


Employable skills needed by Industries

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(Career Guidance and Counseling)

Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

How Mentoronics makes you employable

Psychology holds the key

Remember you are unique

Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Mentoronics empowers you to get a good job.

Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Your job prospects then and now

• About 30 years ago, in India, it was the Government that provided

most of the jobs.

• 400-600 jobs were available for every 1,000 students.

• Only 100-150 jobs were in Private Sector.

• unemployed or underemployed people = 200

Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Your job prospects then and now

• After some time– with boom in private sector

• 400-500 jobs were available for every 1,000 students. But more

jobs in Private Sector and fewer in Govt. Departments.

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Your job prospects then and now

• In today’s Information Technology World, the number of

educated people vying for jobs has on an average = 1,500.

• Employment in Govt. and Private Sector = 750

• Job opportunity from 15 developed countries for Indians = 500

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Unemployment is not the problem

• The problem is un-employability.

• Are you employable?

• Are employers looking for people like

you? People who have the same degrees

as you? People who have the same skills

as you?

Or, are they looking for something more

in you?

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The demand now

• Yes, employers nowadays look for something more in you.

• Employers are looking for energetic, dynamic and self-motivated


• Possessing the required academic qualifications does not mean

you are fit for the particular job.

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The situation according to experts

• "The current system produces candidates who are not ready for

the industry."

• "Students are made to limit themselves to textbooks and marks.

They often shock the interviewers with half-baked theoretical

knowledge, lack of practical knowledge, and high expectations.

Therefore, it is high time that they equipped themselves with the

required skills to survive in this dynamic world."

Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

The situation that the experts want

• Representatives from various industry sectors (IT, IT-Enabled

Services, Telecom, IT-Enabled Engineering, Engineering, Power and

Mining, Retailing, Financial Services, and Software Services) said

'In the new trend, companies are looking for job-ready students

from day one. Small companies don't have the time or the

financial resources to train fresh graduates for long periods to

make them job-savvy. So they expect to induct job-ready students

who deliver results immediately. "

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The situation that the experts want

• "Employers today look for generic qualifications, not specific ones.

Companies basically look for people who can perform and deliver,

rather than brilliant people who will not perform."

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The situation that the experts want

• "Fresh graduates should be adaptive to change. Only then can

they enter and survive in modern organizations. A candidate who

is average in studies but possesses this skill [ adaptation] is


• So, the Industry HR managers say they have jobs but are unable to

find candidates with adequate skills.

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So which skills make you employable?

You need the Employability Skills or the Generic Skills:

• Basic/fundamental Skills: such as literacy, numeracy, using


• People-related skills: such as communication, interpersonal,

teamwork, customer service skills.

• Conceptual/thinking skills: such as collecting and organising

information, problem solving, planning and organising, learning-to-

learn skills, thinking innovatively and creatively, systems thinking.

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So which skills make you employable?

• Personal skills and attributes: such as being responsible,

resourceful and flexible, being able to manage one’s own time,

having self-esteem.

• Business skills: such as innovation skills, enterprise skills.

• Community skills: such as civic or citizenship knowledge and skills.

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Basic Employability Skills

» Communication

» Teamwork

» Problem Solving

» Initiative And Enterprise

» Planning And Organising

» Self-management

» Learning

» Technology.

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Skills that new industries want you to have

According to the industry experts, here are some of the skills and traits that you should have along with the requisite degree.

• Proactivity Work ethics• Quick learning ability Customer-Centric skills

• Tolerance to ambiguity Listening skills• Communication skills (oral and written) Stress management skills• The ability to treat problems as opportunities Negotiation skills• Leadership Commitment• Analytical skills Conflict Management Skills• The ability to work effectively in teams Organization savvy• Initiative Decision-Making skills• Positive attitude Creativity• Interpersonal skills.

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Skills that new industries want you to have

The industry expects you to have these skills before you take up

your first job. These are only some of the skills that employers

want you to have.

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But the experts are optimistic

• "There are tremendous opportunities in today's market and with a

little more effort a fresh Graduate/Technician can make a great


• "The situation can be rectified with the help of Mentoronics."

• Are you ready for that little extra effort?

