Morris h


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My time in the Austin Colony.


Hunter Morris

My first year in the new colony.

• 1822 and we were just settling down.

• Harsh winter came and killed a lot of cattle

• But lumber was needed to rebuild so stocks went up

• Cotton was doing ok but not great

Stock’s Gained

• Cattle didn’t do good we had a loss.

• Cotton did good so that was a little interest

• Lumber was always need a great increase on that

After the first year we had a gain so we stayed another year.

• The year was 1823 and we had invested again in stocks.

• The Mexicans were not doing good with cotton, so it was bad for cotton.

• Lumber was ok but not great, cattle was very good so we got great interest.

Stock’s Gained

• Cotton was bad no cotton was made.

• Cattle very nice winter so cattle made us the money this year.

• Lumber was ok so we made a little profit

The year was 1824 and we were staying 1 more year.

• The cotton was starting to be made.

• Lumber was needed again but not as much as that one year.

• Cattle it was a very good year for them no cattle died and they will survive another year.

Stock’s Gained

• Cotton did very well this year so we made money.

• Lumber was not as much but needed so we gained some here as well.

• Cattle was the big money maker and we earned a lot

• So in the 3 years we where the we started out with 1000 dollars and we gained 6000 dollars.

First year in Austin’s Colony

• There was a harsh winter so almost all cattle died.

• Lots of building in the colony so a lot of lumber was needed.

• Cotton was not made in time so it went down in price

My second year in Austin’s Colony

• Dispute between Mexicans over cotton.

• Good year for cattle not that bad of a winter.

• Small demand for lumber not much so sticks in lumber weren't that good.

My third year in Austin’s Colony

• Cotton was thrived up because the Mexicans calmed down.

• High demand in lumber to build more in the colony.

• High demand in beef since it ruined during the winter cold.

The Ending & My Town

Well it was a great 3 years here in Austin’s Colony and we started out with 1000 dollars and now we ended up with 6000. We are going to stay in a couple of years extra or more if the sock’s keep up like it is. Also we are moving into a bigger house.

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