Media horror film analysis


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The Women in Black

At the begging of the scene, the main focus is on a Victorian tea set, which represents the period of time which the film is been cast in. One out of the three girls is pouring out tea although it isn't there, so you would think that the children are only playing. After this scene, the girls then lift the cups up to the mouths of the toy dolls that they have, because of the dim lighting in the movie the dolls that they are playing with are seemingly more scary. There is then a scene showing all three characters, still playing with their tea set, however the music begins to get louder and more creeper, as that audience can only hear the music, there is no other sound at this point.

The mood then changes dramatically as the camera angle changes to a wide angle shot. This is done in such a way as to make the audience feel like they are the thing that the three girls are looking at. The girls then turn their heads to face the window, which ironically contains 3 different windows, almost as if jumping out of them was meant to be the girls destiny. The camera then zooms in on the windows, as if the make the audience feel like the three girls which are going to obviously jump out of them. The three girls then get up slowly, as if they are not in control, the camera angle then changes and shows one of the girls dropping a tea cup on to the floor. If the girl had control over this then she wouldn't have dropped the cup in the first place. They then obliviously walk over their toys, breaking the kettle used in the first scene, the girls then walk slowly too the windows, with the camera facing them, they all open the handles on the windows at the same time, not individually. They then all jump out of the window, the music then stops for a short period of time, as the camera moves back you then hear a screen from the girls mother, the camera then keeps moving back until you can see just the tip of the woman in blacks clothing and head gear, but you never get to see her face.

The Gallows

The film is a horror film and the target audience is 18 years of age or older and not meant for younger children.At the beginning of this scene, the audience is looking through the view of a video camera, showing the view from the audience. The performance being shown is called 'The Gallows' and at first everything seems perfectly normal, but then video camera records judders, this kind of shows the audience that something bad is going to happen. As the play carries on for about 30 seconds there is then a scene where someone is looked at as about the be hung, obviously in the play they would never actually let the floor go from underneath the actor so that he would be hung. But then something makes the wood beneath the actor break beneath him therefore killing him pretty instantly.

The scene then starts to get  chaotic with people from the audience and in the play screaming and running over to the stage to try to help the actor. The lighting in the opening scene is quite dark and the colour red is used which makes the whole scene appear to have some danger about it. also the used of the small video camera makes the audience feel very small and maybe vulnerable compared to using large and wide angled shots like other similar films do. The use of the video camera makes the audience seem small and powerless, which also shows the supernatural forces to be quite powerful.

The Conjuring

The Conjuring is a horror film and is aimed at audiences over 15 as it is rated too frightening for people younger than 15. the opening scene of The Conjuring is a very dark setting, (common in horror films). The characters are talking about their possessed doll and as the mention it a close up shot of the side of the dolls face and part of its eye show up on momentarily. There is no extra loud sounds or sinister music to compliment the extreme close up but it is quite scary. The lack of sound in the scene makes the doll seem clever and very discrete rather than giving the impression that the doll is just very scary. The scene isn't violent and the characters are just talking but they are talking about the doll and the close up shots of the dolls face while they are talking about it make the viewers feel disturbed by the doll. The doll is show as being more interesting and disturbing than actually frightening in this particular scene.

The conversation that the characters have sets the scene of the film and gives the viewers a detailed back ground knowledge of the doll, the two characters in that scene and what the doll does. For example the doll is possessed and wants to possess the owner of the doll. giving the viewers the knowledge of what the dolls intensions are enables the viewers to almost predict what the doll is going to do to the characters later on in the film. The target audience for this film is obviously people of 18 years or older and mainly the male audience. But as the some of the main characters are female and the two main female characters play an important role in the film therefore this may encourage the female audience to watch it. The film is also based on true events, this dramatically increases the level of fear viewers will get. As they believe that the whole film is a true story even though the film will have been hugely exaggerated from the actually true evens the it is originally based on.