Needs assessment adriana g hernandez



Needs Assessment Process

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Veterans MS

March 2012

Adriana G. Hernandez, Librarian

STaR Chart Needs Assessment


Met with O. D. Castillo to discuss what we were going to do.

Decided on the Key Areas Each wrote questions Met to revise questions O. D. Castillo typed in questions into Survey



Proofread questions and made changes Sent e-mail to 11 teachers with link to survey Met again to go over results

Areas of Concern

Key Area of Concern

Survey Question Rationale

I. Teaching & Learning

Are you integrating technology into your content area? I no, what’s holding you back?

We wanted to know what was holding them back so we can address the issue in the action plan.

Do you know the Technology Application TEKS for your grade Level?

We wanted to know if teachers knew the TA TEKS, because if they didn’t know them, how can we expect them to teach them?

List the technology tools you use in your classroom on a regular basis. (Excel, Word, Prezi)

We wanted to know what was being used so we figure out which tools we should address.

Areas of Concern

Key Area of Concern

Survey Question Rationale

II. Educator Preparation & Development

Have you attended any of the technology training provided by the district? If so, how many hours have you accumulated?

We wanted to know if people were actually taking time to learn on their own.

Have you created web-based lessons? If yes, write a brief description of lesson. If no, explain what is holding you back?

We wanted to know if teachers were actually doing this and if not, why. Again, to address it in the action plan.

Areas of Concern

Key Area of Concern

Survey Question Rationale

III. Leadership, Administration & Instructional Support

If you are having technology issues, do you know what to do? (Who to call, how to submit work order, etc.) Yes or no. If no, explain.

We wanted to know if people knew what to do if they had problems, so that we could teach them if they didn’t.

Rank order the Professional Development delivery system you prefer.

We wanted to know how teachers prefer to learn so that we could set up trainings the way they prefer.

Areas of Concern

Key Area of Concern

Survey Question Rationale

IV. Infrastructure for Technology

Is your classroom set up correctly to enhance technology integration? Yes or No. If no, please explain.

We wanted to know if people had issues so that we could address those first.



Results (10 out of 11 teachers responded)

Q1: 8 yes/2 are trying Q2: 3 yes/6 no/ 1 skipped question Q3: 5 yes/5 no some examples: wiki,

Scavenger Hunts, Prezi, Edmodo, Brainchild, Voki (no’s didn’t explain)

Q4: Wiki 1, Prezi 3, Jing 1, Edmodo 3, Voki 1, Word 3, Excel 1, PPT 2, Eduphoria 1, Brainchild 1

Results (10 out of 11 teachers responded)

Q5: 1st choice: no clear winner: content teams or teams/ 2nd choice content teams/ 3rd choice grade level/ 4th choice whole school setting

Q6: 9 yes/ 1 no Q7: 9 yes/ 1 no Q4: 6 yes/ 4 no ( I don’t know to 24 hours)