• It could affect your career lifelong.

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How Mentoronics makes you employable

• Mentoronics helps you make that

little extra effort — which makes

your career secure.

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How Mentoronics makes you employable

• Mentoronics first makes you aware of the employment options

that you have, and tells you how you can prepare yourself for


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How Mentoronics makes you employable

• You will find out more details about the rapidly changing job

scenario, where you stand, and what you can do to bridge the two.

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Your Qualification

& skills

Job Opportunity

How Mentoronics makes you employable

• Mentoronics help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses

in the light of the expectations of the industry that will employ


Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Expected Questions form Employer

You should be prepared for the questions given below.

• Tell us about yourself.

• What are your career objectives?

• What factors did you consider in making these objectives?

• Why are you choosing this particular field for a career?

• What are your most significant achievements?

• What are your strengths?

• What are your weaknesses? How will you overcome them?

Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Expected Questions form Employer

• How do you think these weaknesses will relate to the position you

have applied for?

• Where do you see yourself five years from now?

• What could be your biggest contribution to our organization?

• Why should we choose you for this position?

• Describe a situation in which you used your leadership skills.

• Are your grades an indicator of your academic ability?

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Expected Questions from Employer

• Why should we hire you?

• What differentiates you from other candidates?

• How many squares are there in a chessboard?

• Why does the value of the Rupee fluctuate in relation to the


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Expected Questions from Employer

• What is the difference between Sales and Marketing?

• What is advertising?

• Why is a yearly budget prepared?

• Why should we consider giving you this job when we have

candidates more experienced than you?

• Do you think doing a postgraduate degree course will improve

your job prospects?

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What impression will employers have of you?

• Did you know that impression management can be used to

exercise power over the environment, in an interview, and at a


• Do you know any impression management tactics?

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What impression will employers have of you?

• Do you know that you could unconsciously be presenting yourself

to an employer as– Intimidating: Presenting yourself as powerful or irrational to the interviewer.

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What impression will employers have of you?

• Do you know that you could unconsciously be presenting yourself

to an employer as– Supplicating: Presenting yourself as weak or irresponsible to receive nurture from the


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What impression will employers have of you?

• Do you know that you could unconsciously be presenting yourself

to an employer as– Exemplifying: Presenting yourself as morally superior to create a sense of unease to the


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What impression will employers have of you?

• Do you know that you could unconsciously be presenting yourself

to an employer as– Self-promoting: Present yourself as a competent and effective person to gain respect.

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What impression will employers have of you?

• Do you know that you could unconsciously be presenting yourself

to an employer as– Ingratiating: Presenting yourself in ways which you think will make the interviewer like you.

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What impression will employers have of you?

• You could control any situation (say, an interview) instead of being

overwhelmed by it.

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Test your proficiency

• Employers nowadays expect a certain level of communication skill

in you — for any job. How good are your oral and written

communication skills?

• Do you know the basic "rules" of English? Is your knowledge

sufficient to get you a job? More important, is this knowledge

sufficient to keep you in the job?

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Test your proficiency

Why don't you check?• Is something completely unique or just unique?• Is somebody fatally ill or just ill?• Can an airplane be completely destroyed?• Are you basically a student or actually a student or just a student?• Do the officers meets or do they meet?• It's hot or its hot?• Have you ever seen hockey players compete in a level playing

field?• Did Kerala have torrential rain? If so, what is a torrent?

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Test your proficiency

Your communication skills may be the first barrier to cross in

the selection process for any job.

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Communication Skills

Answers to Guess how employable you are

• Indian companies account for over 50 percent of worldwide

business process outsourcing. Do you realize how employable

that makes you?

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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• There are more than 400 call centers in India, which

service US clients, corporate, banks, and credit card

companies. How employable does that make you?

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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• The Indian medical transcription market is growing at the rate of

20 percent. Do you think you can get into this industry?

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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• The organized retail market, where you could be employed,

accounted for Rs. 25,500 crore in 2010. Do you think you can

get into this industry?

Year 2007 records

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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• A fresh graduate can get, on an average, Rs. 8,000 as salary in his

or her first job as a graphic designer. Do you have a realistic picture

about salaries that fresh graduates get in different industries?

