PARENTS! Discover The Most Dangerous 4 Letter Word That A Child Can Learn



WORDS HAVE ENORMOUS ENERGETIC POWER! Discover The Most Dangerous 4 Letter Word Of All Time That A Child Can Learn. The Word That Holds Most Children Hostage And Pitiful At The Sidelines. IN THIS SAME REPORT You Will be Delighted To Also Discover The Powerful Polar Opposite Word Of This Most Dangerous 4 Letter Word. A Word That Can Catapult Any Child To Immense Success And Stardom In Any Area Of Their Life. READ ON AND PLEASE SHARE!

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Discover The Most Dangerous 4 Letter Word Of All

Time That A Child Can Learn. The Word That

Holds Most Children Hostage And Pitiful At The


Also Discover The Powerful Polar Opposite Word

Of This Most Dangerous 4 Letter Word. A Word

That Can Catapult Any Child To Immense Success

And Stardom In Any Area Of Their Life.

Hello and welcome to Top Kid Edutainment.

I am so excited that you are here and I so honour your presence. Over the last week

we have been asking parents, teacher, educators and people all over the world to tell

us what they think is the MOST DANGEROUS 4 Letter word of all time that any

child can learn. We have reached over 25,000 brilliant people with this question and

have had some interesting replies including HATE, SEXY, LOVE, LAZY and the list

of suggestions goes on. Now without much ado let’s get into the word I have come to

label as the most,








I will then reveal the polar opposite of this most dangerous word!

The word that can enter any child into a world of power and promise.

This polar opposite word is not just a mere word but a conviction that great

leaders, great winners, great achievers have used since the beginning of time to

achieve their greatest dreams.

Now before we name and shame this most dangerous 4 letter word, I want to ask

you a question.

Why do so many people use a good-for-nothing word, a word that is capable of Blinding?

Yes this word literary blinds a child from their dreams. It halts all creative thinking.

It fills the child with fear and doubt. It shuts the eyes of the child from looking

beyond what they see.

When I say it is Deafening, It stops the child from hearing the music of

their heart. Listening to the drummer inside and it stops them from hearing and

listening to others who are achieving big goals and who wish to support the child.

This word Smells! It is repulsive. It makes a child smell and accept all of the

negative reasons why their dreams are unreasonable and why they are not the ones

meant to achieve them and why great things belong to others and not them.

Distasteful! The mention of this word leaves a bad taste in the child’s

mouth. A taste so bad, that it can stop a child from ever attempting to carry on.

Scrapping! This word scrapes and sheds all the power that a child has to

protect their dreams. It damages and shreds the dream and causes pain to the inner

child; the pain of not being able to fully express their innate ability.

Crippling! It literary disables the will of the child to dream and realise their


This word is CAN’T!


This word has done more damage than all the other frowned upon 4 letter words.

Personally, I think this word should be banned from use around children. I

personally have banned its use in our house. I know numerous other forward

thinking and proactive parents who have banned it around their kids.

Just because something hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it CAN’T be


In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, actor Will Smith stars in the true inspiring

story. He advises his son.

When I was 11 years old in what you would call a God forsaken village in Kenya,

there were many times when I did not know where my next meal would come from

and if I would have anything to eat at all. I however had this innate dream and

feeling that ONE DAY I would live in better circumstances than I was then living. That

ONE DAY would surely come. That ONE DAY I went to school as usual. This day was

different though, because on that day we had some people visiting from some

government organisation. They gave a short speech and they wanted us to fill in

some entry forms. In their talk, they mentioned that there was a place called a

boarding high school that children could go if they got good grades. What really

ignited and excited me more about this speech though was to learn that in such a

school a child was assured to have 3 meals a day. I almost grabbed the forms of these

people’s hands!!! Straight away I knew that if such a place existed I could go there. I

AM going there! I CAN go there! That became my mantra. This place where I would

never have to worry about my food. This place where, I would not be subjected to

long and hard on the farm after school. This place where, I did not have to live in


fear and pain. Most of you who have heard my childhood story know how, from a

very young age I was subjected to extreme poverty and excruciating abuse.

Immediately a light bulb went on in my brain. I was going to that sure and safe

place. I was ready to do whatever it takes to go there.

