OpenHPI - Parallel Programming Concepts - Week 3



Week 3 in the OpenHPI course on parallel programming concepts is all about threads and tasks. Find the whole course at

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Parallel Programming Concepts OpenHPI Course Week 3 : Shared Memory Parallelism - Programming Unit 3.1: Threads

Dr. Peter Tröger + Teaching Team

Admin (Peter)

Week 2 ! Week 3

■  Week 2 □  Parallelism and Concurrency

◊  Parallel programming is concurrent programming ◊ Concurrent software can leverage parallel hardware

□  Concurrency Problems - Race condition, deadlock, livelock, … □  Critical Sections - Progress, semaphores, Mutex, …

□  Monitor Concept - Condition variables, wait(), notify(), … □  Advanced Concurrency - Spinlocks, reader / writer locks, …

■  This week provides a walkthrough of parallel programming approaches for shared memory systems □  Not complete, not exhaustive

■  Consider coding exercises and additional readings


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Parallel Programming for Shared Memory

■  Processes □  Concurrent processes with dedicated memory

□  Process management by operating system □  Support for explicit memory sharing

■  Light-weight processes (LWP) / threads □  Concurrent threads with shared process memory

□  Thread scheduling by operating system or library □  Support for thread-local storage, if needed

■  Tasks □  Concurrent tasks with shared process memory

□  Typically operating system not involved, dynamic mapping to threads by task library

□  Support for private variables per task


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Parallel Programming for Shared Memory



Explicitly Shared Memory

■  Different programming models for concurrency in shared memory

■  Processes and threads mapped to processing elements (cores)

■  Process- und thread-based programming typically part of operating system lectures

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger




Thread Thread





Concurrent Processes Concurrent Threads

Concurrent Tasks

Main Thread



Main Thread



Main Thread Thread Thread

POSIX Threads (PThreads)

■  Part of the POSIX specification for operating system APIs

■  Implemented by all Unix-compatible systems (Linux, MacOS X, Solaris, …)

■  Functionality

□  Thread lifecycle management □  Mutex-based synchronization □  Synchronization based on condition variables □  Synchronization based on reader/writer locks □  Optional support for barriers

■  Semaphore API is a separate POSIX specification (sem_ prefix)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger



Thread Thread

Concurrent Threads

/************************************************************************* AUTHOR: Blaise Barney **************************************************************************/ #include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define NUM_THREADS 5 void *PrintHello(void *threadid) { long tid; tid = (long)threadid; printf("Hello World! It's me, thread #%ld!\n", tid); pthread_exit(NULL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS]; int rc; long t; for(t=0;t<NUM_THREADS;t++){ printf("In main: creating thread %ld\n", t); rc = pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, PrintHello, (void *)t); if (rc){ printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } } /* Last thing that main() should do */ pthread_exit(NULL); }

POSIX Threads

■  pthread_create() □  Run a given function as concurrent activity

□  Operating system scheduler decides upon parallel execution ■  pthread_join()

□  Blocks the caller until the specific thread terminates □  Allows to determine exit code from pthread_exit()

■  pthread_exit() □  Implicit call on function return □  No release of any resources, cleanup handlers supported


Main thread

Worker Thread 1

pthread_create() pthread_join()


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger


#include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #define NUM_THREADS 4 // #include statements omitted for space reasons void *BusyWork(void *t) { int i; long tid; double result=0.0; tid = (long)t; printf("Thread %ld starting...\n",tid); for (i=0; i<1000000; i++) { result = result + sin(i) * tan(i); } printf("Thread %ld done. Result = %e\n",tid, result); pthread_exit((void*) t); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t thread[NUM_THREADS]; pthread_attr_t attr; int rc; long t; void *status; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); for(t=0; t<NUM_THREADS; t++) { printf("Main: creating thread %ld\n", t); rc = pthread_create(&thread[t], &attr, BusyWork, (void *)t); if (rc) { printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1);}} pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); for(t=0; t<NUM_THREADS; t++) { rc = pthread_join(thread[t], &status); if (rc) { printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_join() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } printf("Main: join with thread %ld, status %ld\n",t,(long)status);} printf("Main: program completed. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); }

