Middle School Education in Metro Atlanta


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Middle School Educationin Metro Atlanta

Schools in which low percentages of 8th grade students exceed basic math levels are

concentrated in the southern portion of the metro:

In a high number of schools, less than 15 percent of 8th grade students exceed math requirements. However, in other schools up to 82 percent of students exceed these requirements.

Source: GOSA, via Neighborhood Nexus

Percent of 8th Grade Students Exceeding Math Requirements, 2014

The map showing proportion of disadvantaged students corresponds highly with that of

student performance:

While many schools serve populations in which fewer than 15 percent of students come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, there are also a high number of schools in which more than 90 percent of students are economically disadvantaged.

Percent of Students Economically Disadvantaged, 2014

Source: GOSA, via Neighborhood Nexus

Higher percentages of economically disadvantaged students are associated with

lower percentages of eighth graders exceeding basic math levels:

As this scatterplot shows, schools with higher proportions of economically disadvantaged students tend to have much lower percentages of students exceeding basic math levels.

Source: GOSA, via Neighborhood Nexus


Schools in which high percentages of students miss more than 15 days are also concentrated

in the south and west portions of the metro:

Percent of Students with More than 15 Days Absent, 2014

However, a high proportion of schools all over the metro have high percentages of students missing more than 3 weeks of school per year.

Source: GOSA, via Neighborhood Nexus


Schools with high percentages of students with disabilities are spread more evenly

throughout the region…

However, students with disabilities make up a much higher proportion of the student population in some schools than others.

Percent of Students with Disabilities, 2014

Source: GOSA, via Neighborhood Nexus

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