liners.

A “technology” resume is different. My hiring supervisors tell me that they want to see the hardware and software skills at the top of the resume. They will only read the rest when they confirm that the candidate has knowledge or skill in the application they are seeking.

Your resume should be done in 12 Pt using a basic Font like Times New Roman. “Funky” fonts may appeal to you or look attractive to you, but keep in mind where your resume is going. It will be imaged, faxed, photocopied, and scanned in several ways. You want the first run through the photographic process to be as crisp as the 10th.


LAST GREAT JOB TITLE Years from toLast Great Employer, Location A brief summary of the overall position and/or the organization if it is important to your next employer. Remember that your next employer is usually more interested in what you did rather than who you did it for. The previous employer is only really important if they are well known great trainer of talent and every other employer will be standing in line just to hire you because you were trained by them. General Electric has that reputation in some industries.

Highlight the accomplishments of your position by using bullets. Bulleted items must contain key words and numbers.

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

What’s a key word. Look at job listings. Pick out a few of the jobs that you would really like to have. What key words or phrases appear repeatedly in those listings. Use those same key words in your resume.

Remember, only use the words that fit you that you can actually talk about. Some people actually read resumes.

Do some work with margins and content to get a good flow and the right look to a resume. Don’t cram it in. Have some white space. This is not a novel. This is not everything about you. It is just enough to get an interview that is a serious job prospect.

I Am Perfect Resume

NEXT TO THE LAST GREAT JOB TITLE Years from toLast Great Employer, Location

When you write summary sentences keep them to a length that is reasonable. Don’t use too many “motherhood and apple pie” type statements. Your resume needs to convince someone who does not know you that you have the right stuff Today’s employers are looking for real skill sets that will make a real difference in their organizations.

It is critical that bullet items contain critical facts. Percentage improvements in whatever you did work well.

Be careful not to tell too much about a previous job. You want them to want to talk to you. I don’t want them to read the resume and learn how to do it themselves.

Supporting jobs don’t take as much space. Your resume should reflect a building career. If it doesn’t you may want to use a more functional approach that features skills and uses employment as supporting data.

PREVIOUS JOB TITLE Years from toEmployer, Location

When you have the main supporting positions well structured, start minimizing the content of the information. You may actually clump some jobs together creatively. Keep in mind that the looks of the resume may determine if it even gets read. A poor looking resume with misspelled words will be discarded quickly.

PREVIOUS JOB TITLE Years from toEmployer, Location

How long should a resume be? It should be appropriate to your career. If you are just out of skill you can barely fill on single page with anything worth reading. As you mature in your career the resume gets longer and the content changes. Don’t use your resume for your first job as a guide for your twenty year career resume. Don’t include any reference to years of experience in a resume anywhere. Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980


Use only what applies to this job search. Don’t include those that you no longer maintain an active membership.


Don’t put them in a resume. References go on a separate piece of paper that you take to each interview to hand to the interviewer or include with the application. Personal information is only included in those human service or education career areas where they are expected.


Center the Degree and University, Date optionalBS, Resume Writing University, 1986

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

CV_template 2

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

FORMAT GUIDELINES Font: Name @ 14 to 24, Headings @ 12 or 14, Contact Info and General Text @ 11 or 12 One or two pages (no more!) on 8 ½ x 11 paper. When e-mailing, unless otherwise specified, use .rtf (in Word) or

.txt (Notepad)

NAME & CONTACT INFORMATION Address (permanent and/or current) Telephone (home and/or cell) E-mail Address – be sure to use an appropriate address (i.e. not an unprofessional sounding nickname)

CAREER OBJECTIVE (OPTIONAL – ONLY INCLUDE WHEN YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OR INTEREST) Emphasize functional areas in which you seek employment and general level of position you want Short and long term objectives may be included Be sure to tailor your objective to each position you apply for

EDUCATION If you are currently a full time student or recent graduate, this section should come at or near the top Institution(s) where you studied, city and province (i.e. ON) Degrees, diplomas, professional certification Concentration: including major and career related subjects Scholarships or awards (include dates) – select the most appropriate awards

EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE/RELATED EXPERIENCE Proceed in reverse chronological order (start with the most recent) List job titles, company name, city, province and dates (months or years, not specific dates) of employment Indicate level of responsibility and describe duties highlighting accomplishments Use action verbs to stress extraordinary accomplishments and skills Description MUST be in a bulleted format

VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE OR COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT An important section, especially for students who lack career-related work experience Volunteer experiences should be formatted in the same style as work experiences Employers look at this section to discern your “Star Quality” (i.e. leadership, initiative, energy) Indicate duties performed, level of responsibility, accomplishments, and skills gained

RELATED SKILLS List specific skills – computer, languages (indicate level of skill), research, technical and report writing Include health & safety training (CPR, First Aid and WHMIS)

INTERESTS/ACTIVITIES/ACCOMPLISHMENTS/EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Indicate professional development activities List additional training and workshops or conferences attended Indicate affiliations and memberships in clubs, societies, and career related associations If appropriate, consider listing additional activities you are committed to. Not hobbies, but activities that may be a

conversation piece in the interview or show high level of commitment and involvement (e.g. organized sports, performance musician, scuba-diving, etc.)

REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Reserve references until the interview process (unless the job description asks for references) NOTE: Be prepared to provide 3-5 employment, academic, and/or personal references

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

CV_template 3

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

Note: This is a suggested template – not a required template. You may want to restructure the format, add or delete categories and otherwise make changes that will result in a more accurate description of your background and goals. Make sure you provide necessary information for someone to contact you (e-mail, address, telephone number … etc).

Please keep the resume to two pages or less.


CAMPUS ADDRESS:17 Gold Nugget Dr.Worcester, MA 01601508 450-5555 name@wpi.edu


Chicago, IL 01609508 867-5309e-mail address

Học viện doanh nhân INCIP chuyên tổ chức các chương trình đào tạo cho doanh nghiệp: http://inhousetraining.edu.vn/ http://www.khoahocblogspot.info/ http://khoahocquangcaofacebook.blogspot.com/ http://incip.edu.vn/ http://www.thuhoino.edu.vn/ http://www.nhansu.edu.vn/ Hotline: 0982 463 980

OBJECTIVE: To obtain an entry-level position in Civil Engineering with a focus onenvironmental/structural … etc engineering. Primary areas of interest include …..

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, (date)Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts


• Interactive Qualifying Project: “title of iqp” (one or two sentence description or a.pdf file reference that is available on-line)

• Major Qualifying Project: “title of mqp" (same)


Analytical Mechanics I Surveying Environmental EngineeringAnalytical Mechanics II AutoCAD Water TreatmentHighway Engineering & Planning Materials of Construction Wastewater TreatmentConstruction Project Management Thermodynamics HydraulicsArchitectural Engineering Systems Intro to Analysis and Design Fluid MechanicsUrban & Environmental Planning

EMPLOYMENT: list employment and dates (start with most recent) Ex: ABC Corporation, Worcester MA May 2002-May 2003

Performed, managed, etc…..

COMPUTER SKILLS: AUTOCAD, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Primavera, …

Your Name here PAGE 2



HONORS AND AWARDS: Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon…

CV_template 4

John Doe

Address Email: d.maine@ntlworld.com

ProfileI am a XXXX with XX years of


Professional Development

Job A– (Dates)Job Responsibilities

Job B (Dates)Job Responsibilities

Job C (Dates)Job Responsibilities

Job D (Dates)Job Responsibilities


Date , School/Uni NameCertification Acquired

Course Topic A Course Topic C Course Topic E

Course Topic B Course Topic D

Date , School/Uni NameOther Certificate

ReferencesAvailable upon request.

Skill 1 Skill 2

CV_template 5

Personal detailsName :Date of Birth :Sex :Marital Status :Nationality :Phone No :Email :Expected Salary : (Do not leave blank)Commencement Date : (Immediate/one month/2 month)Preferred Working Location

: (Singapore/Malaysia – JB)

Summary (Highlight of hard/soft skills and major achievements to justify your application)

? years of (technical) experience in …. Any other experience/major achievements

Education Degree/Diploma/Cert

Professional Training

Employment History : ? Years

Duration Organization Designation




Reason for levaing

Project Details – (Please provide up to 5 major projects you have involved)1. Project Title :

Designation :Client :Period :Hardware :Operating Systems :Back-end (RDBMS) :Report Writer :Team Size :Role :Description of projects and your contribution


Skills Proficiency


Description Years of Experience

Remark (e.g. Versions )

