News online Writing แนวทางการเขียนข่าวออนไลน์



News online Writing โดย จิระ ห้องสำเริง เอกสารประกอบวิชา JR 202 คณะเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัย รามคำแหง โทร 0819196210

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WritingWritingNews News OnlineOnline

WritingWritingNews News OnlineOnline

JR 202

ขิ�ระ ห้�องสำ��เร�ง

อ่�านยากกว่�าหนงสื�อ่พิ�มพิ�โอ่กาสืผิ�ดพิลาดมากกว่�าคนด�เว่บไซต์� มกจะเป็ นคนม!น�สืย

ใจร้$อ่น ขาดคว่ามอ่ดทนเว่บไซต์� ต์�างๆกน ด(งด�ดคนต์�าง

ป็ร้ะเภทกนJR Online


Basic News-online Basic News-online WritingWriting

แนว่ทางการ้เข!ยนข�าว่เบ�.อ่งต์$นก�รเขิ�ยนขิ��วที่��ดี� จะต้�อง เน�นคว�มถู�กต้�อง กระชั�บ

และชั�ดีเจน ซึ่#�งสำ��งที่��สำ��ค�ญที่��สำ%ดีเป็'นอ�นดี�บแรก ค(อ คว�มถู�กต้�องแม�นย�� ขิองขิ�อม�ลในขิ��ว

เร�อ�จสำ�ม�รถูสำร��งสำรรค*ง�น โดียก�รเขิ�ยนขิ��ว ให้�ม�สำ�สำ�นและม�พล�งไดี� แต้�ถู��ขิ�อม�ลไม�ถู�กต้�องแม�นย��น�.น ขิ��วดี�งกล��วก/จะก�อให้�เก�ดีผลเสำ�ยต้�อสำ�งคม นอกจ�กจะเป็'นขิ��วที่��ไม�ม�ค��อะไรแล�ว ย�งเป็'นขิ��วที่��ที่��ร��ยสำ�งคมดี�วย

ขิ��วที่��น��เสำนอผ�ดี ม�ค%ณค��น�อยกว��ขิ��วที่��ไร�สำ�ระดี�วยซึ่�.�ไป็ ขิ��วผ�ดีๆ จะบ��นที่อนคว�มเชั(�อถู(อ ขิองผ��อ��น และจะม�ผลต้�อคว�มเชั(�อม��นในพล�งขิองสำ(�อเสำร�ดี�วยอย��งห้ล�กเล��ยงไม�ไดี�

โป็รดีจดีจ�� และสำ��น#กอย��เสำมอว�� สำ��งที่��จะป็กป็3องสำ(�อมวลชัน จ�กก�รแที่รกแซึ่งขิองร�ฐบ�ล ขิองธุ%รก�จห้ร(อ ผ��ม�อ��น�จ ค(อ ก�รที่��สำ(�อน��เสำนอขิ�อม�ลขิ��วสำ�รที่�� เที่��ยงต้รง และไม�ม�อคต้� ซึ่#�งเป็'นเสำม(อนป็ร�ก�รที่��จะป็กป็3องสำ(�อจ�กอ��น�จที่��ไม�เป็'นธุรรมที่�.งป็วง

เพร�ะสำ�ธุ�รณชัน ต้�องก�รขิ�อม�ลขิ��วสำ�รที่��ไม�ม�อคต้� เพ(�อต้�องก�รขิ�อม�ลสำ��ห้ร�บก�รต้�ดีสำ�นใจ ในก�รดี��เน�นชั�ว�ต้ ก�รที่��ธุ%รก�จ ก�รป็ระกอบอ�ชั�พ รวมไป็ถู#งก�รลงคะแนนเสำ�ยง ต้�ดีสำ�นอน�คต้ขิองป็ระเที่ศชั�ต้� ในว�นเล(อกต้�.งที่��วไป็

ม�ผ��กล��วว�� ถู��สำ�งคมขิ�ดีคว�มเชั(�อถู(อ ในคว�มเที่��ยงต้รง และคว�มเที่��ยงธุรรมขิองสำ(�อแล�ว จะเป็'นสำ�ญญ�ณอ�นต้ร�ยอย��งย��งต้�อระบบป็ระชั�ธุ�ป็ไต้ย

