One night at call center book review




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2. WHAT IS THE STORY ABOUT ? This Story is about Six Call Centers Employees The 6 call center agents going through the worst night of their lives, Until a call from God not only saves their futures, but their lives as well 3. CHARACTERS There are six diffrent characters in this boo k. 1-Shyam. 2-Priyanka. 3-Esha 4-Vroom. 5-Radhika. 6-Military Uncle. 4. Role of Main Characters All six characters are working in a call cent er with same shift... they know each other very well All characters are having there diffrent attit ude towards each others 5. Major themes Shyam's ThemeShyam is very upset to learn that Priyanka is engaged to a person called Ganesh Gupta, who works at Micro soft in the US because he had dated priyanka for a lo ng time and the two had engaged in sex. To add to hi s woes, he is horrified to learn that Bakshi had cheate d him, and Vroom, by submitting the Troubleshooting Website to the Boston centre as his own without credit ing him and Vroom. 6. Priyanka's Themes Priyanka is first happy when she is engaged to Ganesh Gupta, who works for Microsoft but becomes furious when she hears that her parents have planned her marriage the very next month, which she feels is too early. Both her mother and Ganesh press her to agree to this proposal. She is even more saddened by the fact that Shyam was eavesdropping on her conversation with Ganesh. When Vroom and Shyam show her that Ganesh had forged his pictures to hide his baldness, she disapproves Ganesh for having cheated her. 7. Esha's Themes Esha had earlier done a compromise by sleeping with a designer to get a modeling contract. However, the guy turned out to be opportunistic as he betrays her by telling her she can't become a model due to her height. He also tries to console her by sending her some money. 8. Vroom's Themes Vroom is shocked to learn that Bakshi has cheated him and Shyam by submitting their work as his own. To add to his miseries, he overhears Esha telling the other girls that she had slept with a designer to get a modeling contract. 9. Radhika's Thmes Radhika, who loved her husband very much, is shocked to learn about his dark side. When Vroom calls up her husband portraying as a radio jockey and asks him to dedicate roses and a song to someone special, he chooses his girlfriend Payal over his wife. Radhika who listens to this gets terribly upset as her husband has betrayed her. 10. Military Uncle's Themes Military Uncle tries to be nice to his son and grandson. But when he sends some pictures via mail to his grandson, he loses his cool and asks him to keep out of his life. This leaves Military Uncle heartbroken. 11. BOOK REVIEW The premise of One Night @ the Call Center is simple. Its abou t five call center agents going through the worst night of their l ives, until a call from God not only saves their futures, but thei r lives as well. Written from the perspective of Shyam, the cha racters may seem stereotypically Indian, but that does not mea n theyre just random people with issues.Instead, his characters have their own set of skeletons in their clo set that make them uniquely human. This offers the chance to not only recognize the stereotypes, but to also understand that t heir flaws are what make them unique. 12. Three-Fourth of the book goes at a good pace describing the lives of the 6 people . Apart from the problems with the callers , they also had a terrible boss - Bakshi . Shyam and Vroom had designed a new website for the firm and they submitted the report to Bakshi . Shyam was expecting to be promoted as the team leader while Bakshi submitted the report to Boston with his name in it . Thus , Bakshi not only affected the Shyams work life but that had impact on his personal life as well . The 6 of them had a terrible personal life as well . 13. For example, In This Book Esha is the typical beautiful Indian girl who wants to become a famous model, but because of a physical flaw, she becomes unthinkably desperate and does something that emotionally harms her.It is during her conversation with Shyam in the conference room that Eshas true personality is revealed and we stop seeing her as just another pretty girl and begin to notice her layers of imperfection. 14. The twist comes when the lives of the 6 people dramatically gets affected on the same day and they leave in a Qualis at 2 am . They end up in getting the Qualis skid of the road into a construction site where they battle for life. It turns out that Shyam gets a phone call then , a phone call from God . The call is also heard by the others and God tells them the reason for their misery and how they can overcome it . 15. The story then speeds up with Shyam & Vroom threatening Bakshi , saving the jobs of the colleagues and then improving their own lives as well . They have plans of starting their own web designing firm , and Shyam get backs his love- Priyanka . The story makes an abrupt change after the phone call of God . 16. The CONCLUSION The saying goes well for the characters of the book, Life is like a sweet melody, only lyrics are messed up ! Alln all, a fundoo and cool book. Go for it ! 17. THANK-YOU