Picture Vocab




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By Denali Hill

The mendicant asked for change at the corner.

The cat felt chagrin after losing a fight with a mouse.

The dog felt contrite after pooping on the carpet.

The left apple is nefarious as compared to its angelic counterpart.

The doe was a pariah among her deer family, because of her abnormally long ears.

The mother tried to calm her intractable children.

Once the monkey peeled the banana it was banal that he ate it.

The boy was made choleric after he could not go to the park.

The cockalorum man thought all the lady’s loved him.

The baby was ennui while waiting for his favorite Sopranos episode.

Until the rain started, the water was phlegmatic.

The boy loved his right hand and resented his left.

Mary was always sanguine. Every day she was seen with a smile.

Mary was a virago. She shot her computer for going too slow.

The woman wanted a baby, but her flat belly proved that she was fallow.

Even though his mouth was full, the avarice squirrel still took all the remaining

nuts for himself.

The charlatan girl claimed that her mustache was real.

The poster advertized that their flowers were simply ethereal.

The impetuous bull nearly killed the man with the red cape.

The Titanic’s exterior was thought to be impervious, until an iceberg sliced through it
