Pikikids powerpoint


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ICT at our School

How can we tell our families about what we are doing at school?


As our TeKids you not only have a responsibility to teach the other children at school, but you also have a responsibility to inform your families.

What are the Alternatives, Possibilities and Choices for how you can inform your families?


▪ Using your ICT skills create a Wordle with all of the words or phrases you could use to inform your families.

▪ Work in teams of two in your school groups

▪ http://www.wordle.net/

Share What Stands Out!

What is the most important message?


You are now going to use Pikikids to create a poster-type advertisement to encourage your families to get involved in ICT at your school.

If you have them you can post them on your school blogs or wikis


Turn them into a static poster




• Pikikids•Learning•Mrs FUNnell having a great time!•Animation•Great had fun•We remembered a lot about why we were here•New skills•Creating a wordle of ideas•We made a comic strip to persuade our community with ICT•It was new to us•Being a ‘tekid’ we get to work with ICT•We participated•Trying to get the message out about ICT•Working together

•Timed out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•Had to go back to the start•Computer just kept going back to the beginning•Didn’t load very quickly•Internet failing•Computer didn’t work•Data projector (internet) screen didn’t always connect

It will be interesting tomorrow when I …

•Test out pikikids•Get to teach other children•Try to get onto wordle without java•Put new learning on the blog•See how the people react to the new websites•See our posters for real•Reaction of our community•See our work and feel proud and excited