Basic News-online Basic News-online WritingWriting

หลกการ้ 5W-H สืาร้ะสื/าคญขอ่งการ้เสืนอ่ข�าว่ ต์$อ่งต์อ่บสืนอ่งคว่ามต์$อ่งการ้

ในการ้ร้บร้�$ขอ่งคนอ่�าน เบ�.อ่งต์$น อ่ย�างน$อ่ย ในเร้�,อ่ง Who - What – When – Where – Why – How ขิ��วแต้�ละขิ��วต้�องม�ร�ยละเอ�ยดีเบ(.องต้�นที่��ว�� ใคร ที่��อะไร ที่��ไห้น เม(�อไห้ร� อย��งไรและที่��ไม

ที่%กคร�.งที่��เขิ�ยนขิ��วจบต้�องต้รวจสำอบเสำมอว�� ขิ��วขิองเร� ให้�สำ�ระสำ��ค�ญเบ(.องต้�นขิอง ขิ�อม�ลเห้ล��น�. เพ�ยงพอห้ร(อไม�

นอกจ�กน�.น สำ��งที่��พ#งกระที่��เบ(.องต้�น ในก�รเขิ�ยนขิ��ว ค(อ ก�รต้รวจสำอบคว�มถู�กต้�องขิองชั(�อ น�มสำก%ล ต้��แห้น�ง แห้ล�งขิ��ว ต้�วเลขิต้��งๆ

ป็ระเดี/นขิ��วที่��น��เสำนอ ม�ที่��ม�ที่��ไป็จ�กไห้น ใครเป็'นคนพ�ดี ห้ร(อเสำนอคว�มเห้/นน�.นๆ

ห้น��ที่��ขิ�องผ��สำ(�อขิ��ว ค(อ ก�รร�ยง�นเห้ต้%ก�รณ*คว�มเป็'นไป็ ขิองเห้ต้%ก�รณ*สำ��ค�ญๆ ให้�เก�ดีคว�มน��สำนใจ อย��ล(มว�� คว�มเที่��ยงต้รงต้�องม�อ�นดี�บแรก ต้�อจ�กน�.นต้�องม�คว�มกระชั�บ ไม�เย��นเย�อ

ขิ�อคว�มที่%กค�� ต้�องม�คว�มห้ม�ย ถู��ค��ไห้นไม�ม�คว�มห้ม�ยในก�รสำ(�อคว�ม ห้ร(อ เย��นเย�อเก�นไป็ ต้�ดีที่�.งไป็ไดี�เลย

Basic News-online Basic News-online WritingWriting

การ้เข!ยนสื/าหร้บสื�,อ่ในเว่บไซต์� ม�แนวที่�งที่��เห้ม(อนและแต้กต้��งจ�กสำ(�ออ(�น กล��วค(อ ห้�กเป็'นขิ��วสำ��ห้ร�บเวบไซึ่ต้*แล�ว ห้ล�กก�รเบ(.องต้�น จะเห้ม(อนก�บสำ(�ออ(�น ค(อ ต้�องเขิ�ยนจ�กขิ�อเที่/จจร�งที่��เที่��ยงต้รง ไม�บ�ดีเบ(อน และม%�งเพ(�อป็ระโยชัน*แก�คนอ(�นเป็'นห้ล�กแต้�สำ�วนที่��แต้กต้��งจ�กก�รเขิ�ยนขิ��วเพ(�อน��เสำนอบนสำ(�ออ(�นก/ม�อ�กห้ล�ยป็ระก�ร เน(�องจ�กก�รน��เสำนอขิ��วผ��นเวบไซึ่ต้* ม�องค*ป็ระกอบที่��แต้กต้��งจ�กสำ(�ออ(�น กล��วค(อ เวบไซึ่ต้* จะน��เสำนอขิ�อม�ลผ��นห้น��จอคอมพ�วเต้อร* ที่��ม�ขิน�ดีสำ��เห้ล��ยมต้�ยต้�ว คล��ยก�นที่%กเคร(�อง และม�เวบไซึ่ต้*ม�กม�ย ห้ล�ยล��นเวบไซึ่ต้* ที่��ให้�บร�ก�รขิ��วสำ�ร เป็'นที่�งเล(อกขิองคนอ��นก�รสำร��งคว�มป็ระที่�บใจให้�ก�บคนที่��เขิ��ม�ชัมเวบไซึ่ต้* และให้�ขิ�อม�ลที่��เป็'นป็ระโยชัน*ต้รงกล%�มเป็3�ห้ม�ย จ#งเป็'นป็7จจ�ยสำ��ค�ญ ที่��ที่��ให้�ผ��อ��นให้�คว�มสำนใจ และคว�มเชั(�อถู(อต้�อเวบไซึ่ต้*น�.นๆแนวที่�งดี�งกล��วต้�องอ�ศ�ย ว�ธุ�ก�รและเที่คน�คดี��นต้��งๆ พอสำมควร