Operating SystemWindows 2000/2003Windows 9x/2k/XPLinux

Web serverIISApache

DatabaseMysqlMicrosoft SQLOracle e.g what versions

Programming/Scripting LanguagesVB.NETVB6ASPASP.NETPerlPHPJava script

Others (please specify, e.g. Reporting tools, Lotus Notes, MS Exchange etc )

References (Please provide two references)NameOrganizationDesignationEmailPhoneYears knownRelationship

NameOrganizationDesignationEmailPhoneYears knownRelationship

CV_template 6

Curriculum Vitae

John Doe


Tel: 11111111111 – Mobile: 1324657989

Email: johndoe@yahoo.com

OBJECTIVE:See Personal Profiles Section








Available upon request.

CV_template 7

Curriculum Vitae of John Doe

John DoeSales Manager

Address 1Address 2Address 3Tel: phone no hereEmail: email@email.com


See section on personal profiles



Qualification title here Academic Institution Name - City, State 2001-2004

Qualification title here Academic Institution Name - City, State 1975-1980


Job Title Here Business Name - Location 2001-2002

Job Title Here Business Name - Location 2003-2004


Hobbies or other skills that are not detailed in the CV.


Available upon request.

CV_template 8

CURRICULUM VITAE (Maximum 3 pages)

1. Surname :

2. Name :

3. Date of birth :

4. Nationality :

5. Civil status :

6. Education :

Institutions :

Date:from(months/year) to (months/year) Degree(s) or diploma(s) :

7. Language skills : (Mark 1 to 5 for competence, where 5 is the highest)

Language Passive Spoken Written

8. Membership of professional bodies:

9. Other skills (e.g. computer literacy, etc.) :

10. Present position:

11. Years within the company:

12. Key qualifications (relevant to the project) :

13. Specific experience (in non-EU member countries)

Country  Date : from (months/year) to (months/year)

Name and brief description of the project

14. Professional experience :

Date :from (months/year) to (months/year) Location Company PositionDescription

Date : from (months/year) to (months/year) Location Company Position Description

Etc. 15.  Others:

e.g. Publications :



2 2 2 F I R S T S T R E E T , C A L G A R Y , T 3 A - 3 Y 5P H O N E ( 4 0 3 ) 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 • E - M A I L M E @ H O M E . C O M


[ Type Objective Here ]


200x - 200x [ School/Organization Name ][ City, Province ][ Diploma/Certificate/Degree/Major ] [ Details of education completed. ]

200x - 200x [ School/Organization Name ][ City, Province ][ Diploma/Certificate/Degree/Major ] [ Details of education completed. ]


200x - 200x [ Company/Organization Name ] [ City, Province ][ Job Title ] [ Details of position. ]

200x - 200x [ Company/Organization Name ] [ City, Province ][ Job Title ] [ Details of position. ]

200x - 200x [ Company/Organization Name ] [ City, Province ][ Job Title ] [ Details of position. ]


[ Click here and enter information. ]

REFERENCESReferences and letters of recommendation available on request.

CV_template 10

CV Template

NameAddress (home and term)Telephone (home)Telephone (mobile)E-mail

Date of Birth Nationality

Personal ProfileSummary about what you have done (degree, relevant experience), the skills you have to offer (target towards the advert/job description) and what you are looking to do. 3 lines max.

Education and Qualifications

Date University, Course, Qualification (grade or predicted grade)SubjectModules studied, dissertation

Date School / FE CollegeA Levels (grades if good) / Other qualifications

Date SchoolGCSE – number of subjects, including Maths and English

Work Experience (most recent first)

Date Company Name, Job TitleMain responsibilities

Skills gained (communication, team work, interpersonal, problem solving, etc

SkillsLanguagesIT skillsOther relevant skills

Interests and ActivitiesNot just a list – try to make them relevant to what the employer is looking for – eg. Travelling around Europe helped develop my communication skills through meeting a variety of people.

References Available on request

CV_template 11

Maria Doe123 Main Street

Fairfax, Virginia 22222(703) 555-5555

Education:o Praha 5 Gymnasium, 1990-1992o J.E.B. Stuart Transitional High School 2003- present

Experience:o Cashier, McDonalds, 1993-1995.

Took customer orders, handled customer complaints, mopped floors.

o Nanny, McDaniels family, 1995-1998Took care of three children, ages 1 to 7, prepared lunch and dinner, drove children to school, organized children’s activities.

o Nanny, Smith family, 2001-2004Takes care of twins babies, prepares meals and feeds children, cleans and organizes house, takes children to activities like music class.

