Media Similar Product Research



Media Similar Product Research

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Similar Product Research

Digipak and magazine advertisement

Colour scheme



• The colour scheme of red white and black is used very well in this advert as it is used consistently which creates a theme making it look professional.

• The colour red connotes love which indicates what the songs in the album will be about.

• The colours black and white used in this advert has a sense of maturity which could indicate the concept of love being given in a experienced point of view as black and white images are often associated with being old.

• The image being black and white makes the text stand out more since people are usually attracted to colourful things over black and white things. However since people are also drawn to images, they will be also be immediately attracted to the image of Taylor Swift as the same time despite it being in black and white.

• The image of Taylor Swift is almost a full body shot. Since Taylor Swift has some recognition the image is probably less focused on her face as people may be able to recognise her even if her face is shown quite small in the overall advert.

• As you can see there is not much in the background so the overall image is quite simple and this would therefore lead the audience to focus their attention on just her rather than any other unnecessary things.

• There is a small image of the album in the bottom left corner so the audience know what the album looks like.

• The text is in a simple sans-serif font making it easy to read as it is clear and bold.• The title of the album ‘Red’ is the biggest on the page as it is the point of the

advertisement –to promote the album. The word ‘Red’ is in red as it is logical to use that colour which could perhaps in fact help to keep it in people’s memory.

• ‘Taylor Swift’ is in a slightly smaller font in white, placed right under ‘Red’ so that people know who the album is by. The white contrasts with the red quite well, giving a balance of colours on the advert. It is also highlighted with a black drop shadow so that it is distinct from the white and grey in the background image.

• The rest of the text on the advert is the extra details of the album so it is in a much smaller font and also less obvious colours –red and black.


Colour scheme


Text• The use of blue and white as the main

colours of the advert indicates the genre of the music being quite calm and relaxing perhaps.

• With the artist's name and her blouse being white and the album name and the sky in the background being blue, it creates consistent colour scheme which makes it look professional.

• The artist holds a serious facial expression which suggest the genre of the music perhaps being slow-beated and less cheerful.

• The hair of the artist has been done in a way which presents her as being quite neat and high-classed in a way. The hairstyle is also probably less contemporary and seems like it is from the 70s which suggest the style of music perhaps resembling the style of songs from that era.

• The white blouse worn further reinforces how she is represented to be high-classed.

• The make-up is quire simple and natural looking with the light red lipstick.

• In the background the audience are able to see the blue sky, clouds and trees which creates a very natural setting that seems to be quite relaxing and calm. This again suggests the style of music being less upbeat.

• The artist's name is the biggest bit of text on the advert as it is the most important piece of information which would inform the audience about the advert of the album. The text is in a simple sans serif font which is bold, eye catching as well as easy to read which is a well chosen font for the advert. It is in white which contrasts well with the blue in the background and also matches the white costume of the artist.

• The second largest bit of text is the album name which is placed in front of the white blouse worn by the artist. It is in the colour blue which contrasts with the background as well as the artist’s name and it matches with the blue sky in the background image.

• The rest of the text is in a much smaller size as it is less important compared to the artist's name and album name.

• The date is placed just below the album name as it is perhaps what the audience would want to know after knowing about the new album.

• The font of the smaller text is a different font which is a serif font. This is perhaps to emphasise the artist's name and album name as it is less bold. It also balances out the text on the advert as using two different fonts distinguishes the different bits of information of the advert (some being more important than others).


Colour scheme



• The two main colours used on this advert is black and gold. These two colours combined together could connote a sense of maturity as gold is commonly thought to signify wealth which may relate to older audiences rather than young people.

• To keep the colour scheme consistent, the artist is shown to have black hair, black nail varnish, black lipstick as well as gold earrings.

• This consistent colour scheme is emphasised with the lip of the artist being black to blend in with the rest of the advert as it is the central of the poster so it would have out of place if it was another colour.

