Media Evaluation - Quuestion 1


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By Katy Boal

My front cover follows the codes and conventions of professional magazine front covers, such as the masthead which is the largest font on the page. This is so that it stands out to the audience. It is the largest font, so that it appeals to the audience and makes them want to read the magazine. It is also located at the top right hand side of the page, as this is typically where the audience look first. The font used for the masthead is red and black, as these colours are associated with rock music, which is the genre of the magazine. The font is also jagged, which holds connotations of metal music.

Front Cover

• The positioning statement is located underneath the masthead, so that it can easily be seen by the audience. the positioning statement is often used as a selling point to appeal and attract to new readers.

I have also used a strap and skyline, as these are commonly used to highlight incentives such as free giveaways, such as gig tickets and posters. For example, in Rock ‘N’ Roll, some of the incentives used include; Tickets to see Mallory Knox and a Download festival poster special. These would appeal to people who hadn't had a chance to see a band live or go to a festival, so seeing these features would persuade them to buy the magazine.


Strap Line

The barcode is located at the bottom right hand side of the page, as this is typically where it is located on professional magazine front covers, especially those in the rock genre. However, the issue date and price, which is located with the barcode on professional front covers, is located at the top of my front cover, so that it is easier for the audience to understand.


The main image features a guitarist holding an electric guitar, which is something people think of and associate with rock music. The model also looks angry and frustrated, which are emotions that people link with rock music, especially hard rock and metal.

The cover lines used are located around the model, so that they do not cover her face, as professional magazines do not tend to do this. The font used for the cover lines is bold, so that they stand out and catch the audience’s attention. The text of the cover lines is black, as this is a colour often associated with rock music. I also used black, so that the page was easy for the audience to navigate.

Cover lines

The main cover line is the second biggest font on the page, as this is the most important cover line, so it wants to stand out to the audience and make them want to read the magazine. It is also outlined in grey, so that is stands out from some of the colours used in the main image.

Contents Page

My contents page follows codes and conventions of professional magazine contents pages, as the title, ‘contents’, is located at the top left hand corner, along with the issue number and cover date, which is located towards the right hand side of the page. This is the largest font on the page, so that it stands out to the audience. The font used is also black, as this colour is often associated with rock music.


The main image is located at the middle – top left hand corner, as this is where it is located in professional magazines, such as Kerrang! It is also located here so that it can be seen straight away by the audience.

Main Image

The contents page uses three columns, so that the page is easy for the audience to navigate. Regular content and feature articles are under separate headings, so that the audience can see clearly what will be featured in every issue and what articles are just a one off. The headings, ‘regular content and feature articles’ are in red, so that they stand out to the audience.

The page numbers are also red, so that they stand out from the article information, so it is easier for the audience to navigate.

The page numbers at the bottom of the page are also red, so that they stand out from the colour used for the article information.

The secondary images used are relevant to the articles featured, for example, I used an image of a band hoodie, which links with one of the articles: Band Merchandise. The images also illustrate the articles to the audience, so they would want to read the magazine.

Page Numbers

Double Page Spread

My double page spread also follows the codes and conventions of professional magazines, as the article headline is the biggest font on the page, so that it attracts the target audience and makes them want to read the article. The font of the headline is unique to the artist: it is bold and stands out, so it catches the audience’s attention.

Article Headline

The by- line is located on the second page at the right hand side, so that it can easily be seen by the audience. This is common amongst professional rock music magazines.

The stand first is located directly underneath the headline, but is red, so that it stands out from the article.

By - Line

Stand First

The drop cap, which is used to indicate the start of the article to the audience, is red, so that it contrasts against the colour of the text used in the article (black). The drop cap is also bold, so that the audience will be able to find it instantly. Drop Cap

I have imported the article into three columns, so that it is easy for the audience to follow. I have also added pull quotes, so that it breaks the article down, so the audience isn't over faced with text.

The pull quotes are red, so that they stand out from the interview used in the article.

Pull Quotes

• The main image is also the only image on the double page spread, as I wanted to use an equal amount of text and images.

• The colour of the image is also black and white, so that it stands out to the audience.

• The image is also bled across the double page spread, ending just before the article starts. I have done this as professional music magazines, such as Kerrang, tend to do this with feature articles.