References:o Jose Mendez, McDonald’s Manager. 703-111-1111.o Jane McDaniels, employer. 571-555-5555.o Nancy Smith, employer. 301-555-5555.

CV_template 12

Name:Address:City and State:Phone number:E-mail address:

Education:o First school name and address:

When did you study there? o Second school name and address:

When did you study there? o Second school name and address:

When did you study there?

Experience:o Company and when you worked there:

What did you do?

o Company and when you worked there: What did you do?

o Company and when you worked there: What did you do?

References:o Name

How do you know this person (boss, friend, etc.) Phone number

o NameHow do you know this person (boss, friend, etc.) Phone number

o NameHow do you know this person (boss, friend, etc.) Phone number

CV_template 13

Curriculum Vitae

John DoeAddress Here

Tel: 01234 567890 Email: ksmall@hotmail.com







CV_template 14

Jack Doe 90 WoodAvenue, Apartment #23

TeacherHill, MA 01832978-212-64447

e-mail: jackdoe@yahoo.com

Career ObjectiveA full-time position in Sales where I can demonstrate my technical and business skills and contribute to the company

Summary of Qualifications

MBA Application Support Chemical Engineering Professional Engineer (P.E.) P&L Responsibility OEM Sales Product Marketing Contract Negotiations Account Management Project Management Quality Control Business Development Compound Semiconductor Wastewater Treatment Pre and Post Sales Support


BOC Group Stock-Option Award for Outstanding Performance One of a dozen employees selected out of 45,000 employees worldwide to receive this award


Best Sales Specialist Award – BOC Edwards 1999 Professional Engineer (P.E.) 1997 Fellowship and Research Assistantship Awards

University of New Hampshire1990-1992

Two Technical Publications 1996 and 1999

Professional Experience

Managed all technical and commercial aspects of a five-year, $8 million, IBM 300mm contract. Developed sales’ tools and grew eastern region’s sales from $1M in 1999 to $6M in 2003. Championed a new product-line (Zenith) for MOCVD application and sold the first six systems,

$250K/system, in USA. Performed day-to-day product sales, marketing, and service activities. Provided technical and application support to Compound Semiconductor, MEMS, Automobile, Nano-

technology and several high-tech industries. Identified and developed a new market for vacuum and abatement products – Compound Semiconductor. Supervised and managed quality assurance of $27M equipment decontamination at a Superfund site.


F. W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College (Wellesley, MA) Master of Business Administration (MBA) with concentration on marketing


University of New Hampshire (Durham, NH) Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering


Osmania University (Hyderabad, India) Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering


Employment History

BOC Edwards (Wilmington, MA) Sales and Marketing Specialist

1996 – Current

Nobis Engineering (Concord, NH)Project Engineer


National Environmental Systems (Seekonk, MA)Applications Engineer



Available upon request

CV_template 15

Candidate’s Name (Don’t change font size)Street address, City, State, Zip (Don’t change font size) username@u.washington.edu | http://website address (206) 123-5678 | (206)321-4345 (fax) optional

EDUCATION (this is regular caps; don’t deviate from this preset font size and style)

June 2003 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Seattle, WA Candidate for Master of Business Administration, concentration listing Activities such as clubs. Format Officer title, Club name; Club name Certificate programs listed Additional activities, awards, honors

May 1996 UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTION City, State abbrev 2 letters Bachelor degree description, concentrations Achievements, honors Thesis, study-abroad program, etc. Keep this section concise.


2000-Present COMPANY NAME, INC. (THIS IS SMALL CAPS STYLE) City1, Country1/City2, State abbrev 2 Title, Division or Subsidiary if applicable

An optional line describing company’s business, to help recruiter contextualize bullet points.

Each bullet should describe responsibilities and achievement. Can use multiple phrases. Each bullet should be 1-3 lines long. Group responsibilities and activities logically to the reader

List bullets in the order starting with one that broadly describes your job from the 10,000 feet level. Proceed with additional bullets that drill down to key responsibilities, describing the activities with

action verbs, using little passive tense (is, are, there is, were accomplished). Try to include numbers to quantify your achievement

Line spacing between each employer listing is 5 point.