Basic News-online Writing

ผ��น��เสำนอขิ��วสำ�รผ��นเวบไซึ่ต้*ต้�อง จ��ไว�เสำมอว�� คนที่��วไป็ จะใชั�เวล�ในก�รอ��นขิ�อคว�มในเวบไซึ่ต้* น�นกว�� อ��นจ�กสำ(�อสำ��งพ�มพ* (ห้ม�ยคว�มว�� จะอ��นไดี�ชั��กว�� ป็ระม�ณ 25% ) เน(�องจ�กคว�มคมชั�ดีขิองก�รต้�วห้น�งสำ(อ และภ�พในเวบไซึ่ต้* ม�กจะต้���กว�� (ในอน�คต้ เม(�อเที่คโนโลย�เจร�ญม�กกว��น�. อ�จจะไม�เป็'นเชั�นน�.เสำมอไป็ )

ขิณะเดี�ยวก�น คว�มผ�ดีพล�ดีขิองขิ�อม�ล ในเวบไซึ่ต้* ม�กจะม�ม�กกว�� สำ(�อสำ��งพ�มพ* เน(�องจ�กก�รน��เสำนอที่��รวดีเร/วน�.นเอง ที่��ให้�คว�มรอบคอบในก�รน��เสำนอผ��นเวบไซึ่ต้* ม�น�อยกว�� สำ(�อป็ระเภที่อ(�น

ขิ�อสำ�งเกต้อ�กอย��งห้น#�ง ค(อ ก�รดี#งคนให้�อย��ก�บเวบไซึ่ต้*ใดีเวบไซึ่ต้*ห้น#�งน�นๆ เป็'นสำ��งที่��ที่��ไดี�ย�ก เพร�ะม�เวบไซึ่ต้*ให้�ห้�ขิ�อม�ล ห้ร(อ ให้� SURF ม�กห้ล�ยสำ�บล��นเวบไซึ่ต้* ดี�งน�.นเวบไซึ่ต้*ขิองขิ��วสำ�รจะต้�อง ม�กล%�มเป็3�ห้ม�ยที่��ชั�ดีเจน และม�ค%ณภ�พน��เชั(�อถู(อ

Basic News-online Writing

เที่คน�คที่��สำ�ม�รถูที่��ให้�คนอ��น ป็ระที่�บใจ และม�เย��ยมชัมเวบไซึ่ต้*อย��เสำมอ ค(อ ก�รที่��เวบไซึ่ต้*ขิ��วสำ�รให้� ม�ขิ�อม�ลให้ม�สำดีอย��เสำมอ น��เสำนอดี�วยร�ป็แบบที่��เร�ยบง��ย แต้�สำวยง�ม นอกจ�กน�.นต้�องให้�ขิ�อม�ลที่��รอบดี��น ม� Background และขิ�อม�ลที่��เก��ยวขิ�องก�บขิ��วน�.น รอบดี��น ที่��สำ��ค�ญขิ�องม�สำ�วนป็ระกอบในเร(�องขิองภ�พ เสำ�ยง รวมที่�.งกร�ฟฟ:กป็ระกอบ เพ(�อให้�ขิ�อม�ลม�คว�ม–

ชั�ดีเจน ขิณะเดี�ยวก�นก/ควรจะม�ก�รเป็:ดีโอก�สำให้�ม�ก�รต้อบโต้�ขิ�อม�ล แสำดีงคว�มค�ดีเห้/น แบบ Interactive รวมที่�.งล�กเล�นอ(�นๆ ที่��จะที่��ให้�เวบไซึ่ต้*ขิองเร� ม�คว�มพ�เศษ ห้ร(อม�ค%ณค�� ม�กกว��สำ(�ออ(�นๆดี�วย

Basic News-online Writing

คว�มสำดีให้ม� ที่�นเห้ต้%ก�รณ*ม�กที่��สำ%ดีอ��นง��ย สำบ�ยต้� แต้�ต้�องม�สำ�สำ�นน��อ��น ม�ภ�พ

ป็ระกอบ และLoad ขิ�อม�ลเร/วม�คว�มรอบดี��น ม� Back Ground ครบถู�วน รวมที่�.ง

ม� Link ไป็ย�งขิ�อม�ลที่��เก��ยวขิ�อง และม�ขิ�อม�ลย�อนห้ล�งม�ก�รต้อบโต้� ให้�คนดี�ม�สำ�วนร�วมห้ร(อ Interactive ม�บร�ก�รห้ล�กห้ล�ย เชั�น e-mail , Chat ,

