My life digital pres


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of Tenneshia Harvey

I share a birthday with R. Kelly and Elvis Presley.

My mom says all the hospital staff thought that I was the cutest baby they had ever


I was a happy baby.

This is me on my 1st birthday.

I have a little brother named King, who I

think looks just like me as a baby….

My little brother King

I was the baby of four children before King was born

I am 21 years older than King

My father is a busy man 😉

I now have another little brother, Amir. He is four months.

King is important to me because I didn’t

like babies before him. I thought they were all icky and selfish. They

still are, but I understand them

better. He makes me want to be a better person so that I can

have a positive influence in his life.

I work for

& I absolutely love it! It sounds cheesy, but we really are a big good looking family… all 200+ of us. Apple people clean up real nice outside of work, where we don’t all look like tech-saavy hippies. Here are some photos of me & the work fam:

The music you hear…

That’s Janelle Monae. I went to her concert last November. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long walks around the park or on the beach…

Science fiction novels

Historical fiction novels

FishingHanging out vs. talking on the phone

Roots reggae music

Accumulating packs of paper for my future



Talking to strangers









Not having homework

Pistachios Personal narratives


Malcolm XStepping