POSIX Threads

■  API supports (at least) mutex and condition variable concept □  Thread synchronization and critical section protection

■  pthread_mutex_init() □  Initialize new mutex, which is unlocked by default □  Resource of the surrounding process

■  pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_trylock()

□  Lock the mutex for the calling thread □  Block / do not block if the mutex is already locked

■  pthread_mutex_unlock() □  Release the mutex

□  Operating system decides which other thread is woken up □  Focus on speed of operation, no deadlock prevention


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger


#include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #define NUMTHREADS 5 pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int sharedData=0; int sharedData2=0; void *theThread(void *parm) { printf("Thread attempts to lock mutex\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); printf("Thread got the mutex lock\n"); ++sharedData; --sharedData2; printf("Thread unlocks Mutex\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t thread[NUMTHREADS]; int i; printf("Main thread attempts to lock mutex\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); printf("Main thread got the mutex lock\n"); for (i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; ++i) { // create 3 threads pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, theThread, NULL); } printf("Wait a bit until we are 'done' with the shared data\n"); sleep(3); printf("Main thread unlocks mutex\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); for (i=0; i <NUMTHREADS; ++i) { pthread_join(thread[i], NULL); } pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); return 0;}

POSIX API vs. Windows API


POSIX Windows

pthread_create() CreateThread()

pthread_exit() ExitThread()

pthread_cancel() TerminateThread()

pthread_mutex_init() CreateMutex()

pthread_mutex_lock() WaitForSingleObject()

pthread_mutex_trylock() WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 0)

Condition variables Auto-reset events

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Java, .NET, C++, PHP, …

■  High-level languages also offer threading support ■  Interpreted / JIT-compiled languages

□  Rich API for thread management and shared data structures □  Example: Java Runnable interface, .NET System.Threading □  Today mostly 1:1 mapping of high-level threads to operating

system threads (native threads) ■  Threads as part of the language definition (C++ 11) vs.

threads as operating system functionality (PThreads)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

#include <thread> #include <iostream>

void write_message(std::string const& message) { std::cout<<message; }

int main() { std::thread t(write_message, "hello world from std::thread\n"); write_message("hello world from main\n"); t.join(); }

Parallel Programming Concepts OpenHPI Course Week 3 : Shared Memory Parallelism - Programming Unit 3.2: Tasks with OpenMP

Dr. Peter Tröger + Teaching Team

Parallel Programming for Shared Memory



Explicitly Shared Memory

■  Different programming models for concurrency with shared memory

■  Processes and threads mapped to processing elements (cores)

■  Task model supports more fine-grained parallelization than with native threads

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger




Thread Thread





Concurrent Processes Concurrent Threads

Concurrent Tasks

Main Thread



Main Thread



Main Thread Thread Thread


■  Language extension for C/C++ and Fortran □  Versions in other languages available

■  Combination of compiler support and run-time library □  Special compiler instructions in the code (“pragma”) □  Expression of intended parallelization by the developer □  Result is a binary that relies on OpenMP functionality

■  OpenMP library responsible for thread management □  Transparent for application code □  Additional configuration with environment variables ◊  OMP_NUM_THREADS: Upper limit for threads being used

◊  OMP_SCHEDULE: Scheduling type for parallel activities ■  State-of-the-art for portable parallel programming in C


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger


■  Programming with the fork-join model □  Master thread forks into declared tasks

□  Runtime environment may run them in parallel, based on dynamic mapping to threads from a pool

□  Worker task barrier before finalization (join)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger





■  Parallel region □  Parallel tasks defined in a dedicated code block,

marked by #pragma omp parallel □  Should have only one entry and one exit point

□  Implicit barrier at beginning and end of the block





OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Parallel Region

■  Encountering thread for the region generates implicit tasks ■  Task execution may suspend at some scheduling point:

□  At implicit barrier regions or barrier primitives □  At task / taskwait constructs □  At the end of a task region


