MLA16: The Language of Sexual Violence and the Rhetoric of Consent in Social Media


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Actually…It’s about silencing

women.Anastasia Salter

University of Central Florida


I and many of the other academics who have been attacked or criticised by [GG] are not opposed to fact checking or peer review. It's part of our daily lives. The many people in [GG] who have caricatured me and others as hyperbolically "turning a fact check into a witch hunt" appear to have deliberately misunderstood our criticism, and ignored what GGersthemselves are saying about the digging-DiGRA project.

For all the reasons I described and more, it is not simply a neutral assessment of facts. It is a deeply antagonistic, even spiteful crowdsourcing of people to comb through papers to pluck things they may not fully understand out of context. Indeed, the way they speak of feminists and feminist academics is proof enough of bad faith. No peer review is ever conducted in that way.

Katherine Cross, On Digging Digra
