MySQL database user creation


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Here write the name of your desire database and than click on “Create” button

Click on the “Privileges” button and add an user by clicking “Add a new User”Shown as below

Type the user name andPassword as desire and select the “Host” as localhost and click on “Go” button as below.

Edit the user previlegetion to set specific Database permission i.e. permission of “laptop project” database for our use wordpress

Select the database i.e. “laptop project” from the dropdown of “Add privileges on the following database” and than click on “Go”

Click on “Check All” to set the fullprivileges to the user of “laptopuser”on the database of “laptop project”and click the “Go” button to start your wordpress works to prepare a customize e-commerce site

Click on “Check All” to set the fullprivileges to the user of “laptopuser”on the database of “laptop project”and click the “Go” button to start your wordpress works to prepare a customize e-commerce site