Rss ,Shop ,Viedo Clip, Printable พ�มพ*เป็'น Hard Copy ไดี�

เน(.อห้�ต้รงกล%�มเป็3�ห้ม�ยม�คว�มเป็'นอ�สำระ เป็'นกล�ง ที่��ให้�ไดี�ร�บคว�มเชั(�อถู(อ

JR Online

Best 10 Best 10

Newspaper Newspaper Web-siteWeb-site

BBC online video service launches

The BBC has been given approval for its on-demand services, allowing it to deliver programmes at any time via the internet and cable TV.


iPlayer will allow viewers to catch up on TV programmes for seven days

Some TV series can be downloaded and stored for 30 days

Viewers will be able to watch shows streamed live over the internet

Users cannot download programmes from other broadcasters

-Classical recordings and book readings are excluded from iPlayer

TheNewsRoom is the premiere online news site of Voxant, the Viral Syndication Network (VSN). VSN unlocks new markets for news organizations and advertisers around the world by helping them get their news content found, played, and paid for on the millions of Web sites and blogs that comprise the “long tail” of the Web.

Through TheNewsRoom and its unique viral mashing™ technology, VSN distributes and promotes news from more than 170 credible, licensed content sources. Network affiliates include CBS, the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press (AP), Reuters, MTV, NHL, AFP, and HowStuffWorks, as well as a variety of website publishers and bloggers.

Online Online StorytellinStorytelling Formsg Forms

Online Online StorytellinStorytelling Formsg Forms

By Jonathan DubePublisher,

By Jonathan DubePublisher,


Telling news stories online is exciting and challenging because of all the tools at our disposal .

Online journalists must think on multiple levels at once:  words, ideas, story structure, design, interactives, audio, video, photos, news judgment .

Online Storytelling Forms

• TV is about showing the news.


Online Storytelling Forms

• Print is more about telling and explaining.


Online Storytelling Forms

•Online is about showing, telling, demonstrating and

interacting .


Online Storytelling Forms

• It’s easy for online journalists, most of whom have been trained in traditional media, to stick to broadcast and print storytelling forms.

• But that would be a waste. In online journalism you have many more elements to choose from — so use them.

• Combine the best of each world: • Use print to explain • Use multimedia to show • Use interactives to demonstrate and



Online Storytelling Forms

Layer information

Layer information

• Aim to present news in small, dig estible bits of information, rather

  than everything at once.• Then use some combination of te

xt, art, audio, video, links andinteractives to provide deeper l

ayers of information the readers can dig into as they desire.

Online Storytelling Forms

Layer information

• Give choices, but limit them . Too few choices and you’re not taking advantage of the strengths of the Web .

• Too many choices and readers may not select any because they might get confused or not want to spend the time deciding .

• Plus, the more choices you give, the less control you have over how the news is conveyed .

• Remember, readers are coming to your site in part because they trust your news judgment, so don’t be afraid to use it .

Online Storytelling Forms


• Here’s an overview of some of the most common storytelling forms be

  ing used by major news Web sites.

Online Storytelling Forms


• This is the basic form of online journalism   , used by every major news site.

• The form is built around a text article, oft en one that was not specifically written fo

r the online medium, such as a wire or ne wspaper story.

• Other elements — such as photos, links a nd video — are then added to the page co

ntaining the story.• -The form is efficient for resource strappe

d news organizations, making it easy to sl - ap together an already written article wit

h a clip from TV.

Online Storytelling Forms


• But the form doesn't take full advantage of the medium . It is primarily a way to repackage news produced by traditional media .

• Examples: Just about any story on, or

Also see's Writing News Online


Online Storytelling Forms

MSNBC NewsOnline

Storytelling Forms

CNN NewsOnline

Storytelling Forms


• But the form doesn't take full advantage of the medium. It is primarily a way to repackage news produced by traditional media.

• Examples: Just about any story on, or see's Writing News Online tips.

Online Storytelling Forms


• In the most common forms, these are simply interactive versions of traditional newspaper and TV graphics, used to provide information to supplement a story .

• But the same tools and techniques also can be used to tell stories . Generally, they combine linear and non-linear storytelling, giving the user choices but guiding him or her along a path .

• Animation, audio and video can be incorporated . This form has produced some of the most innovative online journalism . It tends to be very popular among users, but is very time-consuming to produce .

Online Storytelling Forms


Online Storytelling Forms


• Slideshows are more than just an easy way t o present multiple images about an event.

• The form can be used to tell stories all by its elf, by combining descriptive photos and usi

ng the caption field to convey additional info rmation. Rather than just throwing together

a bunch of interesting photos, select photos that will, when placed in a certain order, tell

a cohesive story — creating a type of photo  essay.