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Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Answers to Guess how employable you are

• The healthcare industry employs at least 15 lakh people, including

nurses and technicians. Are you ready for a job in this industry?

Answers to Guess how employable you are

• To get the job of a credit analyst you should be a graduate or

an MBA. Does that make you employable?

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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• In 2002, the percentage of graduates (in any subject) needed by

industries was 37. Are you a graduate who thinks it is tough to get

a job?

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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• Of the tens of thousands of IT-enabled services jobs that were

available last year, 50 percent remained unfilled because the

candidates lacked essential skills, not degrees. Does that set you


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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• The Pharma industry has been growing at over 20 percent for the

past 20 years. The domestic India pharma market is likely to reach

US$ 20 billion by 2015. Have you considered making a career in

this industry?

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Answers to Guess how employable you are

• During the last three years, when the industry was not

doing very well, 1.3 crore jobs were created in the IT

sector! So, don't let anyone fool you into thinking that

there are no jobs out there! You just need the right skills.

Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F1: Talent, Skill, Attitude

This person enjoys being with others. He loves parties, loves to be

a part of a group or a club and attend gatherings. He wants to be

the center of attention and feels comfortable while conversing

with strangers.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F2: Gregarious, Adaptability

This kind of person easily accepts and adapts to changing ideas,

technology, situations, and conditions. He handles crises

appropriately—functioning effectively under stress. He accepts

alternative procedures, and appreciates different perspectives.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F3: Follow Up

This means pursuing activities for reinforcing the earlier ones

without feeling fed up. It includes sticking to schedules, discussing

matters, reminding, and offering assistance to others to get the

work done.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F4: Facing Deadlines

This denotes a high self-motivation toward work, which includes

working undeterred by material constraints or unfavorable

conditions. Every effort is made to meet the deadlines.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F5: Competitiveness

An attitude to strive for the best when making comparisons with

some standard of excellence. It involves comparison of one's own

potential with others, efforts to pursue goals, persistence, and

intensity of efforts. Competitiveness means doing better and

perhaps faster than others, presumably at a lower cost.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F6: Analytical Reasoning

It is the ability to analyze information, draw logical conclusions,

critically evaluate all aspects, and the possible consequences of

each action.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F7: Proactiveness

It is the belief that one controls key events in one's life and feels

responsible for it. People who govern from this attitude do not

blame circumstances and their decisions are based on their own

conscious choice. These people take initiatives and are prepared

for contingencies.

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Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F8: Updating Knowledge for Professional Growth

It is spending time and resources to know what is happening in their

professional field continually. This is done by means of enrolling for

membership of various bodies and subscribing to magazines; they

indulge in self-study and formal or informal discussions. They

identify the important factors in their area of interest and influence

and predict how they would affect their professional growth.

What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F9: Analytical Abilities

It is more concerned with an individual's capacity to deal quickly

and accurately with numbers or qualitative values.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F10:Team /Time Management

It is the willingness to work closely with others toward a common

goal as opposed to working in competition with others. It includes

sharing of information, cooperation, speaking positively to create

team-spirit, seeking ideas and opinions of others, promoting

cooperation and discussing conflicts with team members openly to

find solutions.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F11: Project Management

It is defined as arranging and grouping things and activities,

establishing authority and allocating resources required to carry

out a specific plan.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F12:Human Resource Management

These people rarely get and excited or agitated. They are on good

terms with almost everyone because they accept people as they

are. They handle tasks smoothly and are easy to satisfy.

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Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F14: Problem Solving Skills

It is the ability to systematically address and resolve problems by

reflecting on the problem, understanding, devising a plan and

implementing a solution.

What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F15: Situational Leadership For WIN WIN

It means behaving in a way that is socially correct, being aware of

and caring for other people's feelings. It means creating an

environment of comfort and respect for others and not getting

annoyed by their behavior. They know the art of winning people.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:


It means having a happy disposition— expressing childish joy and

smiling a lot. These people see the beauty in things, which others

might not. They have a rich imagination and tell others might not.

