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What Is a Life Cycle Presentation by Monnisha Woodard

Vocabulary Life cycle- The series of distinct

stages of life that most organisms grow and mature through.

Metamorphosis- A change in the shape or characteristics of an organism’s body as it grows

VocabularyLarva-The newly hatched, wingless,

often wormlike form of many insects before metamorphosis

Pupa- is when the caterpillar is inside of a cocoon.

Nymph-is the immature form of some invertebrates, particularly insects, which undergoes gradual metamorphosis

The Stages of Life: Life Cycle

Most organisms grow and mature through several distinct stages of life.

These stages make up the organism’s life cycle.

Some organisms are born alive, others develop in eggs and hatch and plants sprout from spores or seeds.

During each stage

of life, a person changes physically


Life Cycles

Depending upon the organism, the young could spends anywhere from a few minutes to many years growing and developing.

When an organism reaches its final form and size, it is an adult.

During the adult stage, an organism is able to reproduce during their entire adult lives. Other stop reproducing as they get older.

Life Cycle

Many organisms change a lot as they mature. But the young of some animals are identical to the adult, except from size.

These organisms grow larger, but the keep the same body features, such as shape and color.

Life Cycle

• This kind of growth is called direct development. Spiders and earthworms have direct development.

• A young earth worm looks just like an adult earthworm, except smaller.

• What other animals can you think of that show this type of development?




Some animals, especially insects, have one kind of body when they are young and a very different kind of body when they are adults.

This changes in shape or characteristics of an organism’s body as it grows and matures are called metamorphosis.


Incomplete Metamorphosi

s• The life cycle of many

insects, including beetles and butterflies develop in metamorphosis.

• Some insects such as grasshoppers, go through incomplete metamorphosis.

• These insects have only three stages of development: egg, nymph , and adult.

• At each stage the insect looks different from the way it looked at previous stages



Complete Metamorphosis


Complete Metamorphosis

During the first stage, the insect develops inside an egg.

When the insect hatches from the egg, it enters the second stage of development. It is then called a larva.

A larva lacks wings and looks very different from an adult.

There are four distinct stages

It spends nearly all its time eating and storing energy for the next stage of its life cycle.

During the third stage of complete metamorphosis, insect neither eat nor move.

At this stage, an insect is called a pupa

The four distinct stagesContinues

The pupa’s body breaks down the organs and tissues it had as a larva.

Most of the pupa’s energy goes into developing an adult body.

When the stage is complete, the pupa no longer exists and the adult insect emerges.


Summary All organisms have life cycles. Most organisms begin as young and develop into

adults. The life cycles of some organism show direct

development. These organisms change only in size as the

mature. Other life cycles including incomplete

metamorphosis, with three stages of development. A life cycle that includes complete metamorphosis

has four stages of development.