• When done right, this is one of the more effe ctive ways of using the Web to tell stories.

Online Storytelling Forms


• photographer's journals from U.S.

Under Attack MSNBC slideshows

WashingtonPost. com CameraWorks Bald eagle removed from Endange

red Species ListHope at Hearthbreak Motel

Behind the Iron veilShattered

Online Storytelling Forms


Online Storytelling Forms

Day in pictures

AUDIO STORIES• Audio can be an incredibly powerful way to

tell a story. There’s a reason radio didn’t disappear after TV came along; a reason NPR is so popular.

• Use audio when there are sounds that can’t be described in words; where the way a person says something adds meaning that the words alone can’t convey.

• Don't just hotlink text to a sound clip of a quote. Use photos of the speakers to draw users in.

• And use audio in creative ways, to bring traditional “man on the street” or “ask the experts” features to life.

Online Storytelling Forms


Storytelling Forms


• This form combines slideshows, audio a nd the video format to create powerful

stories.• The producer selects a series of photos

and audio sound bites that complemen t one another.

• As the photos advance automatically, t he corresponding audio plays. The entir

e package is played as streaming video   or a Flash movie.

• The result often resembles the docume ntary style of Ken Burns. This is a useful

form for stories with strong images and  sound.

Online Storytelling Forms


Online Storytelling Forms

LIVE CHATS• Chats may not seem like storytelling, but

they can be. When moderated properly, li ve chats are an interactive version of the

Q&A story format, where the readers are asking the questions.

• This can be a very powerful way to conve y information because the readers help cr

eate and shape the story.• Of course, many online chats are either n

ot moderated at all or are poorly moderat ed, and as a result are nearly worthless.

Online Storytelling Forms


• These too may not seem like storytelling, but the forms can be

used to do so.• Rather than just make a quiz as a

fun aside to a story, an entire stor y can be told through the quiz for

mat by breaking the information i nto questions and answers.

• This can be very effective because it engages the reader.

Online Storytelling Forms


• Stories can be told entirely through animation .This is a great way to tell stories visually when there are no photos or video .

• A lot of animation being used online doesn't tell a story.  Heck, it doesn't tell the reader anything.  And along with all the annoying ads, that's just helped train online readers to ignore animation.

• So don't overuse it. That said, it can be a great tool. It's OK to use it to grab the readers attention, but do so sparingly because it can distract the user from the real story.

• Use animation to bring newspaper infographics to life, when you want to recreate an event that has motion or action, to show how something happened or works. Or use it for humorous storie

s, such as editorial cartoons.

Online Storytelling Forms


• Webcasting streaming video has been around for a while, but news sites are just beginning to combine

various interactive tools with the Webcasts into pac kages.

• Adding links to related stories, chats, polls that are r eferred to in the Webcasts create a very different ex

perience than just watching TV.• More advanced versions use technologies such as Fl

ash and SMIL to embed instructions within the video so that text, links, etc., can be called up at certain p

oints in the video.• During the 2000 presidential debates, for example, users could watch the debate on their c omputer and on the same screen see a “Debate Mon

itor” panel that was continuously updated with facts related to the statements each candidate made, as t

hey made them. (Link no longer available).

Online Storytelling Forms


• Many online journalism elements and stories combine multiple forms, creating, in effect, new, hybrid forms .

• The most complicated of these use Flash's animation technology to integrate text, clickable graphics, audio, photos, video -- and sometimes even polls or quizzes -- to create comprehensive interactive packages that tell stories in ways no other medium can .

Online Storytelling Forms

OTHER FORMS Databases:

Crime TrackerDoes the IRS owe you money?

Online Storytelling Forms

OTHER FORMS Databases:

Crime TrackerDoes the IRS owe you money?

Online Storytelling Forms

OTHER FORMS • Using community:

Cell phone horror storiesAirport shutdownThanksgiving slide showA tribute to our troops

Online Storytelling Forms

OTHER FORMS • Interactive memorial:

A tribute to Columbine

Online Storytelling Forms

OTHER FORMS • Text chunking (Semi-linear

storytelling with words):Ailing AirlinesDive and DiscoverAmerica in a slowdownAmerica in a slowdown -- Post Sept. 11

Online Storytelling Forms


Baggage screeningDateline Spelling Bee Electoral chessQB the Bush team and QB the Gore teamA look at the new strike zone Fueling the FutureHeraldNet: Waterfront Renaissance

Online Storytelling Forms

Print readership is down, partly because newspapers no longer have a monopoly position in their markets; readers have many more news option – and almost all are free. Equally important, advertising revenue, from which newspapers garner the majority of their revenue, has done nothing but drop year after year with the rise of free classified ad websites like Craigslist. And the current economic recession has caused a precipitous decline in advertising and consequently newspaper revenues. The Tribune Company – which owns the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times – has recently filed for bankruptcy3; profits and stock price at the New York Times are down. There are also rumors that the Rocky Mountain News may shut down.4

Crisis in Print Crisis in Print

When looking at the 2008 data in comparison to previous years, it is clear that in response to the crisis newspapers are aggressively expanding the features present on their websites and experimenting with new technology in an effort to attract and retain online readers.

