MI and Me. Clara



Clara writes about Multiple Intelligences and herself

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• We can understand intelligence as the capacity of ordering the thoughts and coordinate them with actions.

• Some years ago the people thought that the intelligence was something innate; you could born with intelligence or not.

• But fortunately it has changed!


• All humans are able to know the world in different ways. The people learn, represent and apply the knowledge in different ways.

• That´s why Howard Gardner says that as there are different types of problems to solve there are different intelligences too.

TYPES OF INTELLIGENCES• 1.Naturalistic• 2.Interpersonal• 3.Spatial-Visual• 4.Bodily-Kinesthetic• 5.Musical• 6.Logical- Mathematical• 7.Linguistic


• People with Visual intelligence are artistic.• They are very conscious of their

surroundings and they usually remember images in a easy way. They have a great sense of direction. They like drawing and painting.

• They learn best through drawings and visual aids.

MUSICAL• People love music.

They have the ability to compose, sing or play instruments. They are able to recognize sounds, rhythms… we can say that they have ¨good ear¨ for music.

They learn through lectures and often use music or rhythm as a way to memorize.


• It involves a strong ability to analyze problems and use logic. They like mathematical operations, and they carry out scientific investigations.

• This can include the ability to deduce and to detect patterns.

LINGUISTIC• They use spoken and written language.

They are very expressive people and they like to speak and communicate with people.

• They have facility to study foreign languages.

• They study with written words, using resumes, diagrams, etc.


• I´m Clara. • I´m 15 years old• I´m from a town of

Spain, called Ávila.• I study at IES Alonso De

Madrigal .• I am a naturalistic girl ,

but also I also have treats from other intelligences:

- interpersonal and bodily-Kinesthetic


· I enjoy a lot when I am camping, gardening, hiking.

• I love nature and I need to know more about species, the living beings structure, habits, etc.

• I think that protecting the environment is very important

• I am naturalistic because I am interested in subjects such as biology, chemistry, etc

INTERPERSONAL• I consider that is very

important to relate with the rest of the people. It is good for you because you meet a lot of people, new friends and you can exchange ideas, customs, and in this way you get more knowledge.

• And it is always funny to be with other people!

BODILY KINESTHETIC• I think that sport is very

important. I like dancing, running with friends, and also I like taking long walks in the nature, enjoying views. I am a very active person.

My favourite sport is football, I practise it with my friends whenever I can .

Remember it is very healthy for you!

Learn, and enjoy using your intelligence as much as you can! Because as Henry Frederic Amiel said ….¨ the intelligence is useful for everything, but, for nothing, is enough¨


By: Clara García Herráez
