My 50 Years at Pacific Lutheran University


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My 50 years at PLU

Mr. Haley

The Library in 1965

The library staff in 1965

Studying in the Reference Room

Coffee shop and Dining room

Big-Little Sister Tea

Mayfest Dancers

Joffrey Ballet

When PLU started using ID cards

Books all over the place

Mr. Haley in his office with plans for the new library

Wheeler Street closes



Mortvedt Library


Ceremony inside library

Shelvers get ready for The Move

The entire campus was involved

At the Inquiries Desk


The Mortvedt family

A proud day for the Haley family

Frank Ellsworth taking photos of library for his bookAcademic library buildings : a guide to architectural issues and solutions

Unrest on campus

National Crisis Forum

John Heussman

Developed a consortium of regional libraries.

Introduced automated systems for the library

including an online catalog accessible throughout the university.

Instituted the Library CouncilPlanned for the construction of the third

floor of Mortvedt libraryDuring his time the collection grew from 225,000 items to nearly 400,000 books, periodicals, microfilm and A-V materials

Scandinavian Immigrant Experience Collection

Lund University

My Swedish dress


Scandinavian House

Thrifty Troll

Troll Club picnics

Swedish Royalty

Nordic Night

Babette’s Feast

Nordic Seminar in Oslo, Norway

Archives and Special Collections

Archival training at the UW



Management Team

Swedish class

Swedish Julbord

Furniture from IKEA


50 years later