#include <omp.h> #include <stdio.h> int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) { #pragma omp parallel printf("Hello from thread %d, nthreads %d\n”, omp_get_thread_num(), omp_get_num_threads()); return 0; } >> gcc -fopenmp -o omp omp.c

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Work Sharing

■  Possibilities for creation of tasks inside a parallel region □  omp sections - Define code blocks dividable among threads

◊  Implicit barrier at the end □  omp for - Automatically divide loop iterations into tasks ◊  Implicit barrier at the end

□  omp single / master - Denotes a task to be executed only by first arriving thread resp. the master thread ◊  Implicit barrier at the end

◊  Intended for critical sections □  omp task - Explicitly define a task

■  Clause combinations possible: #pragma omp parallel for


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Loop Parallelization

■  omp for: Parallel execution of iteration chunks

■  Implications on exception handling, break-out calls and continue primitive

■  Mapping of threads to iteration chunk tasks controlled by schedule clause

■  Large chunks are good for caching and overhead avoidance

■  Small chunks are good for load balancing


PT 2012

#include <math.h> void compute(int n, float *a, float *b, float *c, float *y, float *z) { int i; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for schedule(static) nowait for (i=0, i<n; i++) { c[i] = (a[i] + b[i]) / 2.0; z[i] = sqrt(c[i]); y[i] = z[i-1] + a[i]; } } }

#pragma omp parallel for for(i=0; i<n; i++) { value = some_complex_function(a[i]); #pragma omp critical sum = sum+value; }

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Loop Parallelization

■  schedule (static, [chunk]) □  Contiguous ranges of iterations (chunks) of equal size

□  Low overhead, round robin assignment to threads, static scheduling

□  Default is one chunk per thread ■  schedule (dynamic, [chunk])

□  Threads grab iterations resp. chunks □  Higher overhead, but good for unbalanced work load

■  schedule (guided, [chunk]) □  Dynamic schedule, shrinking ranges per step □  Starts with large block, until minimum chunk size is reached □  Good for computations with increasing iteration length

(e.g. prime sieve test)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Data Sharing

■  shared variable: Name provides access in all tasks □  Only tagging for the runtime, no critical section enforcement

■  private variable: Clone variable in each task

□  Results in one data copy per task

□  firstprivate: Initialization with last value before region

□  lastprivate: Result from last loop cycle or lexically last section directive


#include <omp.h> main () { int nthreads, tid; #pragma omp parallel private(tid) { tid = omp_get_thread_num(); printf("Hello World from thread = %d\n", tid); if (tid == 0) { nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); printf("Number of threads = %d\n", nthreads); }}}

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Memory Model

■  OpenMP considers the memory wall problem □  Hide memory latency by deferring read / write operations

□  Task view on shared memory is not always consistent ■  Example: Keeping loop variable in a register for efficiency

□  Makes loop variable a thread-specific variable □  Tasks in other threads see outdated values in memory

■  But: Sometimes a consistent view is demanded □  flush operation - Finalize all read / write operations,

make view on shared memory consistent □  Implicit flush on different occasions, such as barriers □  Complicated issue, check documentation


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Task Scheduling

■  Classical task scheduling with central queue □  All worker threads fetch tasks from a central queue

□  Scalability issue with increasing thread (resp. core) count ■  Work stealing in OpenMP (and other libraries)

□  Task queue per thread □  Idling thread “steals” tasks from another thread

□  Independent from thread scheduling

□  Only mutual synchronization

□  No central queue




New Task

Next Task






New Task

Next Task




Work Stealing

Parallel Programming Concepts OpenHPI Course Week 3 : Shared Memory Parallelism - Programming Unit 3.3: Beyond OpenMP

Dr. Peter Tröger + Teaching Team


■  C language combined with several new keywords □  True language extension, instead of new compiler pragmas

□  Developed at MIT since 1994 □  Initial commercial version Cilk++ with C / C++ support

■  Since 2010, offered by Intel as Cilk Plus □  Official language specification to foster other implementations

□  Support for Windows, Linux, and MacOS X ■  Basic concept of serialization

□  Cilk keywords may be replaced by empty operations □  Leads to non-concurrent code