• The artist has direct eye contact with the audience and is directly addressing them. This could attract the audience’s attention as it is clear that they are being addressed.

• The facial expression is quite serious and almost emotionless which suggests that the album may reflect this kind of mood –perhaps being aimed at slighter older teenagers.

• The make-up of the artist is dark and bold which makes the image stand out and grab the attention of people. It is almost pure black and white, meaning the gold text “Jessie J” would stand out and indicate to the audience the purpose of the advert being to promote the album of Jessie J.

• The body language of Jessie J with her hands against the sides of her head perhaps connotes an image of frustration or anger which indicates the concept of her album which probably talks about her opinions on things such as “Price Tag” which suggest that money isn’t the most important.• The artist's name is the biggest bit of text on the advert since it is the most important piece

of information on the advert as it informs the audience that the advert is about the artist.• The title of the album is placed right under the artist’s name to indicate what she is

promoting. This is much smaller than the artist’s name perhaps because people are more likely to recognise the name of the artist and then carry on reading the advert.

• All the text on the advert are in a sans serif font as it is easier to read.• The website of the artist is in the smallest bit of text on the advert as it is considered to be

the least important piece of information.• The names of two of the songs are written to indicate to the audience what is in the album

and these are likely to be the most popular songs as it will then lead the audience to perhaps purchase it because they know those two songs.

• There is a pattern of colours (gold-white-gold) used for each line of text, this is perhaps to differentiate between the different parts of information that may make it easier for the audience to read and process.


Front cover

Inside booklet

• On the front cover there isn’t an image of the artist showing their faces but instead it has the silhouettes of the group. This portrays a sense of mystery and creates the audience to want to find more about them which I believe is a successful feature of the front cover.

• Furthermore to emphasis the ‘Girls’ Generation’ and the silhouettes, it has been slightly embossed with silver material which makes that part of the front cover stand out from the rest.

• The simple pink background could suggest the concept being simple and girlish perhaps.

• The names of the group is listed below their logo and a list of the songs in the album is listed below the silhouettes.

• The use of the colour white for the text gives it a much brighter softer look compared to black for example which would look much sharper and dark. The colour white has connotations of purity and innocence which could again suggest the concept of their album.

• The logo at the top is fairly big compared the rest of the parts of the front cover which makes it eye catching to the audience. The crown in the logo could symbolise power and authority which is another hint of the album/group concept. The logo also contains hearts which is symbolic for love and this again could indicate the concept of the album/group being girlish as the symbol of hearts is typically associated with females more than males.

• The inside booklet contains several pages of images of the girls and also contains the lyrics of the songs as well as their thank you messages.

• The front page is similar to the front cover except this time it has an image of the group showing their faces rather than silhouettes.

• As you flick through the pages there are images of the each member of the group posing like dolls. The girls’ hair, make-up, clothes and accessories is combined with the set to complete the doll look as they are seen to be in boxes with plastic and paper packaging and ribbon. There are also props such as dolls, a toy car and chairs which is used to add to the doll-like concept and give it a realistic effect.


Back cover

The CD design is quite simple with a two-colour colour scheme of pink and white, yet it is quite eye catching with the huge logo taking up most of the CD cover. The colours work very well as the background behind the CD is pink and the background of the CD is white and finally the text on the CD is pink. This creates a layered colour scheme of pink-white-pink which makes it consistent

• On the back cover the image and text used is almost the same as the one used for the inside booklet with the exception of the image being in black and white. The use of the black and white image could be to make it match with the front cover –not having any other colour apart from pink and white. This could be used to make a professional style to it.

• There is a barcode along with a holographic sticker positioned at the bottom of the back cover.

• There is also credits to the music label of the group and other companies involved in the album.


Front cover

Inside booklet

• On the front cover the artist is presented with a mid shot which allows the audience to see his face as well as the designs on his body.

• The cover is very colourful and bright which create a happy and fun feel to the album. This indicates its genre of music being pop as pop music is usually associated with lots of colour as the music is generally quite cheerful.