1999-2000 COMPANY NAME 2 CORPORATION (for this position if different from other position) City, State abbrev

Title 1, Division 1 or subsidiary1 if applicable City, State abbrev

Apply same principles for developing bullets as mentioned earlier. A note about formatting bullets. If you lose the formatting of a line, don’t replicate it manually. The

trick is to go to a line where the formatting is ok, select some text, hit the yellow paint brush button on the task bar.

Then go to the messed up line and place the cursor somewhere in that line. The new format should copy over.

1996-1999 Title 2, Division 2 or subsid 2 if applicabl (For this position if different from other position)

City, State abbrev

Text of the body is all set at 11 point font. If you really need more space, lower to 10.5. Minimum is 10pt. Leave the category (Educ, Exp, Skills and activ) and contact info at the preset size.

Character spacing is condensed at 0.2point. To manipulate character spacing, select the desired text, and go to Format > Font > Character Spacing. Drop down and pick ‘condense” and reduce it by 0.2. You can play around and see what you get.

1996-1999 SOMETHING INSTITUTE City, State abbrev

Top and bottom margins at 0.7”. Left and right at 0.75”.

You can decrease size to 10.5 or 10. 11 is ideal. But be consistent through the resume.

You can decrease size to 10.5 or 10. Ideal is 11. But be consistent through the resume.

Title, Division or subsidiary As the position becomes less recent, you might have fewer bullets for the position. You might condense

what were 3 bullets into one. The assumption is that over time you have advanced in your career, and the interesting content is at the more recent positions.


Group like items together. Maybe one line for special computer skills, licenses, languages Lump personal hobbies or activities into 1 line. Don’t make it too long. Remember, this is a resume.

You can decrease size to 10.5 or 10. 11 is ideal. But be consistent through the resume.

CV_template 16

NAME & Qualifications, e.g. BSc CEng [write your details in here]

Address, telephone no, email address, all on one line

HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATEAll text in this colour (green) denotes instructions and should be deleted. Black text shows the information you should provide for each section of the CV. Write or copy and paste your text over the text in black. Leave the blue headings in place


Paragraph summarising who/what you are, what you offer and what you are seeking .Bold for this section, with a box around it. This can be the most difficult part and should normally be left to last.No more than 4 lines.

Key Skills bullet points No more than 5 or 6 Keep them to one line each Use ‘action words’a Xxxxxx


CURRENT/LAST EMPLOYER, location (Town & County) Jan 19xx – Present

Job Title – Brief description of role & responsibility, its context (size of department/company, etc.) & whom you reported to.

List of achievements – what you actually made happen Bullet points – be succinct, as more detail can be given at an interview Probably no more than about 5 per job No more than 2 lines each Use them to highlight things that you want an interviewer to raise for discussion

PREVIOUS EMPLOYER #1, Town, County Oct 19xx – Dec 19xx

Job Title – Brief description of role & responsibility, its context (size of department/company, etc.) & whom you reported to.

xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

PREVIOUS EMPLOYER #2, Town, County Feb 19xx – Sept 19xxMove this whole third employer to page 2 if necessary (Do not split this section over 2 pages)

Job Title – Brief description of role & responsibility, its context (size of department/company, etc.) & whom you reported to. With some employers you will have been in more than one role, which should be shown like this. xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx

Job Title – Brief description of role & responsibility, its context (size of department/company, etc.) & whom you reported to. With some employers you will have been in more than one role, which should be shown like this. xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx

CV_template 17




CANADA, TY4 -3X2 .

(403) 000 -0000 (HOME)

(403) 000 -0000 (CELL)


OBJECTIVE[ Type Objective Here ]

SUMMARY OF SKILLS [ Click here and enter details about what you can do. ]

[ Click here and enter details about what you can do. ]

[ Click here and enter details about what you can do. ][ Click here and enter details about what you can do. ][ Click here and enter details about what you can do. ]

EDUCATION 200x – 200x [ School / Organization Name ][ City, Province ]

[ Click here and enter details about education, coursesand training completed. ].


200x – 200x [ Company / Organization Name ]

[ City, Province ][ Details of position. ]

200x – 200x [ Company / Organization Name ]

[ City, Province ][ Details of position. ]

200x [ Company / Organization Name ]

[ City, Province ][ Details of position. ]

INTERESTS[ Click here and enter information. ]

REFERENCESA list of references is available on request.