□  Promise that code semantics remain the same


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Intel Cilk Plus

■  Three keywords to express potential parallelism

■  cilk_spawn: Asynchronous function call □  Runtime decides,

spawning is not mandated ■  cilk_sync: Wait until all

spawned calls are completed □  Barrier for cilk_spawn activity

■  cilk_for: Allows loop iterations to be performed in parallel □  Runtime decides,

parallelization is not mandated


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

cilk_for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) { do_work(i); }

for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) { cilk_spawn do_work(i); } cilk_sync;

for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) { do_work(i); }

Intel Cilk Plus

■  Cilk supports the high-level expression of array operations □  Gives the runtime a chance

to parallelize work □  Intended for SIMD-style

operations without any ordering constraints

■  New operator [:] □  Specify data parallelism

on an array □  array-expression[lower-

bound : length : stride] □  Multi-dimensional sections

are supported: a[:][:]

■  Short-hand description for complex loops □  A[:]=5

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) A[i] = 5;

□  A[0:n] = 5; □  A[0:5:2] = 5;

for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) A[i] = 5;

□  A[:] = B[:];

□  A[:] = B[:] + 5; □  D[:] = A[:] + B[:]; □  func (A[:]);


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)

■  Portable C++ library, toolkit for different operating systems ■  Also available as open source version

■  Complements basic OpenMP / Cilk features □  Loop parallelization, synchronization, explicit tasks

■  High-level concurrent containers, recursion support □  hash map, queue, vector, set

■  High-level parallel operations □  Prefix scan, sorting, data-flow pipelining, reduction, … □  Scalable library implementation, based on tasks

■  Unfair scheduling approach

□  Consider data locality, optimize for cache utilization ■  Comparable: Microsoft C++ Concurrency Runtime


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

class FibTask: public task { public: const long n; long* const sum; FibTask( long n_, long* sum_ ) : n(n_), sum(sum_) {} task* execute() { // Overrides task::execute long x, y; FibTask& a = *new( allocate_child() ) FibTask(n-1,&x); FibTask& b = *new( allocate_child() ) FibTask(n-2,&y); // Set ref_count to 'two children plus one for wait". set_ref_count(3); // Start b running. spawn( b ); // Start a running and wait for all children (a and b). spawn_and_wait_for_all(a); // Do the sum *sum = x+y; } return NULL; };


fibn=fibn-1 + fibn-2

#include ″tbb/compat/thread″ #include ″tbb/tbb_allocator.h″ // zero_allocator defined here #include ″tbb/atomic.h″ #include ″tbb/concurrent_vector.h″ using namespace tbb; typedef concurrent_vector<atomic<Foo*>, zero_allocator<atomic<Foo*> > > FooVector; Foo* WaitForElement( const FooVector& v, size_t i ) { // Wait for ith element to be allocated while( i>=v.size() ) std::this_thread::yield(); // Wait for ith element to be constructed while( v[i]==NULL ) std::this_thread::yield(); return v[i]; }


Waiting for an element

Task-Based Concurrency in Java

■  Major concepts introduced with Java 5 ■  Abstraction of task management with Executors

□  java.util.concurrent.Executor □  Implementing object provides execute() method □  Can execute submitted Runnable tasks □  No assumption on where the task runs,

typically in managed thread pool □  ThreadPoolExecutor provided by class library

■  java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService □  Additional submit() function, which returns a Future object

■  Methods for submitting large collections of Callable�s


High-Level Concurrency

33 Microsoft Parallel Patterns Library java.util.concurrent

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Functional Programming

■  Contrary paradigm to imperative programming □  Program is a large set of functions

□  All these functions just map input to output □  Treats execution as collection of function evaluations

■  Foundations in lambda calculus (1930‘s) and Lisp (late 50’s) ■  Side-effect free computation when functions have no local state

□  Function result depends only on input, not on shared data □  Order of function evaluation becomes irrelevant □  Automated parallelization can freely schedule the work □  Race conditions become less probable

■  Trend to add functional programming paradigms in imperative languages (anonymous functions, filter, map, …)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Imperative to Functional

35 alert("get the lobster");! PutInPot("lobster");! PutInPot("water");!! alert("get the chicken");! BoomBoom("chicken");! BoomBoom("coconut");!

function Cook( i1, i2, f ) {! alert("get the " + i1);! f(i1); f(i2); } !!Cook( "lobster", "water", PutInPot);!Cook( "chicken", "coconut", BoomBoom): !


