Pay it forwards


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La Salle High SchoolEnglish (advanced)

Jaime Fernández Vélez3°E R.N. 09

Teacher: Nora Alin Guzman Pelagio

Class 2011-2012Generation: 48


Trevor McKineeyHe leve along, and think to start with a pay it favors. Is Arlene´s soon and student of Eugene.

Arlenne McKineeyShe is mother os trevor. She has a drinking problem, and keeps her home based ontwo jobs

Eugene SimonetA social studies teacher, lead students to create ideas for help the world

Jerry He is a drug adict, and is the fisrt person who Trevor try to help




The history is located betwen Las Vegas to Los Angeles

Travor strarts the seventh grade

The teacher puts the challenge of creating a

project to change the world

The project is to help three people which, in

turn help three other

He helps a homelessThe homeless jerry

help the Trevor´s mom

Arlene apologizes to hier mother and

meet again

Grandma helps a thief his name is


Sidney help a girl whit her


And the pay it forwards continue

And that's how we see the chain extending

his favors are going from Los Angeles to San Francisco

My commentWhen man forgets his ego and start thinking of others begins to make a pay it forwards one grateful for what he has given something gives you received the other and so continues to share with others.If we begin to help others would start the chain and all would live better, but we need to grow as human beings.