New Civic Architecture for a Circular Society


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New civic architecture for a circular society !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Integrated urban strategies to face !!!!!!!the crisis of urban solid waste !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Saverio Massaro !!!!!!! !! PhD Candidate, Sapienza University of Rome - Italy

Gregg Segal, 7 days of garbage, 2014

Testaccio Hill, Rome. Credit: Aronson, 1979. Photographic Archive of American Academy in Rome Academy in Rome.estaccio Hill, Rome

Landscape restoration of the Vall d’en Joan landfill, Battle y Roig, Garraf (Spain)

Plan C, Ellen Mc Arthur Foundation

from linear to circular

Waste Management hierarchy. Source:

civic architecture

upgrading “civil” civic design matter meta

something is changing

metamorphosis !!!!!!!!!!! > aesthetic !!!!! !!!! > program

Image: Rubbish in Resources Out, Dow Jones Architects and Arup, 2007

multi-scale !!!!!!!!!!! civic infrastructure

Rubbish in Resources Out, Dow Jones Architects and Arup, 2007

Rubbish in Resources Out, Dow Jones Architects and Arup, 2007

Rubbish in Resources Out, Dow Jones Architects and Arup, 2007

reduce overall impacts

Rubbish in Resources Out, Dow Jones Architects and Arup, 2007

toward an !!!! open circular metabolism

WASTED Lab, CITIES Foundation, Amsterdam

Maag Recycling Center, OOS, Winterthur (Switzerland)

Maag Recycling Center, OOS, Winterthur (Switzerland)

Isséane Centre de Tri, Syctom, Issy les Moullinex - Paris (France)

Isséane Centre de Tri, Syctom, Issy les Moullinex - Paris (France) Credit: Syctom

from !!!! ! industrial !!!!!! to !!!!! civic

Spittelau inceneritor plant, Wien (Austria). Credit:

Waste treatment plant, Israel Alba, Valencia (Spain)

Waste treatment plant, Israel Alba, Valencia (Spain)

a proposal !!!!! for !!!! Rome

Re-Hub, Saverio Massaro, 2013

Re-Hub, Saverio Massaro, 2013

Let’s talk about garbage, Poland, Venice Architecture Biennale, 2016

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thanks | @saverio_massaro
