MM7 - Moodle Mooc "Teaching along the Way"


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Teaching and Learning Along the Way

MM7 presentation by Nives Torresi

Creating interactive material

Quick as a Flash - Google Form

Animate your student’s work


Make your own video tutorial

What does the title of my presentation mean?


Video tutorials for Teaching and Learning

Dr Nellie is our tutorial mentor

Dr Nellie’s guidance to me and many other teachers on preparing audio/visual tutorials with voice overs is reflected in her own YouTube channel.

My own tutorialsMy YouTube channel has almost 50 video tutorials for all types of didactic material.Some are private, others are public.It hasn’t been easy, but it’s a great learning experience.

The importance of sharing together

How to collaborate online ...

Part 1 of The Tom & Jerry doc finished at 115 pages….

Social Network

Creating a pln on Twitter or other social network




Teacher Teacher

Teacher Teacher Teacher

Teacher Teacher Teacher

Some great #hash tags to follow on Twitter

Create your own # tagchat group

Google form - statistics

Pie charts and graphs

Tools that make you sound and look professional

Blogging for reflecting, learning and sharing

Watch the slide presentation on YouTube

Teaching and Learning Along the Way

MM7 presentation by Nives Torresi

Thank you