The year 2008 saw a large increase in the use of social bookmarking tools, article commenting and integration of user generated content by newspapers as they attempt to evolve from simple news sites into community portals.

Crisis in Print Crisis in Print

Facing plummeting print circulation and an extremely challenging economy, the newspaper industry is clearly in crisis. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, American newspapers have seen a steady decline in print circulation over the last fourteen years.

1 This trend directly correlates with the rise of the Internet as a news source. Indeed, in October of 2008 The Christian Science Monitor announced that it would be the first major newspaper to stop its daily print edition and exist only online.

2 Today‟s newspapers are in a situation where they must embrace new technologies in order to stay relevant and survive.

Crisis in Print Crisis in Print

. This study examines how newspapers are responding to this crisis by investing more in their web programs and evolving their websites from simple news delivery mechanisms into online communities.

The study evaluates the web programs of America‟s top 100 newspapers based on the features included, with a focus on tools that increase interactivity and immediacy. The Bivings Group conducted similar studies in 2006 and 2007, and data from those reports is used to show how newspaper web programs are evolving along with the challenges they face.

Crisis in Print Crisis in Print

Newspapers are experimenting with user generated content. The study found that 58 % of newspapers allowed for user generated photos, while 18 % accepted video and 15 % articles. Overall, 58 % of newspapers offered some form of user generated content in 2008 compared to 24 % in 2007.

Key Findings

Research shows that the number of newspaper websites allowing users to comment on articles has more than doubled in the last year. 75 %of newspapers now accept article comments in some form, compared to 33 % in 2007. 10% of newspapers had social networking tools, such as user profiles and the ability to “friend” other users, built into their sites in 2008. This compares to 5 % of sites that included this feature in 2007. It is surprising that this number isn‟t higher.

Key Findings

76 % of newspapers offered a Most Popular view of content in some form (Most Emailed, Most Blogged, Most Commented, etc.). This compares to 51 % in 2007 and 33 % in 2006. Not surprisingly, all the newspapers sites examined in the study displayed some form of online advertising. Indeed, 100 % of newspapers sites had some form of contextual advertising and 43 % featured interstitial ads.

Key Findings

The number of websites requiring registration to view most content (free or paid) has decreased from 2007. Now only 11 % of websites require registration to view full articles, compared to 29 % in 2007 and 23 % in 2006.

All of the 100 newspapers in the study provide some type of RSS feed. In 2007 all but 3 newspapers offered RSS feeds.

Key Findings

Integration with external social bookmarking sites like Digg and has increased dramatically the last few years. 92 % of newspapers now include this option compared to only 7 % in 2006. Of the new features examined in this year‟s study, we found that 57 % of newspapers offer PDF editions20 % offer chatting options96 % provide local weather information40 % utilize SMS alerts and 70 % offer community event calendars.

Key Findings

•Registration Required: Whether one needs to register to access content past the home page. •Social Bookmarking: Can a user save this site to a social bookmarking services (i.e. Digg, Delicious, Mixx, etc.)? •Tags: Does the website have tags? •Mobile Content: Does the website have a mobile version? •SMS Alerts: Can you get SMS Alerts from the site? •Video: Does the website have videos? •Photo Features: Does the website have photo features? •Podcasts: Does the site have podcasts? •Chat Options: Does the site host a chat service for viewers? •RSS: Does the site have a RSS feed? •RSS for different sections: Do various sections have RSS feeds? •Partial/Full: Is the RSS a full or partial feed? •RSS Includes Ads: Does the RSS include ads? •Reporter Blogs: Do the reporters have blogs? •Reporter Blog Comments: Can viewers comment on the blogs? •Most Popular Sections: (i.e. Most Viewed or Most Emailed, etc.) Does the site have a most viewed, most emailed, or most popular section?