The entry papers were handed out and I quickly chose a top boarding school.

Maryhill high school as my first choice. I had absolutely no doubt that I was going

there. I remember the look one of the helpers gave me when they came to collect my

paperwork, and how he said. “Wanjira, no one from this area has ever gone to that

school. Do you want to choose a different school?”

I answered firmly, No!

I have chosen and that is where I am going!

I was so determined that I had forgotten to tick the rest of the boxes for the 2nd 3rd

4th preferences. The helper said it was a requirement that I needed to choose other

preferred schools in case I didn’t get into my first choice. I was so caught up in this

conviction and conversation that I didn’t realise that other children, my classmates

had gathered and had been listening to our conversation. How I had no doubt I was

going to a top boarding school Maryhill high school.

As it is with all big ideas and dreams, it is always a laugh and a joke for those who

are not part of the vision. For the next several months I became the joke! It was a

proper joke that I was going to Maryhill high school. Laugh Out Loud became my

portion.LOL was dished to me whenever I passed a group of children. They would

LOL. Bwahaha Maryhill!

What the kids didn’t know was that while they were busy laughing and joking about

my dream, every night I dreamt about being in that school. A safe place. A sure

place. Where I was assured of breakfast, then lunch, then supper. It became so real

to me that it consumed my every waking and sleeping moment. Everything I did

from that moment was based on the question. “Is this helping me to get closer to my

dream school?” My vision was fixated like never before. Nothing else mattered. This

dream was so powerful it numbed the poverty, the abuse and even the laughter and

deriding of the kids. The joke finally faded. We did our final year primary school

exams and 2 months later the results were out! Shortly afterwards, high school

invitations started streaming in. My invitation letter was the first to arrive because I

was going to a top national school. As sure as the day follows the night, the school I

had chosen and dreamt about for months would be the school where I would spend

my high school years. I remember the headmaster congratulating me. I was

shedding tears of both joy and relieve.


It was Stella Mann who said

“If you can hold it in your head; you can hold it in your hand”

I dreamt it! I received it.

It saddens me to say that it is not good news or a happy ending for all the kids that

were laughing at me.

Michelangelo the great artist said,

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short;

but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”

We want to stop saying this dangerous CAN’T word to our children.

This is what I believe;


If anyone should speak in your child’s life including ourselves and those very close to

them, only speak life giving words. Empowering words. Don’t kill their dream.

A Chinese proverb that I love says;

“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”

“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should

be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the

creative spirit.”

Ansel Adams

Can’t is a word that kills constructive progress. It turns the mind into a negative frequency. It is a distasteful four letter word that opens the mind to all sorts of reasons why something cannot be done.


Reasons like;

1. It has not been done before.

2. It looks too difficult.

3. Looks like it will cost so much to make it possible.

4. We fear that others will laugh at the madness.

5. We are comfortable where we are.

6. This is how it has always been Why rock the boat

7. You don’t fit the bill. You are black! You are white! You are fat! You thin. You

are too young! You haven’t got the right colour hair...And the barrage of

excuses goes on....

When my little girl was 6 years old she came home one day and asked me. “Mum

what really is talent?” I said to her in my own words. Talent is a natural ability.

Something you are able to do and feel so happy while doing. Together we then

checked what the dictionary had to say. This is what we got from one of the online


“Talent is an unusual natural ability to do something well, especially in artistic areas

that can be developed by training.”

She then quickly said to me. That means my talent is poetry presentation. I said to

her, “yes if that is how you feel. She immediately told me.

“Mum in that case, I am going to Britain’s got talent” .To that I said “Fine let’s get

you in”. We registered her and from that day on she started honing that which she

had identified of herself as talent. She would read verses and prose and paragraphs

from her school books, library book and any book and magazines she found. As

tempted as I was feeling to say to her that she couldn’t enter because she wasn’t

ready, one thing I know not to do and didn’t want to do was to pull the rug under her


The one thing I kept mentioning was that talent has to be developed. Raw talent

excites and it’s great to be discovered, but it is when developed that talent inspires.

To develop talent requires focused power and work.

Now, my little girl did get invited for Britain’s Got Talent and did very well but

wasn’t chosen for the next round.


