Pride and prejudice chapters 5/10


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Pride and Prejudice

Chapters 5 and 10

Chapter N°5: Two Proposals!

The next day, Mr Collins decided to speak to Elizabeth privately and he said that he chose her to be the companion of his future life and he said also that he didn’t want to get marry only for money, but Elizabeth answered immediately no. Mr Collins try to persuade her but she left the room.

Mrs Bennet was informed by Mr Collins about the fact and she went to Mr Bennet to persuade her daughter but the father gave the slack to Miss Bennet.

In the afternoon Charlotte Lucas came to visit and she was informed about the fact but suddenly Mr Collins arrived.

The following day Jane received a letter from Caroline and she said that they haven’t got any plans return to Netherfield and she wrote also that Mr Bingley want to get marry Miss Darcy. Jane clearly thought that Bingley didn’t feel anything for her but Elizabeth thought that Miss Bingley wants to you to think that he feels nothing for you.

Then, Mr Collins propose to Charlotte to get married and she accept immediately. She was happy but she was worried about the reaction of Elizabeth and she decided to talk to her. When she explained everything, Elizabeth was surprised but Charlotte answered that she wants only a good home and she is sure that they will be happy together.

Chapter N°5: Two Proposals!

Meanwhile Jane was waiting for a reply but the days passed without news of Mr Bingley but after few days the letter arrived and there is wrote on it that they are going to stay in London for the winter so Jane had been hurt but Elizabeth was sure that Mr Bingley didn’t plan to hurt Jane.

Chapter N°5: Two Proposals!

Chapter N°10: Revelations

– The letter from Mrs Gardiner arrived and it dealt with the reason why Mr Darcy was at the Kitty’s wedding. Before the wedding Mr Darcy went to Mr Wickham and he discovered that George wanted to marry Kitty if he was offered enough money and Mr Darcy finished the money business with Wickham.

– Elizabeth didn’t know if she was hurt or pleased by this action but certainly she was proud of Mr Darcy.

– In the following days Mr Bingley arrived at Netherfield with Mr Darcy. When they came in the house, Charles and Jane started to talk together. A few days later Mr Bingley visited again The Bennets alone. He proposed to Jane to get marry and she accepted.