•  Higher order functions •  Functions as argument or

return value •  Execution of parameter

function may be transparently parallelized

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Imperative to Functional

36 alert("get the lobster");! PutInPot("lobster");! PutInPot("water");!! alert("get the chicken");! BoomBoom("chicken");! BoomBoom("coconut");!


function Cook( i1, i2, f ) {! alert("get the " + i1);! f(i1); f(i2); } !!Cook("lobster", "water", ! function(x) {alert("pot " + x); } );!Cook("chicken", "coconut", ! function(x) {alert("boom " + x); });!

•  Anonymous functions •  Also lambda function

or function literal •  Convenient tool when

higher-order functions are supported

Functional Programming

■  Higher order functions: Functions as argument or return value ■  Pure functions: No memory or I/O side effects

□  Constant result with side-effect free parameters □  All functions (with available input) can run in parallel

■  Meanwhile many functional languages (again) available □  JVM-based: Clojure, Scala (parts of it), …

□  Common Lisp, Erlang, F#, Haskell, ML, Ocaml, Scheme, … ■  Functional constructs (map, reduce, filter, folding, iterators,

immutable variables, …) in all popular languages (see week 6) ■  Perfect foundation for implicit parallelism

□  Instead of spawning tasks / threads, let the runtime decide □  Demands discipline to produce pure functions


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Parallel Programming Concepts OpenHPI Course Week 3 : Shared Memory Parallelism - Programming Unit 3.4: Scala

Dr. Peter Tröger + Teaching Team

Scala – “Scalable Language”

■  Example for the combination of OO and functional programming □  Expressions, statements, blocks as in Java

□  Every value is an object, every operation is a method call □  Functions as first-class concept □  Programmer chooses concurrency syntax □  Task-based parallelism supported by the language

■  Compiles to JVM (or .NET) byte code ■  Most language constructs are library functions ■  Interacts with class library of the runtime environment ■  Twitter moved some parts from Ruby to Scala in 2009


object HelloWorld extends App { println("Hello, world!") }

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Scala Basics

■  All data types are objects, all operations are methods ■  Operator / infix notation

□  7.5-1.5 □  “hello”+”world”

■  Object notation □  (“hello”).+(“world”)

■  Implicit conversions, some given by default □  (“hello”)*5 □  0.until(3) resp. 0 until 3 □  (1 to 4).foreach(println)

■  Type inference □  var name = “Foo”

■  Immutable variables with “val” □  val name = “Scala”


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Functions in Scala

■  Functions as first-class value ■  Possible to be passed as parameter, or used as result

■  () return value for procedures def sumUpRange(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sum(f, a + 1, b) def id(x: Int): Int = x def sumUpIntRange (a: Int, b: Int): Int = sumUpRange(id, a, b) def square(x: Int): Int = x * x def sumSquareR (a: Int, b: Int): Int = sumUpRange(square, a, b)

■  Anonymous functions, type deduction def sumUpSquares(a: Int, b: Int): Int = sumUpRange(x => x * x, a, b)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Example: Quicksort

■  Recursive implementation of Quicksort

■  Similar to other imperative languages

■  swap as procedure with empty result ()

■  Functions in functions ■  Read-only value

definition with val

42 def sort(xs: Array[Int]) { def swap(i: Int, j: Int) { val t = xs(i) xs(i) = xs(j); xs(j) = t; () } def sort_recursive(l: Int, r: Int) { val pivot = xs((l + r) / 2) var i = l; var j = r while (i <= j) { while (xs(i) < pivot) i += 1 while (xs(j) > pivot) j -= 1 if (i <= j) {

swap(i, j); i += 1; j -= 1 }} if (l < j) sort_recursive(l, j) if (i < r) sort_recursive(i, r) } sort_recursive(0, xs.length - 1)}