They have a rich imagination and tell entertaining stories.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F17: Resource Management

This is the ability to meet situations—devising ways and means,

using resources appropriately to solve complex problems.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F18: Mental Agility

It is the ability to grasp new concepts quickly and clearly. It also

means applying knowledge and experience to understand tricky

situations and having an attentive mind.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F19: Empathetic/Symphathetic

It means deep sysmpathy for others; and to be kind and helpful

towards them. People with this trait tend to forgive others easily.

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What your self-assessment score means:

1. My Competencies:

F20: Perseverance/Patience

It emphasizes the capacity to endure delay or incompetence

without complaining.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:


• This is an orientation in which the focus is on people and things.

F22s want an action-oriented work environment, prefer to be

amid people and have many interests. They reach decisions by

talking them out and getting feed back They tend to be faster,

dislike complicated procedure and are impatient with long and

slow jobs done alone and they communicate, generally, freely.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:

F23: Introvertness

• This is an orientation in which the focus is on ideas and

concepts, i.e. on internal reality. F23s prefer quiet work

environments where they can work alone, and have fewer but

deep interests. They reach decisions by processing them

internally and sharing the final decision with others. They are

careful with detail and can work for long periods of time on a

project without interruptions. F23s are interested in details and

ideas behind the job and think before acting.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:F24: Problem Solving Abilities:• The F24 function refers to the perception of the internal and

external world through the five senses. It focuses on the present and on concrete information gained from senses. People high on 'F24' function deal with details and reality, and are practical. They prefer learned skills, using and perfecting the learned skills, pay attention to details, and prefer standard ways of solving problems and established order for doing things. They generally reach a conclusion step by step, and get impatient when situations get complicated.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:F25:Innovative - Intutitive• This function refers to the perception of the internal and

external world through the unconscious. It focuses on the future, with a view toward patterns and possibilities, rather than current external realities. People high on F25 prefer adding new skills, look at the big picture, are patient with reality, prefer solving problems in new ways, dislike routine and enjoy learning new skills more than using them. They reach an understanding quickly, are patient with complex Situation, follow inspirations regardless of data, generally make errors in fact, and try to create something new with personal insight.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:F26: Decision Making Abilities• The F26 function represents the logical and rational thought-

processes. It is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on logic and ideas, rather than on personal values. People high on this function focus on the logic of a situation, truth and principles. They prefer a work environment that is brief and businesslike, and are good at making intellectual criticisms and providing solutions to problems. They like analysis and order, do not show emotions readily and are often uncomfortable with others' feelings, and may hurt others' feelings without knowing it. They need to be treated fairly in accordance with prevailing standards and they respond best to others' thoughts.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:F27:People Centric• The F27 function represents the discrimination of values, internal

and external. It is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on values, rather than on logical categories and ideas. The F27 function is essential for determining whether something is agreeable or not agreeable, likable or not likable, important or not important. In this case F27 is not to be confused with emotion, which can show up in any function.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:F27:People Centric A person with a high score on this function focuses on human

values and needs and harmony. Therefore, they prefer friendly and personal work environments, are loyal, supportive and caring and allow decisions to be influenced by likes and dislikes. They need praise and attention, dislike and even avoid unpleasant encounters. They are more people-oriented.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:F28: Project Management• F28 is an orientation in approaching the world. People high on

this dimension are decisive, self-regimented, value careful planning, and value order and predictability in their surroundings. They work best when they can plan their work and follow the plan. They like to get things settled, may decide too quickly and move from one task to another only after the completion of the task on hand. They get so engrossed in the job that they are doing that they may not notice new things that need to be done. They generally want only the essentials to begin their work and are satisfied once they reach a judgment on a thing, situation or person.

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What your self-assessment score means:

2. Basic Orientation Code:

F29: Adaptiveness

• F29 is an orientation in approaching the world. People scoring high on this are curious, spontaneous, flexible, / adaptable, and tolerant. They focus on starting tasks (rather than first completing the current ones) and tend to postpone decisions. They generally adapt well to changing situations and prefer leaving things open for alterations. They may postpone unpleasant jobs while finding other things more interesting; they generally want to know all about a new job/task, and are curious and welcome a new insight/piece of information on a thing, situation, or person.

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Employability Skills Framework

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Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

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