Pitch feedback


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Unit 30 - LO5 P6 Evaluating feedback from presentation


Unit 30 - LO5

P6 - Evaluating Feedback from pitch/Presentation

From reviewing the feedback of my pitch from the witness statement I am going to start

with the positives of my pitch on what I have accomplished in promoting ‘Shutters’ and

what I could have done to improve the selling points surrounding this media product.

Unit 30 - LO5 P6 Evaluating feedback from presentation


Strengths of my Pitch

The first strength of my pitch from looking at my feedback

is that the use of test photography to make sure that the

image I used for my front cover was fit for purpose. The

benefit of me putting in this work was that it suggests

although I had planned all of the photography on the plan

and had taken the photos, I was not satisfied with them

being fit for purpose or right for my magazines front cover

and double page spread so I had to start from the

beginning re-evaluating what will be fit for purpose, how I

will obtain permission to take the photographs and what best type of shot would suit my


The second strength of my pitch was that I had no notes to read from as I had learnt the

pitch and knew what I was going to say and understood what I was talking about. The

benefit of rehearsing and learning the pitch was used so that I was able to engage with the

audience being clear with my pronunciations. This was also mentioned in my interview

after the pitch with the publisher and he explained further that the questions that were

asked at the end of the pitch “Which

were fired your way at the end were

dealt with at the end very very well”

(See this at 3:25 in the video) at why he

liked my method of pitching as it was

well rehearsed with no stutters or

pauses on what I was going to say next

compared to some other pitches.

Furthermore, the publisher and potential investors

were also very impressed with my and especially

the way as to how I would market my magazine to

new potential readers who may not find me using

the other mediums of advertising I am planning to

use. This was the pay per click advertisement I was

looking into, having researched its effectiveness

and low cost form of advertising on Google which has been an ever growing audience with

internet users seeing and recognising these adverts and not spam anymore. The cost for

Unit 30 - LO5 P6 Evaluating feedback from presentation


this is very cheap working out to be 3p per click compared to a television advert which can

cost from “costs can vary from as little as £2000 up to sums in excess of £1m” Sourced from:


advertising/rates#sthash.Vw60fPlX.dpuf this shows that for a magazine in its first year of publishing

it will be highly unlikely to be able to generate enough revenue to release an advert on a national

television channel such as ITV.

The final strength I will be evaluating from my feedback

will be the significant difference between my first

edited front cover and DPS with the finished copies of

my front cover and double page spread.

The stand out features they liked where the difference

between the layout of my DPS as used a unique layout

because as a new magazine to grab new readers

attention I believe that it is important to set a style that

is unique to the magazine and can be an establishing

theme throughout issues the picture was in the middle

of the page with text wrapping around the picture and

the background had a faded picture of the cover artist,

which was very faint and this was a design they I had

not Before and by using this they feel it can be a real unique selling point for DPS each

month and image for the magazine. Also for the front cover I managed to fill out lots of

empty space in the corners by adding exclusive offer and interviews inside the magazine

which they would not know about unless they looked at the Contents page or read the

whole magazine which could leave a number of readers to those who would purchase the

magazine having known they were in the magazine boosting sales.

Unit 30 - LO5 P6 Evaluating feedback from presentation


Weaknesses of my pitch

After reviewing the strengths of my pitch I am now going to analyse the areas for

improvement so that the pitch was as professional and informative as it could have been.

Below I have going into detail on the areas for improvement and how I have improved them

since the pitch has taken place.

Unit 30 - LO5 P6 Evaluating feedback from presentation


To start with the magazine flat plan was not as detailed

as they were hoping it would be and the specifics were

not fully met as the adverts were not put in a particular

place which could have been more detailed and

matched exactly the order of the pages. Here is an

example of some of the pages

which will feature on my flat

plan and magazine.

Secondly, ironically a lot of my slides had too much text and

information that could have been shortened down into key word

areas and explained them as I had learnt my script and information which would

have made the presentation more professional and free flowing, as the publisher

felt that they were reading the information. I was interpreting and did not have

to be on the Prezi because I had learnt and knew what I was pitching so

passionately about.

Example slide from my Prezi with too much text

Following on another weakness of my pitch that could have been improved on

was the proof reading I had done was not sufficient enough because there were

simple mistakes that made the pitch look unprofessional and not the quality of

pitch I was hoping it would be. For example “I” instead of “I”, which was

particularly frustrating as it is a very simple fix but these types of mistakes must

not happen when publishing the magazine.

Finally, an improvement that could have been made to make my pitch even

better was, to mention information about future editions and what I would

include about artists and the image of the front cover and double page spread. Would the

font styles and format of the pages follow a similar pattern so that the readers notice what

magazine it is and distinguish a clear understanding of what a monthly shutters issue looks

like including what bands and artists are likely to feature on the front cover and double page

spread so that they are fit for purpose and match the music genre of my magazine.

In conclusion, I believe that my pitch was very positive and well represented my magazine

(Shutters) I believe this because from reading my feedback and interview with the publisher

there were a lot of positives especially around how I presented my pitch from my survey

Unit 30 - LO5 P6 Evaluating feedback from presentation


monkey. From my research into how my pitch went I know that I included all of the content

the publisher and stakeholders were looking for being well prepared and felt very

passionately about what I wanted to achieve for the magazines vision and goal for year one.