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Example: Quicksort

■  Functional style (same complexity, higher memory consumption)

□  Return empty / single element array as already sorted □  Partition array elements according to pivot element

□  Higher-order function filter takes predicate function (“pivot > x”) as argument and applies it for filtering

□  Sorting of sub-arrays with predefined sort function


def sort(xs: Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {

if (xs.length <= 1)


else {

val pivot = xs(xs.length / 2)

Array.concat( sort(xs filter (pivot >)),

xs filter (pivot ==),

sort(xs filter (pivot <)))

}} OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Concurrent Programming with Scala

■  Implicit superclass is scala.AnyRef, provides typical monitor functions scala> classOf[AnyRef].getMethods.foreach(println) def wait() def wait(msec: Long) def notify() def notifyAll()

■  Synchronized function, argument expression as critical section def synchronized[A] (e: => A): A

■  Synchronized variable with put, blocking get and unset val v=new scala.concurrent.SyncVar()

■  Futures, reader / writer locks, semaphores, ... val x = future(someLengthyComputation) anotherLengthyComputation val y = f(x()) + g(x())

■  Explicit parallelism through spawn (expr) and Actor concept (see week 5)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Parallel Collections

45 scala> var sum = 0 sum: Int = 0 scala> val list = (1 to 1000).toList.par list: scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Int] = ParVector(1, 2, 3,… scala> list.foreach(sum += _); sum res01: Int = 467766

scala> var sum = 0 sum: Int = 0 scala> list.foreach(sum += _); sum res02: Int = 457073

scala> var sum = 0 sum: Int = 0 scala> list.foreach(sum += _); sum res03: Int = 468520

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

■  foreach on a parallel collection data type is automatically parallelized

■  Rich support for different data structures

■  Example: Parallel collections can still lead to race conditions □  “+=“ operator reads

and writes on the same variable

Parallel Programming Concepts OpenHPI Course Week 3 : Shared Memory Parallelism - Programming Unit 3.5: Partitioned Global Address Space

Dr. Peter Tröger + Teaching Team

Memory Model

■  Concurrency a first-class language citizen □  Demands a memory model for the language

◊ When is a written value visible? ◊  Example: OpenMP flush directive

□  Leads to ‘promises’ about the memory access behavior □  Beyond them, compiler and ILP can optimize the code

■  Proper memory model brings predictable concurrency ■  Examples

□  X86 processor machine code specification (native code) □  C++11 language specification (native code)

□  C# language specification □  Java memory model specification in JSR-133

■  Is this enough?


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger



■  Eight cores on 2 sockets in an SMP system ■  Memory controllers + chip interconnect realize a single memory

address space for the software

Core Core

L1 L1

L3 Cache


L2 L2

Core Core





Memory Controller





Core Core

L1 L1

L3 Cache

L2 L2

Core Core





Memory Controller


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

PGAS Languages

■  Non-uniform memory architectures (NUMA) became default ■  But: Understanding of memory in programming is flat

□  All variables are equal in access time □  Considering the memory hierarchy is low-level coding

(e.g. cache-aware programming) ■  Partitioned global address space (PGAS) approach

□  Driven by high-performance computing community □  Modern approach for large-scale NUMA

□  Explicit notion of memory partition per processor ◊ Data is designated as local (near) or global (possibly far) ◊  Programmer is aware of NUMA nodes

□  Performance optimization for deep memory hierarchies


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

PGAS Languages and Libraries

■  PGAS languages □  Unified Parallel C (Ansi C)

□  Co-Array Fortran / Fortress (F90) □  Titanium (Java), Chapel (Cray), X10 (IBM), … □  All research, no wide-spread solution on industry level

■  Core data management functionality can be re-used as library

□  Global Arrays (GA) Toolkit □  Global-Address Space Networking (GASNet) ◊ Used by many PGAS languages –