This has become her own lesson. She came face to face with the experience

that, to truly inspire talent has to be developed and that takes work!

So that is what she is doing now; developing her talent. She enjoys practising

and is determined to enter another time (in fact as we speak she has received

an email inviting her to attend another audition) She is determined that one

day she will truly inspire the judges and the nation. In the meantime she

continues to work herself and to develop her talent. In the process of working

on herself she is getting invited to do presentations at her school and other

establishments and is taking on challenges we would never have thought she

would. Including, confidently learning the Chinese language.

It was Henry David Thoreau that said;

“If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavours to

live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in

common hours.”


Can you imagine what would have happened to her sprouting talent and

confidence if I had said to her “YOU CAN’T?”

Just because your talent is not fully developed.

Just because you are young.

Just because you are black.

Just because of any other reasons.

All the opportunities she is now attracting would not have come her way. In

her excitement and practising she is becoming more and more confident.

Just imagine if I had said “you can’t”

I allowed her to believe YOU CAN. I allowed her to BE HER VERY BEST. And

because of that, she is becoming flourishing and becoming more and more

confident in her dream.

See, I don’t know how long it will take her for her to finally show-case her fully

polished talent but one thing I am convinced is this, that one day she will meet

with success unexpectedly in common hours.

People ask me, “How long will it take?”

I say, “I don’t know!”

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing


Earl Nightingale


These personal stories I have told you are not to impress you, but to impress upon

you that if your child or any child in your care is going to achieve greatness we have

to consciously BAN the word CAN’T from their vocabulary.

By now I suppose you have guessed the polar opposite of this lethal word CAN’T.

This word or shall we say this phrase is “I CAN.”

First let’s explore the strength of the phrase “I CAN”.

We will then dig into how we help our children develop the “I CAN” attitude

especially when all around them, all they hear shouting and screaming and

sometimes subtly “You CAN’T”

The polar opposite of the word “I CAN’T” is “I CAN”.

I can is far more important than IQ. William James often referred to as the father of

American psychology said

"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer

aspects of their lives”.


He was right and his wisdom has been echoed by numerous scientist and


I CAN has brought more breakthroughs in human history than IQ.

I CAN releases a universal creative power to go to work. When your child says I CAN,

You can trust the whole universe to have their back.

When the Wright Brothers stated and held the “WE CAN attitude” they introduced

us to the flying world.

In modern history “Yes We Can” gave the world the first ever black president of the

most powerful nation in the world.

Mo Farah stated in 2010 “I can definitely win a medal at the London Olympics”

You know who took home both the 5K and 10K gold medals at the London Olympics.

I CAN attitude is not to be confused with a lazy wanna-be grandiose mentality. You may be aware that there are people who go saying they can achieve anything but their actions and demeanour do not support their words. The I CAN attitude we are talking about here is, when a dream bubbles inside a child and they hold it with their will and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to make their dream a reality. When you see that spirit of determination no matter how dull it is do not slash it!

From my extensive research and relations with winners and great people, I can tell

you that nothing great was ever achieved without the belief I CAN!

How do we get our children to adopt the attitude of I CAN regardless of all the

contrary evidence all over the place including being able to stand up and be strong

inside and out even when people around them discourage them.


See, there are 2 ways a child can adopt the UNSHAKABLE I CAN attitude.

1: Extremely painful and excruciating discomfort. For example in my case the pain of

poverty and abuse was so severe that I had to hold on to this dream of better day or


2: The presence of a mentor who holds a child on their shoulders and allows them to

have a peak into the land of power and promise thereby empowering them to dream

and hold onto their dream.

I had both stimuli. I however wouldn’t wish the first stimuli on any child. I must say

that that pain and discomfort did catapult me to dream and hold on to my dream.

I was also fortunate to have two mentors at a very young age that believed in me and

empowered me to believe in myself, dream and hold on to my dream

Today especially in the western society and mostly with you who is listening and

reading this report, it is unlikely that your child is suffering any sort of extreme

poverty or abuse. So they are comfortable. They see or feel no reason or motivation

to have this power filled mental attitude.

Therein lays the danger but also therein lays the opportunity for you the parent and

educator to introduce your child to a mentor. A mentor who encourages and

empowers your child to dream!