Key Findings

•Comments on Articles: Can readers comment on the articles? •User Generated Articles: Can the users submit their own articles to the site? •User Generated Photos: Can the users add photos to the site? •User Generated Videos: Can the users add videos to the site? •Social Networking/User Profiles: Does the site have a social network? •Homepage Customization: Can a user customize their homepage of the site? •Flash News Boxes: Does the site have a flash box on the homepage that shows various news stories? •Interactive Features: Does the site have interactive features, meaning mashups, Flash pieces, etc.? •Weather: Does the homepage have a weather icon? •Traffic: Does the homepage have a traffic icon? •Community Calendar: Does the site have a community calendar? •PDF Edition: Does the home page have a link picture/link of today‟s front page? •Ads: Does the page use traditional display ads, contextual ads (do they use services like Google Adsense), and/or interstitial ads?

Key Findings

Key Findings

Social Bookmarking Social bookmarking has gone from barely being used in 2006 (7 %) to an industry standard in 2008 (92 % adoption). Clearly, newspapers are integrating services like Delicious and Digg on their sites in an effort to promote their content and increase page views and ultimately revenue.

Web Content and Platforms The number of newspaper websites that offer podcasts has dropped slightly from last year‟s high of 49 %. Now only 40 % of newspaper websites offer podcasts. Mobile content has increased this year from 53 % to 64 %, as more users not only want to control the content they receive but the platform in which they see it on.

Article Comments The number of websites accepting article comments has more than doubled in the last year. In 2007 only 33 % of newspapers offered article comments, while now 75 % allow readers to comment on at least some news articles.

Like social bookmarking, allowing users to make comments on articles is an easy way to for newspapers to gauge what types of stories users are interested in and to create a community around their content.

Social Networking While most newspaper websites have implemented features like social bookmarking and article comments, only 10% of the websites studied had some sort of social networking or user profile system built into their sites.

This number has doubled from 2007 when only 5% of American newspaper websites offered this feature. USA Today pioneered the concept by launching a full on social network as part of their web program last year.

RSS This year all newspaper websites the study examined offer RSS feeds. Last year all but three newspaper websites used the feature, while in 2006 76 % of newspapers offered this feature. In addition, 95 % of newspapers now offer RSS for different site sections.

Video All newspaper websites had some sort of video player on their website. This feature was only used by 61 % of newspaper websites when we first started doing reports in 2006. The largest growth of this feature was between 2006 and 2007 when it went from 61% to 92%.

Most Popular Section In 2008, 76 % of newspaper offered some sort of Most Popular view of their content (Most emailed, read, blogged, etc.). In 2006, 51 % of newspaper sites offered this feature.

User Generated Content A new aspect of this year‟s study was a review of whether newspaper websites accepted user generated content or not. For the purposes of the study, we looked at 3 major types of content: user generated video, articles, and photos. Of these three content types photos were the most widely used in 2008 with 58 % of websites offering this %percent offered user generated articles.

Registration The number of newspaper websites requiring registration to view content has dropped considerably since 2007 from 29 % to only 11 % in 2008. While most every site strongly suggests registration, only 11 % of newspaper websites restrict articles and features to non-registered users.

The sites that require registration include many of the newspapers in the upper quartile such as The Wall Street Journal, the nation‟s second highest selling newspaper, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Arizona Republic the tenth. While these sites still require registration they are all free of charge.

Blogs Since 2007 the number of newspaper websites with reporter blogs has stayed the same. An overwhelming majority of newspaper websites (95 %) have continued to feature reporter blogs.

Online Advertising Every newspaper the study examined featured some sort of online advertising. Indeed, 100% of newspapers provided some form of contextual advertising, similar to Google Adwords. 43 % of newspaper websites used interstitial advertising.

Tags Newspapers continue to not use tags to organize content on their websites. In 2008, only nine percent of newspapers had article tagging on their websites.


When looking at the data over our studies from 2006 to 2008 it becomes evident that newspapers are opening up their websites to more and more users. With a decrease in registration requirements and increase of interactive features such as social bookmarking and article comments, newspapers are trying to appeal to a wider audience.This indicates a clear change in how American newspapers see the Internet. Now, rather than a threat to readership, the newspaper industry is starting to try to use the Internet to build online communities around their publications.

This shift is not an easy one. Newspapers still have to find a way to be profitable while still expanding free readership. But rather then fight the changes in online media newspapers have slowly embraced them. Last year, The Bivings Group predicted a boom in newspapers sites offering social networking features. While the feature did double from 5 %to 10 % we expected much more then a 5 % jump. Instead, newspaper websites have fine-tuned the tools and features that improved users ability to access information and share it with a wider audience. Rather than focusing on every Internet trend, newspapers have been focusing on only those that would improve their relationship with their readers and expanding the page views for their articles.What remains to be seen is how these new tools will improve profitability in an increasingly digital age.