• The background is filled with patterns which is holographic. This makes the album more appealing and gets the attention of people as it shines with different colours when you look at it. There are various different symbols in the patterned background for example, there is a heart with an arrow pierced through it, a rose and many musical symbols. This could suggest the concept of the songs being about love since hearts and roses are often associated with love.

• The artist’s name and album name is merged in with the background in the top left corner of the cover. This nicely blends in which leads the audience to be captured by the image first rather than the text.

• There are many colourful designs on the artist’s body which are meaningful. There are three bits of text on him which has meaning to it. Firstly ‘Henry’ is the artist’s name, then ‘Trap’ which is the album name and finally ‘Noize Bank’ which is the production team of the album.

• The artist’s facial expression is fairly serious as he is shown to be looking up at the camera which could suggest that the style of his music is not all very cheerful and fun. He has eye contact with the audience which directly addresses the audience and this is typical for the pop genre as they tend to engage with the audience more than other genres.

• The inside booklet is filled with many colourful images of the artist as well as the lyrics and credits.

• On the front cover, a close up image of the artist is used. Although it is mainly focused on his face but you are able to see the colourful designs on his body and the accessories he is wearing – rings, chain and hat.

• On one of the first few pages there is a page which lists the different songs in the album quite creatively. There are numbers in a line at the top and then different design linking each number with the song name.


Back cover

The CD design is quite interesting as it has a plain black background with some patterns, the name of the artist and album on the right side as well as the names of the songs in the album embedded into the patterns. At first you may not be able to notice the details of the CD as it is not very noticeable especially from far which makes it more fascinating for the audience.

• On the back cover there is a similar image of the artist except it is in black and white and the artist is not looking at the audience as the cap covers his eyes.

• In the background the songs names are embedded in to the patterns to fill up the background.

• The name of the album is placed blended in the background but is much more visible than the other text as it is in a bigger font and is placed at the top because it is the most important piece of text on the back cover.

• The use of a black and white image perhaps suggest that as a back cover it doesn’t need to be as bold and eye-catching compared to the front cover


Front cover• On the front cover a close up of

the artist is shown which reveals the facial expression being quite serious as she does not look into the camera and is not smiling.

• The colour red is shown on the both the hair and lips of the artist to create a colour scheme with red being the main colour.

• The layout is very simple with just the image and the name of the artist sand name of the album. This would make the image more eye-catching as it leads the audience to focus on the image only as there isn’t much to distract them.

CDAn extreme close-up of a rose in a bird’s eye view shot is used as the main image on the CD. This matches with the rest of the album images as roses are used on the background of the digipak. This connotes love and is a symbolic object which is used commonly as a sign for love.

DIGIPAKColour scheme• The main colour used throughout the digipak is

red. The colour red connotes love and this is a common concept for the pop genre. The roses perhaps suggest the concept of the album relating to romance as it is commonly associated to be a symbol of love.

Background• The background image displays Rihanna lying is a white dress which looks

like a wedding dress, in a bed of roses. • The shot reveals half of her body and with the rest showing the roses she is

lying on.• The fact that you cannot see her face properly suggests that the concept of

the album is perhaps not a happy relationship but rather a painful one as she is seen to be closing her eyes and showing no emotion. Another interpretation is that she is deeply in love and is blinded by it so the image is demonstrating this with her is a bed of roses.

Text• There is little text on the digipak

which could be because the images are so powerful that they illustrate the concept of the album well enough that there is no need for words to describe it.

• The name of the artist is written in capitals and is spread out across the top of the front cover. It is in white and is not very noticeable perhaps because Rihanna is incredibly famous in the pop genre so people are likely to recognise her.

• The name of the album is written at the bottom in the same style but the size of the text is much larger since it is more important as the audience are likely to recognise Rihanna but would need to look for the title of the album.

• A sans serif font is used as it is clear and easy to read.