Meaningful Gamification in HE? Slides from GameScope Conference


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Meaningful gamification in HE?

Case: The performance of theory through gameful design with robots

Rikke Toft Nørgård, Associate professorClaus Toft-Nielsen, Assistant professor

Gamification: Gartner’s hype cycle & eLearning predictions hype curveQuestion: Can we avoid making the same mistakes all over again when it comes to gamification in education?

Gamification & gameful design?Gamification: “The use of game design elements in non-game contexts” (Deterding et al. 2011). A set of concrete, specified means. ⇒ Adding a gamified layer / gamification plugin on top of an existing activity: PBL-gamification. Or: “Chocolate-covered broccoli 2.0”.

Problem: Point-based incentive systems can undermine internally motivated learning.

Gameful design: Defined by an end; the design of affording “gamefulness” - the experiential qualities characteristic for gameplay - in non-game contexts. (Deterding, 2015).

From surface level structures to teacher/student-centered, motivating and enjoyable interactions & experiences: Valuable and meaningful gamification.

Meaningful gamification in HE? Shulman’s signature pedagogy as possible lens



e pe



Surface structures: materials & ‘what

goes on’Deep structures:

experience & ‘how to do’

Implicit structures:habits, ethics & ‘why



patterns: mechanic

s of teaching

Signature pedagogy: methods of

teaching e.g.


Pedagogies of formation:

experiences of education

shaping the student’s head,

hand & heart

“Signature pedagogy in

the professions” (Shulman,


Gamification beneath the surface?Signature pedagogy as a framework for meaningful

gamification in education

Play/Game design & artifact e.g. codes, markers, Ozobots / making games or teaching with game jams

Playful / Gameful interaction & experience e.g. 4C’s of 21st century education / Bloom & Dettmer

Pedagogy of formation: e.g. lusory attitude / foster engaged criticality & creativity

Implicit structures The WHY of gameful HE

Surface structures The WHAT of gameful HE

Deep structures The HOW of gameful HE

The practice of gameful design? Ozobot Theory JamThinking about gamification in HE through the lens of signature pedagogy

Implicit structureWHY?

Surface structureWHAT?

Deep structureHOW?

The experience & interaction of gameful academia WHAT & HOW: Critical creative

game-making to discuss theory through collaborative game jams with robots

WHY 1: To make students engaged in theory through game-making & realize the impact of theoretical perspectives on their thinking

WHY 2: Establishing a magic circle and lusory attitude & approach in HE beyond surface gamification & high-score thinking

Designing for playful educationA signature pedagogy for meaningful

gamification in HE?Research Education

Culture Society

Business Innovation

More than permanent markers and Ozobots● Ozobot Theory Jam (3 hours)● Pokemon Go: ReThink (1 day)● Open Game//Play Education Lab (1 week)● Coding Pirates GameDev (12 weeks)● Game.Play.Theory Gametalk@Dokk1 Seminars

(course)● Game.Play.Design Public Exam Exhibitions (course)● House of Game//Play (ongoing)

● Age: From cradle to coffin (beyond stages)● Sectors: Third space innovation (beyond the

institution)● Levels: From values to visions to missions (beyond

the surface)

Want to know more?

Rikke Toft Nørgå N

Claus @ToftClaus


ReferencesDeci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (2001). Extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation in

education: Reconsidered once again. Review of educational research, 71(1), 1-27.Deterding, Sebastian. "The lens of intrinsic skill atoms: A method for gameful design."

Human–Computer Interaction 30.3-4 (2015): 294-335Deterding, Sebastian, et al. (2011) "From game design elements to gamefulness: defining

gamification." Proceedings of the 15th international academic MindTrek conference: Envisioning future media environments. ACM, 2011.

Dettmer, Peggy (2005). "New blooms in established fields: Four domains of learning and doing." Roeper Review 28.2: 70-78.

Hamari, Juho, Jonna Koivisto, and Harri Sarsa (2014): "Does gamification work?--a literature review of empirical studies on gamification." System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE,.

Hicken, Andy (2015): ”2016 eLearnign Hype Curve Predictions”. Visited May 31. 2016.

ReferencesKapp, Karl M. (2012): The gamification of learning and instruction: game-based methods

and strategies for training and education. John Wiley & Sons.Niman, Neil B. The Gamification of Higher Education: Developing a Game-based Business

Strategy in a Disrupted Marketplace. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.Nørgård, Rikke Toft & Toft-Nielsen, Claus (2016): “Future Gamers as Gamethinkers and

Gametinkerers: Children’s own gameplay and gamedesign practices as creative and critical reflections on the state of games”, accepted paper to be presented at Future and Reality of Gaming Conference 2016 (FROG’16), Vienna, 23rd of September.

Nørgård, R.T., Toft-Nielsen, C. & Whitton, N. (2016): “Playful teaching between freedom and control: exploring the magic circle in higher education”, accepted paper to be presented at Society for Research into Higher Education Annual International Research Conference 2016 (SRHE’16), 7-9 december, Celtic Manor, Wales

Shulman, L. S. (2005): “Signature pedagogies of the professions.” Daedalus, 134:3, pp. 52-59

Walz, Steffen P., and Sebastian Deterding. The Gameful World: Approaches, Issues, Applications. Mit Press, 2015.