UPC, Co-Array Fortran, Titanium, Chapel □  Aggregate Remote Memory Copy Interface (ARMCI) □  Kernel Lattice Parallelism (KeLP)


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger


■  Parallel object-oriented PGAS language by IBM □  Java derivate, compiles to C++ or pure Java code

□  Different binaries can interact through common runtime □  Transport: Shared memory, TCP/IP, MPI, CUDA, … □  Linux, MacOS X, Windows, AIX; X86, Power □  Full developer support with Eclipse environment

■  Fork-join execution model ■  One application instance runs at a fixed number of places

□  Each place represents a NUMA node □  Distinguishing between place-local and global data

□  main() method runs automatically at place 0 □  Each place has a private copy of static variables


OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger



Place-shifting operations• at(p) S• at(p) e

… …… …









Distributed heap• GlobalRef[T]• PlaceLocalHandle[T]

APGAS in X10: Places and Tasks

Task parallelism• async S

• finish S

Concurrency control within a place• when(c) S• atomic S


■  Parallel tasks, each operating in one place of the PGAS □  Direct variable access only in local place

■  Implementation strategy is flexible □  One operating system process per place, manages thread pool □  Work-stealing scheduler



OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger



Place-shifting operations• at(p) S• at(p) e

… …… …









Distributed heap• GlobalRef[T]• PlaceLocalHandle[T]

APGAS in X10: Places and Tasks

Task parallelism• async S

• finish S

Concurrency control within a place• when(c) S• atomic S


■  async S □  Creates a new task that executes S, returns immediately

□  S may reference all variables in the enclosing block □  Runtime chooses a (NUMA) place for execution

■  finish S □  Execute S and wait for all transitively spawned tasks (barrier)



OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger


54 public class Fib { public static def fib(n:int) { if (n<=2) return 1; val f1:int; val f2:int; finish { async { f1 = fib(n-1); } f2 = fib(n-2); } return f1 + f2; } public static def main(args:Array[String](1)) { val n = (args.size > 0) ? int.parse(args(0)) : 10; Console.OUT.println("Computing Fib("+n+")"); val f = fib(n); Console.OUT.println("Fib("+n+") = "+f); } }

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger



Place-shifting operations• at(p) S• at(p) e

… …… …









Distributed heap• GlobalRef[T]• PlaceLocalHandle[T]

APGAS in X10: Places and Tasks

Task parallelism• async S

• finish S

Concurrency control within a place• when(c) S• atomic S


■  atomic S □  Execute S atomically, with respect to all other atomic blocks

□  S must access only local data ■  when(c) S

□  Suspend current task until c, then execute S atomically

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

class Buffer[T]{T isref, T haszero} { protected var date:T = null; public def send(v:T){v != null} { when(date==null) { date=v; } } public def receive() { when(date != null) { val v = date; date = null; return v; } } } class Account {

public var value:Int; def transfer(src: Account, v:Int) { atomic { src.value -= v; this.value += v; } } }

Tasks Can Move


Place-shifting operations• at(p) S• at(p) e

… …… …









Distributed heap• GlobalRef[T]• PlaceLocalHandle[T]

APGAS in X10: Places and Tasks

Task parallelism• async S

• finish S

Concurrency control within a place• when(c) S• atomic S


■  at(p) S - Execute statement S at place p, block current task ■  at(p) e - Evaluate expression e at place p and return the result

■  at(p) async S □  Create new task at p to run S, return immediately

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger

Summary: Week 3

■  Short overview of shared memory parallel programming ideas ■  Different levels of abstractions

□  Process model, thread model, task model ■  Threads for concurrency and parallelization

□  Standardized POSIX interface □  Java / .NET concurrency functionality

■  Tasks for concurrency and parallelization □  OpenMP for C / C++, Java, .NET, Cilk, …

■  Functional language constructs for implicit parallelism ■  PGAS languages for NUMA optimization


Specialized languages help the programmer to achieve speedup. What about accordingly specialized parallel hardware?

OpenHPI | Parallel Programming Concepts | Dr. Peter Tröger