A mentor who helps your child develop the attitude of I Can and to enter fearlessly

into unchartered territory.

A mentor who propels your child to be all they can be.

A mentor who propels your child to go further faster!

We have to educate our children of the vast goldmine between their ears!!!

I CAN is a mental muscle that can be and has to be developed. Every child has it

within them. The kids that build and strengthen this mental muscle are the ones who

give the world breakthroughs. The rest sit on the sidelines and marvel at others not

knowing that between their two ears lays a muscle that when strengthened is able to

bring to them their best wishes.

We have to re-educate our children. The power of “I CAN”

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

Theodore Roosevelt


We have to educate our children. Many people think that education is the gathering

of facts and figures and information. Not at all.

Albert Einstein one of the greatest scientist said; "Education is not the learning of facts but

the training of the mind to think."

Education then is training your child’s mind to think. I CAN is a way of thinking

that enables a child to face the challenges of life as they present themselves. Whether

these are health, relational, educational or whatever life throws at them. The

preparedness to face whatever comes is true thinking.


This is what one of the greatest success mentor Napoleon Hill said.

"An educated man is not, necessarily, one who has an abundance of general or specialized

knowledge. An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that can acquire

anything he wants, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.”

How Can You Help Your Child

Develop Their Mind?

Develop Their I CAN attitude?

Dream And Hold On To Their Dream?

Find Out NEXT.

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a

certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the

contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I

may not have it at the beginning.”

Mahatma Gandhi


“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them

a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger

than the skill.”

Muhammad Ali


Those who say and believe I CAN are generally they that end up winners!

When you tell a child they can’t and if they believe you which most children do

because they view grownups with authority, they have already lost the battle even

before it starts. When you tell a child they can’t, you pulling the rug under their feet

and send them crashing to the ground, not physically but mentally.

Having come this far, I know a couple of amazing facts about you.

1: You are a proactive and prudent parent.

2: You genuinely desire for your child to dream and realise their dreams.

You now know the MOST DANGEROUS 4 LETTER WORD. “CAN’T” and I have no

doubt you will be banishing it from your house.

You also know the POWER OF “I CAN” the polar opposite that can catapult your

child into the land of power and promise.

You NO DOUBT see how your child can benefit from adopting the attitude of I CAN.

You see how your child can benefit from a mentor (By the way every successful

person has had a mentor) who empowers them not only to dream but believe in their

dream and supports them until its realisation.


I want to invite you to enter your child into our Top Kid Platinum “I CAN”

mentoring program. This program is only chosen by parents who are prepared to

allow their children become the stars that they are truly destined to be.

This program empowers children to dig deep, dream big and hold on to their dreams

without wavering.

This program empowers children to attract the support and things required to bring

their dream to fruition.

These dreams range from being perfect health, being happy, having exceptional

friendships, academic excellence, artistic or sports excellence. Any dream can be

uncovered and brought to reality.

No one alive is able to determine the wealth of dreams that your child holds in their

head. Top Kid “I CAN” Platinum mentorship program allows your child to discover

those dreams and bring them dream to fruition.

Allow your child to go on a self discovery and self realisation program. You will be

glad to you did.


For less that $2 a week your child can be a champion in whatever they choose. Here

is even better news!

They don’t have to leave the comfort of their home.

They only have to spend a maximum of 5 minutes a day soaking in extraordinary

empowerment messages that we send out every day.

For less than $2 a week;

Your child benefits from all these!

A qualified and experienced mentor.

Daily empowering and inspirational video.

Daily Dream Declaration.

Daily affirmations.

Help with dream/goal formulation.

Support with strengthening The Will.

Help with weeding out negative and discouraging emotions that choke the


Personal stay on track yard stick!

Everything Inspirational and surprises from Top Teacher Angela.


DON’T DELAY! GRAB THIS LIMITED TIME OFFER NOW Let’s meet on the success side!

You have 3 simple payment options! Weekly, monthly or yearly.

Whichever you decide just make sure your child is being mentored to

success. Don’t leave your child’s success to chance.

Give your child the gift of a powerful mentor. Give your child the gift of success.


Yours truly Top Teacher Angela.

Wishing you and your kid MAXIMUM SUCCESS.
