My Social Group Powerpoint


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How does your media How does your media product represent product represent

particular social groups?particular social groups?

By Rebecca King

Social GroupSocial Group My magazine is not aimed at the general

public but at a specific group of people that are heavily knowledgeable and have a great passion in rock music. They are unique and enjoy classic rock/ band music as well as heavy rock. My social group are also aged between 14 and 30.


Leather jacket, dark biker look to show a rebel attitude which is what my social group would wear.

The typical heavy mental rock makeup was used on my feature article photo to attract my target audience and to clearly show the public what type of music my magazine is about.

The clothes in my picture on my double page spread are quite relaxed and chilled clothes. This shows that my social group are calm and relaxed people who have an ‘I don’t care attitude’. However the clothes are still dark to represent the deep music that the reader enjoys listening to. Furthermore, the boots which my model are wearing are bike like boots to continue with the convention of a rebel biker look that is the same on my front cover.

Clothes:Clothes:By using headphones as an accessory it shows that it is aimed at a younger social group who enjoy listening to their music privately. It shows that the type of music is not party music as it is not to be played out loud. This shows that my social group are more interested in a different and unique type of music that they would like to listen to.

In both of these shots the models are wearing laid back clothes and jumpers. This sets the tone of my magazine as my social group are younger and laid back. Also, it shows the stereo type of a young person that’s quite lazy with informal clothes and hair which is what will attract my social group as it is the same as them. In the bottom picture my models are wearing shirts which present my social group as middle class workers. It also conveys that my social group are indie and work labour type job.

For this shot I used a dark jacket to continue with the theme of the music throughout my magazine. I used a jacket and put the hood up to show a mysterious feeling. This makes my social group interested in finding out who the artist is and therefore will buy the magazine. This shows that my social group are young and keen to find out and look further, this shows that they are of a younger generation.

For this photo I used a slightly brighter coloured top to show that my social group are fun and take a more relaxed and fun approach to music.

Facial Expressions and Camera Facial Expressions and Camera Angles: Angles:

I have kept the facial expressions as serious on my front cover and double page spread to make the models look intimidating.

This attracts my social group because they are young and want to also feel rebellious and intimidating.

This photo is taken from a higher angle shot to show that the music artist is representing a social group who feel passionate about music and want to climb higher in the music industry. Also it shows a social group who want to migrate higher within the social scale.

This photo is taken from a low angle shot to also emphasise how this social group want to show that they are in their place and want to keep it that way. It emphasises confidence and intimidation, this shows that my social group are quite loud and confident people.

Facial Facial ExpressionsExpressions and Camera and Camera Angles: Angles:

By using an action shot this shows passion and represents the passion my social group feel for this type of music. The angle is from a lower shot to show that the artist is on top and my social group look up to them.

These three photos are taken from an eye level angle and are a mid shot. This makes my magazine look more casual and attracts my social media as they are a working class group of young people. The facial expressions on these photos are less serious to also make it seem less casual. It shows that the artists enjoy their music just as my social group would enjoy reading about the music in my magazine.

This photo was taken at an angle which allows you to not see the models face. This makes my social audience want to read to found out who the music artist is and what it is all about. This shows that my social group are quite young as they wish to further their knowledge and are keen to explore and accept new music artists, unlike older people and to find out what the article is about.

Colour Scheme:Colour Scheme: I followed a colour scheme of red, white, black and brown through out my magazine. This meant that I followed the convention of other magazines

that my social group are interested in.

Colour Scheme:Colour Scheme:I kept a house style in the same colour, sizes and fonts at the bottom of both my contents page and double page spread.

Furthermore, I have used the same colour back ground on my front cover and double page spread. This brown colour attracts my social audience because brown is thought to be a colour of nature and my social media are very indie people who enjoy the out doors. They also are attracted to the dark colours because they are rebellious youngsters.