Modern Fairy Tale Project


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Modern Fairy Tale Project

Choose a traditional fairy tale, and write a retelling of it in a modern setting. Your fairy tale will still include mysterious and fantastic events and/or magic and wishes. However, you must also add details about contemporary life (e.g., setting, clothing, technology, language, customs, and attitudes should all be updated). The main ideas in your fairy tale should remain intact but with a modern twist.

Organize your story with a balanced beginning, middle, and ending. Most of the action in the story should occur in the middle. The beginning should briefly introduce the characters and the situation, and the end should briefly bring the story to a close. If you choose to include dialogue in your fairy tale, it must be done properly by using quotation marks and by indenting paragraphs.

Once the final draft is completed, you will present your modern fairy tale to the class as part of your final project grade.

The modern fairy tale should contain a fluid beginning, middle, and end with both magic and details about contemporary life. (50 points)

The story should contain no fewer than 500 words. (10 points) Include a word count at the bottom of your paper. (5 points) Type and double-space your rough draft and final draft. (5 points) Use size-12 Times New Roman font. (2 points) Include a heading with your name, date, subject, and grade in the top right-hand

corner. (3 points) Include a new or updated title to your fairy tale. (5 points) Write your fairy tale in present tense. (5 points) Include illustrations of at least two of your main characters with your final draft.

(15 points)

Typed rough draft (homework grade) due ___________________________________

Typed final draft (project grade) with illustrations due ________________________

Suggested Fairy Tales:

Cinderella The Princess and the PeaPeter Pan The Little MermaidSleeping Beauty PinocchioHansel and Gretel Beauty and the BeastSnow White and the Seven Dwarves Alice in WonderlandThe Princess and the Frog AladdinRumpelstiltskin Jack and the BeanstalkRapunzel Little Red Riding Hood