Organizational Behaviour: The Self and Reality



Organizational Behaviour: Introduction, the self and reality.

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Organization BehaviourThe self and Reality

Lecture One Introduction

Which grey circle is larger?

Both grey circles on the last slide are the same size…….Their

appearance is relative to what surrounds them.

Distance is relative to size

Gender is a relative concept

Even simple environments are complex and have multiple perspectives

So do you know what is really going on in this picture?

So if this couple told you that they would be very happy for their children to undertake higher education. What do

they really mean?

“We would be very happy if our

children undertook higher education”

Attempt to impress listener

Deny an unhappy family life

Cultural expectations

Keeping up with the “Jones”

Could be the truth

Narrative device of optimism

Keeping Face

Showing off

Peoples statements can have multiple meanings

How many Chalices are in Leonardo da

Vinci’s painting of the Last


We see what we want to see

Knowledge Belief Truth



Prior knowledge consists of truth, belief, knowledge, imagination, and memory

Product Opportunity


Social Social and cultural trends

and drivers. Reviving historical trends. Influence of international

trends. Changing demographics. Styles, fashions & fads.

Economic Stage of economic

development. State of the economy.

Level of disposable income. Macroeconomic, general

industry conditions, financial &geographical environment.

Technology Current state of the art and

emerging technology. Re-evaluating and utilizing existing technology in new

areas. New knowledge.


Government & Regulation

Government needs & priorities.

Restriction by Government. New laws & regulations and impact on product markets

and supply chains. Trade liberalization.

Our Inner Self Our upbringing, domicile outlook, experiences, interests, skills & abilities, assumptions, beliefs,

attitudes, perception, cognitive processes, patterning and biases, our inner psych and emotions, imagination,

energy, and passion, etc. The way we interact and stimulated by the

environment and make connections

Randomness & Unexpectedness A random or unexpected

event that creates an opportunity

Changes in any of the factors

New Knowledge or Information

Interrelated Factors

The brain can only process one piece of information at a time

True Self (Universal awareness)

Spiritual Awareness

Ego Awareness

Social Awareness

Material Awareness

Physical Awareness

Spiritual Self

Ego Self

Social Self

Material Self

Primal Self

Physical Sensations



The layers of our self


Relax, breath in and out, remove all your thoughts,

relax your muscles

Where am “I”?

Is this what you found?

Our true self is like a computer without any operating system or software

Here is our personal operating system

Optimum Region of Awareness

Emotional Disturbances

Future Orientation

Past Orientation




s of






s of



The Mandela of Awareness

Present Orientation

Future Orientation

Past Orientation

Memory Imagination

Belief System


Optimal learning

High sense of efficacy feasibility

Low sense of efficacy feasibility

Bad memories Good memories

Negative emotions Positive emotions

Action adverse Reckless overconfidence Heuristics Imagination

Optimal drive

Value sets