As we look at the current state of the American newspaper industry, it appears that improving websites is a crucial component for newspapers to weather the current economic downturn and continued consumer shift towards online news and classified ads. This is particularly apparent as newspaper staffs are cut and stock prices fall. However, it is very important to note that boosting a newspaper‟s web presence is not enough. Even if growth in traffic to newspaper website increase dramatically, it is not yet, and may never be, enough to make up for the hit the industry is taking from declining print advertising revenue.

Lastly, our study shows that newspapers are trying to improve their web programs and experimenting with a variety of new features. However, having actually reviewed all these newspaper websites it is hard not to be left with the impression that the sites are being improved incrementally on the margins. Newspapers are focused on improving what they already have, when reinvention may be what is necessary in order for the industry to come out of the current crisis on the other side.


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A Dozen Online Writing Tips

By Jonathan DubePublisher,







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ร้ว่มท.งม! Link ไป็ยงข$อ่ม�ลท!,เก!,ยว่ข$อ่ง และม!ข$อ่ม�ลย$อ่นหลง

• ม!การ้ต์อ่บโต์$ ให$คนด�ม!สื�ว่นร้�ว่มหร้�อ่Interactive

• เน�.อ่หาต์ร้งกล2�มเป็6าหมาย• ม!บร้�การ้หลากหลาย เช�น e-mail ,

Chat ,Shop , Printable พิ�มพิ�เป็ น Hard Copy ได$

• ม!คว่ามเป็ นอ่�สืร้ะ เป็ นกลาง ท/าให$ได$ร้บคว่ามเช�,อ่ถ้�อ่

ขิ��วออนไลน*ที่��ดี� ต้�องม�

WWriting for Websitesriting for Websites

• WHO is watching me?• WHAT must I tell that person,

above all else?• WHEN will I have a better shot

at telling this story?• WHERE is the best sound and

video?• WHY do I care about this

story?• HOW do I make this story


Writing Tools : The New Rules

WHO is watching me?

• -- Do I know who my audience is? Do I u nderstand that it’s not a faceless mass

of generic viewers, but real people, wat ching the news, usually one person at a time?

• Do I realize that newswriting is an intim ate conversation with a single individua

l, in his own home? Can I talk to that ind ividual as a friend, speak his language, respect his intelligence, and give him w

hat he needs and expects from me? Or have I loaded down my scripts with jarg

on, “newspeak”, “coptalk”, “groaners” and other useless baggage?

WHAT must I tell that person, above all else?

• -- Have I grasped the essentials of the story, the grand themes, the key elements, the most important material my friend is waiting to hear? Or have I cluttered it with minutiae that add nothing and won’t be remembered?

• Is my friend eager to hear how many gallons of water were poured on the warehouse fire, and the exact percentage, down to the third decimal, of the wage increase won by striking airline machinists? Or does she want to know that an arsonist is on the loose and the planes will fly tomorrow

WHEN will I have a better shot at telling this story?

• -- TV news stories fly through the air, reach the viewer (we hope!), and disappear . They’re not newspaper or website stories that can be slowly read, digested, absorbed, pondered, re-read, scrolled up, scrolled down, or archived ! In TV we get one quick chance ... so it has to be our best chance . Am I committed to making every one of my stories the very best it can be, each and every time?

WHERE is the best sound and video?

• -- Have I taken the time to search for the strongest pictures to enhance my words, and the most powerful soundbites to add passion to my story? Do I understand that copy, audio and video are critical storytelling tools, each equally important, and each deserving my full attention? Or have I rushed, picking out “wallpaper” video and boilerplate sound, blunting the impact of the information I want to share?

WHY do I care about this story?

• Am I making the effort to find something, anything, in each story, th

at pushes my buttons and gets me ex cited? Am I searching for the “whoa!” factor? The unique angle? The unexpe

cted element? (Remember, even the s- o called “boring” stories can get you j

uiced, if you look hard enough. And if you don’t get juiced, your writing will

show it.)

HOW do I make this storyunforgettable?

• -- Am I using every tool at my disposal to focus a viewer’s attention and aid his memory? Am I hitting him over the head in the lead graph with information he can’t afford to ignore? Am I communicating the enthusiasm of the unspoken, “invisible” lead -- “Hey ! You’ll never guess what just happened!!” Am I following the three-stage system -- setting up the story, telling the essence of it, and reinforcing at the end? Every one of these tools creates a psychological edge, an extra fighting chance to make an impact, and make sure the story is remembered .
